This next photo shows me coming into Jill's dormitory room at Ohio State, arriving after an almost 10-hr drive from Ft. Bragg. One of her roommates took the photo.
I was going to take Jill out to lunch to celebrate but we have a piano tuner coming at lunch time so I took her to breakfast at Perkins! (I wore my "Army Veteran" hat and my jacket with my parachutist wings but took them off to sit down, while Jill is wearing a small parachutist wings as befitting the wife of a paratrooper!)Thursday, February 27, 2025
A Special Celebration
Wednesday, February 26, 2025
What is Wrong With “The Chosen”? Part 2
What about the New Age connection? While concerns about The Chosen are being revealed on an almost daily basis, it is nevertheless shocking to learn that Rabbi Jason Sobel, one of three Biblical Consultants for The Chosen, claims to have met Christ in heaven through Eastern/New Age meditation.
Lighthouse Trails apologetics ministry has posted THE CHOSEN Series—10 Critical Concerns.
These are serious concerns, some of which I’ve already noted in my previous post.
The abject dishonesty to get more audience of the series should be a BIG red flag.
Another example of something that never happened: “The Chosen”, Nicodemus, and a Common Myth.
Get Used to a Different Jesus—a Jesus Mormons like! More important information in that regard can be found here. Don’t let people lie to you and say it “The Chosen” has nothing to do with Mormonism. Dallas Jenkins supposedly thinks this would be funny. (Click on the photo to enlarge it for reading.)
Mormon doctrine in The Chosen Season 3? Let’s look a little deeper.
Dallas Jenkins Lies About Mormons And The Chosen Not Being A Ministry
The Chosen: Shocking Confessions. Yes, deep LDS connections as well as Catholic connections, etc, etc.
According to "The Chosen" Peter says God makes mistakes!
I wonder if God wants to portray an “authentic Jesus” by a man who prayed with a dead homosexual? The man thinks he’s on a mission from God!
How “The Chosen” uses LEFTIST preachers to promote the series. In communion with heretics and false teachers to get people to watch!!
Isn’t the Biblical Account “Good” Enough? Nope, The Chosen needs to add scenes and conversations that never took place. Adding to Scripture is heresy. But, hey, what’s a little additional story to keep the audience engaged?
There Are Some Major Problems with “The Chosen”…YIKES!!! Did you know that “The Chosen” offers viewers an App so you can pray the Rosary and to the Roman Catholic saints? Would the real Jesus approve of this heretical teaching?
Well, let’s end this examination with one last video; it’s almost an hour long but should be watched. Should Christians Choose The Chosen?
What is Wrong With “The Chosen”? Part 1
It has been suggested by more than one person that I should not be critiquing this series since I’ve never watched an episode, but does one have to look at pornography to be able to criticize it?
“The Chosen” is a TV series created by Dallas Jenkins which supposedly tells the story of the “authentic Christ.” But does it really do that? That’s what this post is about to examine.
Our first evidence comes from Famine in the Land.
Here we see the claim by Jenkins that God “pressed it on his heart,” and the hearts of others, that this would be one of the high callings of their lives and that he must take responsibility to tell the story of God’s people with extreme care and dedication…. Mr. Jenkins claims that he felt God speaking to him 3-4 times in his life. He claimed he felt God “laying on his heart” that “in several years The Chosen was going to be what people thought of when they pictured the disciples.” He went on to say, “I felt like God was saying that ‘this will be the definitive portrayal of My people and this is what people are going to think of around the world when they think of My people. And I’m not going to let you screw it up.’”
So Jenkins is claiming direct revelation from God to make this series, which is typical of false prophets and false teachers. Direct revelation would leave to absolutely NO errors or false teachings. Think about that as we continue our examination. Read that article in the link provided above and the author makes good points about the need for revelation from God since we have the Scripture.
Some things which Jenkins adds out of his imagination are: Matthew is autistic and James the Lesser has cerebral palsy. He imagines and presents feuds between disciples and backstory that is never mentioned in the Bible. A reading of each episode’s synopsis shows extensive examples of extra-biblical information (like Peter breaking the Sabbath to fish and the extensive story arch resulting from that addition).
Jenkins claims it’s just a show all the while claiming direct revelation from God for its contents!
Rather than me repeat all the problems Famine in the Land’ article presents, go read the article for yourself. But an egregious example of blasphemy is Jesus’ composing his Sermon on the Mount where he rehearses it with counsel and advice from Matthew!!! This is not the Jesus of the Bible!!
The second major problem is Jenkins’ work with Mormons: During an interview on a Mormon talk show, Mr. Jenkins shared how he’s learned so much about the LDS community since beginning his partnership with VidAngel. He then goes on to say in the interview, regarding Mormons:“We love the same Jesus…I’ll sink or swim on that statement.” This is blasphemy to the nth degree—the Jesus of Mormonism was conceived by the LDS god having sex with Mary!!! And the LDS Jesus is not God. This alone should raise zillions of red flags regarding the series. As FITL points out: Partnering with a cult that endeavors to be seen as Christian is dangerous. It gives the cult respectability and makes them seem as though they are part of mainstream Christianity.
Continue in the article to read how deeply Jenkins is involved with Mormonism.
Another problem with Jenkins: Mr. Jenkins partners with far more than the LDS church. He partners with NAR-connected (New Apostolic Reformation) worship leaders who sing on set and participate in the show. Individuals like Bethelite Sean Feucht, Elevation Church-connected Cody Carnes and Kari Jobe, Hillsong, Chris Tomlin, and Phil Wickham.
Just see my article about the horrors of Hillsong and the heretics cited here and their ministries.
Now all this is to demonstrate that Jenkins is a liar when he says he got direct revelation from God for his series because God would not allow him to work in any way, shape or form with the LDS—unless it’s the same “person” from whom Joseph Smith got HIS revelations. With this background no Christian should be watching or promoting the series, and, except for the blasphemy that Jesus was getting advice from Matthew for his sermon, we haven’t even touched the show itself!
Next, if you don’t want to read anything else, please look at my article with evidence about more association with Mormons, including the fact that the executive producer is a Mormon, as well as some problems with some scenes. Jenkins even claims that 95% of the series is made up from his imagination—Do you really want to teach people about Jesus when 95% is someone’s imagination? Watch the videos in my article. (One shows not only Jesus’ rehearsal for the Sermon on the Mount, but also He advertises for people to attend, as well as continued rehearsals with women telling him how to dress for preaching!) If just those videos don’t change your mind, then you are failing at a discernment test.
I’d like to sum up by asking you to look at my second article about this series, which includes a scene from episode six where more changes are made to the Bible.
Thursday, February 20, 2025
Lots To Discuss!
Is Mary the Mother of the Church and Our Mediatrix? Short answer: ABSOLUTELY NOT!
Why The Trinity WASN'T Invented By Early Christians
Reaching “younger” generations does NOT need new methods.
Our Daily Bread: We’ve donated to them before, but no more.
The Lutheran Church Missouri Synod, used to be a fundamental denomination but they have been going “woke” off and on over the years. NOW they are violating Romans 13 by helping those who are in the USA illegally!!!
It seems many other “Christians” disagree with Romans 13. Even the Southern Baptists disagree with Romans 13.
Rick Warren demonstrates again that he is a false teacher. Another commentary on the situation. He later issued an "apology."
Lifeway Christian Resources has really gone downhill, especially with the many false teachers they promote.
Many false teachers are connected to one captain of false teachers—Mike Bickle.
Another fake pastor woman falsely teacher, Deven Wallace, defending illegal immigration by twisting Scripture.
Despite Failure After Failure, Bethel’s Bill Johnson Continues to Sell Faux Healing.
T.D. Jakes is a horrid false teacher and this is just another example of his heresy.
Paula White exposed by Justin Peters
One of the readers of my blog called my attention to another woman teacher who needs to be avoided like the plague: Kristi McLelland.
Well, that’s enough for now. Let all your friends know about these false teachers as well as the good information at the beginning.
Saturday, February 15, 2025
For Feodor
To start off, you keep calling me a “fake Scotsman,” obviously because of my blog banner with me playing bagpipes and a post or two with other photos of me with the pipes. I never, ever professed to be a Scot. (I do have Scottish ancestry, though.) When performing with bagpipes it is traditional to dress the part. So your name-calling is just an example of your unchristian behavior.
You first started posting trash on this blog and sometimes on my “The Thought Provoker” blog. But then you crossed the line and began posting your inane comments on my wife’s blog.
I have asked you many, many times to not bother commenting on my blog because you won’t get posted and explained why:
First, your idea of what the Christian faith is doesn’t fit Scripture with your LEFTIST ideology. I do not allow comments with false teachings.
Second, you keep posting political comments—all from a LEFTIST ideology. My blogs are not for political discussions.
You say you want to debate me—I don’t debate LEFTISTs because you are unteachable and my blogs are not debating platforms.
I have asked you many, many, many times to not post on my wife’s blog. Just like mine, your comments go to her emails for moderation. She wants nothing to do with your foolishness and for you to continue to post anyways is very stressful for her. Apparently you like this because you bully her by continuing to comment and have told me that she essentially needs to “suck it up” and not be so touchy. (None of your comments have anything to do with any of her posts so it is nothing but bullying).
Your behavior is absolutely not Christ-like and yet you continue to ignore my demands that you stop. You claim you don’t harass my wife yet it is harassment when you’ve been asked to stop. And then you claim you’re the victim of me calling you a bully and that I am being mean to you.
On top of that you claim to be a “REAL” Christian all the while continuing to act in an un-Christlike manner as you keep commenting on Jill’s blog. So I said you were obviously being a pawn of satan. AH, that really brought out the unchristian behavior with this comment of yours for Jill’s blog:
Satan is the one who is glib and avoidant about brutality. You two are shaped just like that. And can’t to be confronted by your inhumanity. You're two horrible human beings corrupting the image of a loving god within you. You act like you still need a home by dispossessing others of their rights and their lives.
Whoa!!!! You now say we are inhumane and horrible human beings, etc. That statement proves you are more satanic than Christian.
Then there was this in moderation in her email:
If “harassment” is posting snippets of news where Trump is ripping up our democracy… that just tells me that you two want live in the dark. Because you’re children of the dark. News is harassment only to the Willfully wicked.
It’s harassment when you’ve been asked many, many, many times to STOP IT. Your LEFTIST politics prove again that you are not of Christ. We get the REAL news on a daily basis but it’s not for discussion on our blogs. You say we are “children of the dark” because we don’t want to have your ideology posted on our blogs. Your LEFTIST ideology says YOU are in the darkness.
You tried posting a comment on my blog and again it is harassment because you’ve been told many times over the years to just stop because you won’t be posted. Again your comment is nothing but LEFTIST political blather. You never address anything on my articles, rather you just use the occasion to post more foolish ideologies. YOUR COMMENTS WILL NEVER BE POSTED!! As soon as I see your name on the comment I will delete it—I will not read them so you are wasting your time harassing me.
Don’t bother commenting on this post—you will never get an audience. And it’s a good thing we haven’t met personally: I don’t take kindly to people who harass and bully my wife—and you’d find out just how protective this paratrooper could get!!
For other readers of this blog, Feodor is the same person who said it was childish of me to have a picture of Snoopy on my profile, leading me to write an article about why Snoopy is important to my wife and I. That attack by him was just another example of un-Christlike bullying.
2/16 Update: The spawn of satan continues to bully my wife and claims I'm too fragile to have a blog and I'm ignorant besides. (Short sentences are seen when deleting!) And yet he claims to be a Christian. I foresee no stopping of his harassment.
2/17 Update: This is Feo's response to one of my reader's comments below. This shows just how evil and demonic he is as he continues to harass me and my wife. I wrote this post and these updates to expose a blogger who is a false teacher and false Christian. Here's his response: Marshal, the Fake Scotsman’s wife NEVER makes a comment. I don’t think Glenn is married. He’s the kind of raging White Supremacist who, in private, dresses up in drag. Like J Edgar Hoover. I think his other social media sites are all him writing when he’s wearing a dress.
Saturday, February 8, 2025
President Trump's "Faith Office"
As we all know by now, President Trump has named rank heretic Paula White as the leader of his new “Faith Office.” Where are the top theologians advising Trump to get rid of her?? She has been his faith advisor for toooooooo long. Which is why he has no real understanding of the Christian Faith.
I've reported on White's false teachings many times. This link will take you to all the posts with her name mentioned.
Tuesday, February 4, 2025
The Chosen—More problems! No one should be watching this trash, let alone Christians.
Three “Christian” books you need to throw out—if you haven’t already done so.
When you have a LEFTIST female “bishop” you get a satanic sermon. A Roman Catholic Bishop issued an open letter rebuking her. What she failed to mention was the tens of millions her denomination makes importing LGBTQ+ immigrants.
Christianity Today is more and more really Christianity Astray. The have become a left-wing propaganda site.
Do “blood moons” have anything to do with Biblical prophecy? Absolutely not. False teachers like Jonathan Cahn would have you believe otherwise.
Is Flag Worship Biblical? Of course not!
Kathryn Krick’s “Demon Slaying” Tricks. And she is “more dangerous than you think.”
Shawn Bolz, Kris Vallotton, and Bill Johnson: Wolves Protecting Each Other!
Kris Vallotton RESPONDS about Shawn Bolz Allegations
Good News! Todd Bentley Has the Authority to Cancel Death!! And people actually believe this lying heretic’s teachings!
So much bad teaching in today’s churches!