We who preach the gospel must not think of ourselves as public relations agents sent to establish good will between Christ and the world. We must not imagine ourselves commissioned to make Christ acceptable to big business, the press, the world of sports or modern education. We are not diplomats but prophets, and our message is not a compromise but an ultimatum. A.W. Tozer
Therefore let God-inspired Scripture decide between us; and on whichever side be found doctrines in harmony with the word of God, in favor of that side will be cast the vote of truth. --Basil of Caesarea
Once you learn to discern, there's no going back. You will begin to spot the lie everywhere it appears.

I thank Christ Jesus our Lord, who has strengthened me, because He considered me faithful, putting me into service. 1 Timothy 1:12

Friday, August 16, 2019

Lot’s of Good Stuff

As busy as I have been lately with doctor appointments and playing for funerals, I still try to get daily reading taken care of, all the while collecting links to articles I feel need sharing.  So here are the links I’ve been collection since the last time I posted “good stuff.”

Mark’s Gospel and Pentecostal snake-handling.

Are We Called to Literally Eat Christ’s Flesh and Drink His Blood? Excellent examination of the Papist heresy of transubstantiation.

Where Did Jesus Say, “I Am God; Worship Me?  Interesting examination comparing Muslim teachings with the Bible.  However, I do think Jesus’ “I am” statements should have been included in this examination of Scripture.

Perhaps we should agree that reparations should be paid?

From the Mary of the Bible to the Mary of Manifold Devotions. Good examination of Catholic idolatry of Mary.

Really, there is no such thing as a “gay Christian.” Christians do not identify themselves by their sexual desires.

I’ve looked through this site just a bit (recommended to my by another blogger) and it seems to have some good information.

I LOVE this article and how it addresses what I’ve said all along — that infants who die are indeed saved.

Don’t forget about the “pickle juice.”

Some good information about the Christian Science cult.

The feminist lies to discern and avoid.


Anonymous said...

I love your regular collections of links! I want to do some more in depth research on Roman Catholicism. What resources would you recommend for that?


Jesse Albrecht said...

This site has some good and edifying content:


Glenn E. Chatfield said...


Well, I've written six articles examining different RCC doctrines, which you might find helpful:

Also, if you look under my labels, you can check out items under "Roman Catholic Doctrine" or "Roman Catholicism". both of which will usually direct you to one of my articles like this one -- a collection of links.

Here is a really good site: https://www.proclaimingthegospel.org/default.asp?sec_id=180014816
Of course you can also get a Catholic Catechism.

As for books, I can suggest some I have, or have had but gave away, on my shelf (Besides Catholic publications):
A View of Rome, by John H. Armstrong
A Woman Rides the Beast, by Dave Hunt
Another Jesus? by Roger Oakland
Babylon Connection? by Ralph Woodrow
Bad Popes, The, by E.R. Chamberlin
Cult of the Virgin, The, by Elliot Miller and Kenneth R. Samples
Gospel According to Rome, The, by James G. McCarthy
Letters Between a Catholic and an Evangelical, by Fr. John R. Waiss and James G. McCarthy
Mary - Another Redeemer? by James R. White
Quite Contrary, by Timothy F. Kauffman
Reasoning From the Scriptures with Catholics, by Ron Rhodes
Roman Catholic Tradition: Claims and Contradictions, by William Webster

I hope this helps.

Jesse Albrecht said...


Here is a viable source for things related to the Roman Catholic Church:


Glenn E. Chatfield said...


Jesse is correct: his blog has a lot of information about Roman Catholicism. However, just like my blog, he also covers a myriad of other topics.

Anonymous said...

I got on a pickle parade this summer...making 6 recipes of delicious pickles, some to eat, some to share. My favorite is the mock apple slices - made with candy red hots. My husband likes the bread and butter. I thoroughly enjoyed your link.....never throw out perfectly good pickle juice!


Anonymous said...

Regarding apostasy, James White on the Dividing Line has done some good stuff on this recently, including the Harris case. I appreciate he may not be everyone's cup of tea, but worth listening to on youtube.

He certainly sees recent events as fullfilling his prediction of a tsunami of falling away that is coming.

Ken B

Jesse Albrecht said...

I think that a great falling away has been happening for a very long time now.

Anonymous said...

Hi Glenn,

The article on living together before marriage... where sin abounds, grace abounds more. Even for those who commit this sin, Christ can bring beauty for the ashes, just as the author notes.

I think all of us have a list of "I wish I hadn't _______ before I was saved". Yet God uses each of our pasts as we reach out to those who are currently as lost as we once were. Hopefully we never get so comfortable in our sanctification that we forget that God saved each of us who are born again, when we were the chiefest of sinners! Of course it's easier and better to "get it right" and avoid sin in the first place, but there is much hope for all, that our Savior can turn around any situation.

Also appreciated Ratliff's article.

I will say I could have done without the Babylon Bee post. Harris' situation is not anything we should be joking about.


Glenn E. Chatfield said...


If you'd been around staunch Harris followers, who always put him on a pedestal for emulation, and berated if you thought differently, then a little humor at his expense is welcome,.

Anonymous said...

That article from the Babylon Bee was ridiculous. The idea of dating is unwise, if not sinful. Dating is wrong because it leads up to lust and fornication. Men should not be hanging with women alone, if the two are not married. If our children feel the urge to date, they need other adult figures to attend with them.

Glenn E. Chatfield said...

Cowardly Anonymous,

I’m only posting your comment to show people how legalistic people like you abuse the Bible by claim it says what it doesn’t say, i.e. that dating is wrong and sinful. And I’m not sure you aren’t just a troll having fun being stupid.

Nowhere in Scripture is there even a hint of the idea of dating being wrong.

Dating is not a bit unwise in and of itself. What is unwise is the timing — not being of proper age for marriage. It is unwise to use as recreation but not unwise in seeking a life partner.
I suspect you’d like to go back to olden times when parents arranged marriages.

Dating does not lead to lust and fornication. There are people for whom this may be true, but then lust and fornication for them would be regular activities.

When I met my wife I was looking for a mate for life. I had dated a couple other young ladies and determined they were unsuitable after one date. Then with my wife we clicked right away. Guess what, I never lusted after her (or the other two) nor did we fornicate. And I’ve known many, many young men and women for whom this is true. You just want to paint everyone with the same unholy and secular brush.

There is nothing wrong with single men and women “hanging around” alone in general; it depends on the situation and setting. Guess what — in my occupation I often worked alone with a woman, and sometimes it was on midnight shifts. Nothing untoward ever entered our minds.

“Children” should never be dating. However, those who have reached puberty are no longer children but young men and women. And, no, they should not be dating but they should be permitted to attend chaperoned social events with the opposite sex so as to learn how to deal with each other. When they are looking for a lifetime mate, then dating is fine as long as they are of a marriageable age.