We who preach the gospel must not think of ourselves as public relations agents sent to establish good will between Christ and the world. We must not imagine ourselves commissioned to make Christ acceptable to big business, the press, the world of sports or modern education. We are not diplomats but prophets, and our message is not a compromise but an ultimatum. A.W. Tozer
Therefore let God-inspired Scripture decide between us; and on whichever side be found doctrines in harmony with the word of God, in favor of that side will be cast the vote of truth. --Basil of Caesarea
Once you learn to discern, there's no going back. You will begin to spot the lie everywhere it appears.

I thank Christ Jesus our Lord, who has strengthened me, because He considered me faithful, putting me into service. 1 Timothy 1:12

Friday, March 21, 2025

The Piper’s Wife

I started this blog in October 2007 with the help of a pastor; I had taught apologetics, including about several cults, in the adult Sunday School so Pastor Joe said I needed a blog.

I had no idea what a blog was so he worked with me to get it set up. Coming up with a name was fun. One of my first posts was exposing Beth Moore because of a lady student in class met with other ladies during the week for “Bible study” and she thought there were problems with what Beth Moore’s video series was teaching.

After about six months or so my wife, Jill, asked if she could write articles for encouraging women in their faith. I thought that would be fine so she wrote a few towards the end of 2008. After a while she and I both decided that her articles really didn’t go along with the focus of my blog, which is apologetics and exposing false teachers/teaching, et al. So I helped her set up her own blog, Encouragements from the Piper’s Wife, in February 2009. She came up with the name of her blog because whenever she goes with me on gigs and people inquire as to who she is, she says that she is “the piper’s wife.” That ends up making her a celebrity!

Now, let me tell you about Jill’s ministry over the years.

When we first began attending a church regularly (after my work schedule allowed me to go to church) Jill began teaching Sunday school for elementary-school kids and after we moved to Iowa she again taught the kids. While in Illinois she also worked as lunch lady and librarian at the elementary school which our kids attended. All the kids have loved her because she is always so loving to them. (And of course she was an excellent mother to our own kids.)

While still in Illinois Jill joined a ladies Bible study group and was recognized as a very caring and loving person. After moving to Iowa she joined a ladies Bible study and when the leader moved out of state Jill took it over and she still leads it weekly. She is well loved by the other ladies and has been active in counseling them in many issues.

Additionally, when we had our street ministry in Iowa City Jill was very good talking with the women and making the Gospel clear, while some ladies were just looking for some counsel about various issues with which women deal.

Jill is the most tender, loving and compassionate lady I’ve ever known, so when she wanted to have a blog encouraging ladies in their walks I knew it would be good. Many ladies, having found her blog and commented, would be given her email so they can continue discussions in private. Some have become long distance “friends” sharing email “letters,” talking on the phone, sharing letters through the mail, etc.

So here is this kind woman trying to be a beacon of encouragement to women and she gets targeted for harassment by the false teaching, LEFTIST heretic Feodore (who claims no Protestant has the truth and that his understanding of Scripture is correct) because he didn’t like being exposed by me as the heretic that he is. Harassing me wasn’t enough because Satan hates his pawns being exposed.

We moderate our comments because we’ve had some bad stuff in the past so his comments come to her email. I have asked Feo many times to stop but he says if a person has a social media site they have to allow for anyone who wants to comment. His comments for her are mostly political (as with his harassment of my blog) and never have anything to do with her articles. 

A real man wouldn’t harass a woman, nor would a real Christian when asked to leave her alone. But Feo is relentless (as I noted on my post, “For Feodore”). Because it was becoming stressful for Jill, I took over moderating comments on her blog—so then Feo decides she is controlled by me (or else she is just another persona of myself!). Sorry, but real men protect their women and there is no reason she should have to put up the unteachable heretic’s nonsense.

It’s a real shame when this woman, who has never had anything to do with this man, has to be relentlessly harassed by him because he hates (yes hates) her husband for exposing him for what he is.

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