7. Christian Research Institute stated that with GFI "Scripture is often used without regard to context to justify unbiblical or extrabiblical doctrines. Teachings not found in the Bible (on child rearing) are accorded the status of divine revelation ("God's Way"). Theological confusion and legalism follow from these abuses."
Friday, February 14, 2014
Growing Kids the Ezzo Way - DANGER!
7. Christian Research Institute stated that with GFI "Scripture is often used without regard to context to justify unbiblical or extrabiblical doctrines. Teachings not found in the Bible (on child rearing) are accorded the status of divine revelation ("God's Way"). Theological confusion and legalism follow from these abuses."
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Hi Glenn,
Thank you so very much. You confirmed everything we found, and provided additional information that we didn't know. None of it good.
I am so disgusted right now. I'm so sick of pastors bringing this trash into the fold. Shouldn't pastors do their homework before "feeding the flock"?
It doesn't take long to do the due diligence to learn what these supposed 'men of god' like Ezzo are all about.
Your ministry here at TWB is invaluable. Thank you again, especially for your prompt reply to my inquiry.
You know, the sad thing is that I found the whole set of Ezzo stuff in our church library in 2002 (one of the reasons I did my summary report - over a year before I was no the 'net) - except for "Babywise." When I wrote the report and passed it to my pastor with the suggestion of removal, he said he was aware of all that but that it helped them immensely when raising their kids (what kind of pastor needs a program to raise his kids!?!?!) and so was keeping it there.
About 18 months ago we moved to our new building and the librarian was getting rid of all videotapes which weren't important, and with my suggestion she disposed of Ezzo. So we are finally free of that!
Hi Glenn,
That lack of logic and clear thinking (including by pastors) just astounds me. "I know the Ezzo books are terrible and full of problems, but they helped me..."
Why do believers - including pastors - feel they need some awful unbiblical program to help them, and thus they spend their time picking around the trash dump of said program (such as Ezzo) to find a scrap of meat to eat, when if they just read and properly applied the word of God, they'd receive pure nutrition and not have to worry about any problems?
PTL though that 18 months ago you were able to encourage the librarian to ditch Ezzo.
Thanks again, this summary was immensely helpful.
Hi Glenn,
Thank you for another great post.
I would be bothered by a pastor who refused to get rid of this information. It would make me wonder what else is sliding under the door.
Thank you,
Well, the fact that our pastor is otherwise very fundamental made it fairly insignificant in my mind that he found help with EZZOs.
There are really good teachers who have a weak spot for some bad teachings because they invested in it at some point.
I keep a real close watch on our church library, because the librarian asked me to a long time ago.
Love this post! I was disgusted with Ezzo's approach based on what I've read and what I've personally witnessed from friends and family members who used it (including breastfeeding problems, especially early weaning; fortunately no "failure to thrive", dehydration, starvation, or death, as others have endured).
Regarding points #8 & 11 in the first section -- about Ezzo's misuse of being "sober-minded" as a proof against maternal instincts and especially demand feeding -- an additional refutation of those points could include passages from Isaiah and elsewhere, in which God Himself uses maternal instinct and breastfeeding as the best and most apt analogy for His care over His people. "Can a woman forget her nursing child?" is there not merely because women become more bonded to their children through nursing (oxytocin release), but also the plain and simple occurrence of milk "letting down" in response to a baby's cry; and if the baby goes too long between feeds, the mother's breasts begin to twinge and even hurt, as they are filled with too much milk, and signal a need for release. If women "forget" their nursing child, they will leak milk as a reminder, so that it is actually impossible for a nursing mother to "forget". God uses that analogy which would have been well-known in such a society (no bottles, no manmade formula) to show that He is even *more* caring and unable to forget than nursing women naturally are.
This is for Kathy,
EXACTLY!!!!!!!!!! What you said is absolutely true, medically and scientifically, which is further proof that Ezzo's teachings are folly and frankly dangerous. His claim that demand feeding is idolatry is absolutely wrong! As you correctly said, a mother's let down is a natural response to hearing a baby's cry.
And Who designed this to be? The Lord Jesus Christ.
I was as disgusted as you, when I read Ezzo's false and dangerous teaching regarding breastfeeding. The only verse that came to my mind though, had to do with millstones and making little ones stumble...
Well, well said, Kathy. Kudos!
And a hearty thank you again, Glenn, for this very important post!
Thanks for those very good points!
AFTER 21 YEARS! I swear by the program. My kids have been and always wil be stellar! All these points about how something doesn't work. Yet I had no problem in every way. PTL for His Wisdom and guidance! Maybe you were All missing key ingredients!
Evo vs creat,
What your comment tells me is that you lack discernment. I demonstrated the problems with GFI and their teachings. They are medically harmful, let alone spiritually harmful. The whole thing is cultic. It certainly IS NOT "God's Way."
I'm not missing anything.
I have gone through most of the Ezzo series/books and I definitely raised an eyebrow with the BabyWise book and this seems to be all that is talked about. The primary child rearing series of Growing Kids Gods Way, now called Parenting from the Tree of Life, I have found to be very practical. In fact some of the most practical "take home" things to incorporate in raising our children. IE: Interrupt rule, kids folding hands to gain more self control, techniques to make sure your children are hearing and understanding what you are saying, etc.
I am glad I have not thrown out the whole series because of the Babywise book. I am open to hearing comments on their flagship product because I have not seen anything that I could call heresy (yet).
Hi Jason,
The fact that the Ezzos may have some good advice (which I don't believe they do) isn't the issue. The article demonstrates they abuse of the Word of God, and the fact that they claim their programs to be "God's Way" and that their way is the biblical way, is why Christians should avoid them. All you do is support false teaching -- which is what you have when you claim your way of doing things is the way God wants.
Possibly this is why they changed their name from "Growing Kids Gods Way " to "Parenting from the Tree of Life".
They are still claiming God's way though; who, after all, planted the "Tree of Life"?
Well I'm an odd bird in this thread so let me give you some insight.
I grew up in attendance at Grace Community Church and my family personally knew the Ezzo's rather intimately. My family was also part of the Living Hope church split and I watched Gary Ezzo get excommunicated from that church and my parents severed their relationship from that family.
I am 31 years old and was one of the first generation of kids that the curriculum was used on. My parents were close friends of the Ezzo's and taught the GKGW in their home to many families in my early years. All of my friends were parented in the exact same way and my parents only associated with families who did "like-minded" parenting. Once I entered my adolescence you can imagine the tension that built up when their well-behaved pre teen started to question the infrastructure. We all were behavior modified kids that grew up with an authoritarian loveless view of God. Our every desire was to please our parents. We did grow up to be morally good kids... Until we spread our wings into early adulthood. Enter chaos... Suddenly all those parents started scrambling like chickens when their kids were "backsliding in the faith" or starting to develop a more autonomous view of their faith that may have differed from their parents. (Panic! Spiritual pandemoniom)
Many of my friends that grew up (even more strictly than I did) have completely walked away from the faith. I did at one point too.
It left me battered and wounded as they tried to "get me in line" well into my early 20's. Thankfully God rescued me and starting healing those wounds from a very cult-like child rearing. I believe my parents at the time did what they thought was best, but I think fear tactics were used. "You want your kids to grow up to love Jesus right? This is the only answer!"
Any parent that was governed by fear was likely to abuse the content of GKGW... And fear was what they used. Fear that we would grow up to be heathens.
Needless to say, God has healed me AND my family from the "burden of the law" and it's a wonder I love Jesus today :)
I'm in the middle of writing a book about growing up in that sub-culture and how God had to redeem it. I was in no way prepared for adulthood and I was left flapping my clipped wings wondering if God hated me.
So GKGW is not a curriculum I endorse...even more so it's the culture behind it that's so terrifying.
Thank you so much for that testimony. It confirms much of what I've found in my research about how people are spiritually harmed by this teaching.
Let me know when your book is published!
Classic problem: bad theology leads to bad application. Horrible.
(Correction to #6) I attend Country Oaks Baptist Church in Tehachapi, CA. Growing Kids God’s Way is NO LONGER the required text for the parenting class for the school affiliated with the church, Heritage Oaks School.
Thank you, Kate, for the update!
Kristen, did you finish writing your book? I would be interested in reading it!
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