We who preach the gospel must not think of ourselves as public relations agents sent to establish good will between Christ and the world. We must not imagine ourselves commissioned to make Christ acceptable to big business, the press, the world of sports or modern education. We are not diplomats but prophets, and our message is not a compromise but an ultimatum. A.W. Tozer
Therefore let God-inspired Scripture decide between us; and on whichever side be found doctrines in harmony with the word of God, in favor of that side will be cast the vote of truth. --Basil of Caesarea
Once you learn to discern, there's no going back. You will begin to spot the lie everywhere it appears.

I thank Christ Jesus our Lord, who has strengthened me, because He considered me faithful, putting me into service. 1 Timothy 1:12

Tuesday, February 4, 2025


The Fad Driven Christian Life

The ChosenMore problems! No one should be watching this trash, let alone Christians.

Three “Christian” books you need to throw out—if you haven’t already done so.

When you have a LEFTIST female “bishop” you get a satanic sermon.  A Roman Catholic Bishop issued an open letter rebuking her.  What she failed to mention was the tens of millions her denomination makes importing LGBTQ+ immigrants.

Christianity Today is more and more really Christianity Astray. The have become a left-wing propaganda site.

Do “blood moons” have anything to do with Biblical prophecy? Absolutely not. False teachers like Jonathan Cahn would have you believe otherwise.

Is Flag Worship Biblical? Of course not!

Kathryn Krick’s “Demon Slaying” Tricks. And she is “more dangerous than you think.”

Shawn Bolz, Kris Vallotton, and Bill Johnson: Wolves Protecting Each Other!

Kris Vallotton RESPONDS about Shawn Bolz Allegations

Good News! Todd Bentley Has the Authority to Cancel Death!!  And people actually believe this lying heretic’s teachings!

So much bad teaching in today’s churches!


Marshal Art said...

Was just scrolling through and saw your piece on The Chosen and I have to ask...have you ever watched it at all? It's a legit question.

Now, I won't insist I'm an actual Biblical scholar, and I know of a few points which are problematic. But overall I think it's done well enough to get non-believers to watch and be both entertained as well as have their curiosity piqued. That's a good thing. What happens after that should be clear: "Get yourself a Bible and start reading" or "If you have any questions, we can get together and perhaps get answers".

I haven't seen the most recent season. I'm willing to watch to it's eventual conclusion. I think Jenkins should stop trying to defend against every charge leveled against him and keep doing what he thinks is best, while at the same time being open to more conservative, traditional Christians. At this point, as this article linked in your post clearly shows, there's nothing this guy can do which will not result in heavy criticism, much like Trump. Imperfect, but doing good stuff.

So I will watch again at some point because I enjoyed what I saw thus far, despite the many liberties taken in order to give the viewers something relatable...an idea of how the story might have played out if we were there to see it. Would I do it differently in order to make the story relatable. No doubt. And no doubt I'd take heat for it, too. So would you.

Glenn E. Chatfield said...

I have watched enough segments to how horrid the series is with misrepresenting Christ and his apostles. The guy making the show say's 90% is made up, so why would anyone watch fiction presenting Jesus with blasphemy?

Marshal Art said...

"Segments"? How many? How long were they? Were they that which other critics of the show cherry-picked?

Again, the show ain't perfect. But it also isn't...if you'll pardon the expression...godawful as a presentation of the life of Christ. Of course there's a lot made up to get multiple seasons worthy of material. But to use the Bible alone as its script would be pointless, as it's been done so many times before. And having been done, one would be hard pressed to insist that no Biblical presentation includes liberties taken by the producers and writers.

Segments. Imagine if all anyone knew of you was snippets of your life, all of which were negative or suggesting something negative. "Segments" is hardly a basis for judgement.

The vast majority of criticisms I've heard of the show had nothing to do with the actual presentation, but of crap surrounding it, such as actors defending homosexuality. Of the first three seasons I watched, there is no mention of homosexuality, so the fact that actors...of all people, right?...would be disparaging of those who have a problem with a rainbow flag seen on set is hardly surprising, but not an indication of the quality of the presentation. This ain't "Noah" w/Russell Crowe.

I'm curious. Do you have the same problem with "The Passion of the Christ"? Are there any films of Christ you find "Christian"?

I recall the chick from Touched By An Angel had produced some Biblical stories with her husband. I don't know how many, and what I saw was OT stuff. The one I recall is about Abraham. I didn't like it at all, for it made Abe to be some kind of wuss...insecure and doubting. I never got that impression from Scripture. I didn't like the liberties it took and I think there are better renderings (I recall one with George C. Scott in the role).

But they're all just movies and films and can be useful to teach by contrasting them with Scripture where necessary and highlighting truths that exist within them for the edification of the unschooled.

Glenn E. Chatfield said...

I had a HUGE problem with "The Passion" and you can see my review here:https://watchmansbagpipes.blogspot.com/2018/01/movie-review-passion-of-christ.html

I don't know anything about "Touched by an Angel" person; I saw one show and couldn't stand it.

There was a decent movie about Jesus made YEARS ago and I just gave away my DVD copy of it and can't remember the title. It did a good job.

Just for you (and any other complaintants) I've written up two blogs about "The Chosen" and will be posting them as the next thing I do.