We who preach the gospel must not think of ourselves as public relations agents sent to establish good will between Christ and the world. We must not imagine ourselves commissioned to make Christ acceptable to big business, the press, the world of sports or modern education. We are not diplomats but prophets, and our message is not a compromise but an ultimatum. A.W. Tozer
Therefore let God-inspired Scripture decide between us; and on whichever side be found doctrines in harmony with the word of God, in favor of that side will be cast the vote of truth. --Basil of Caesarea
Once you learn to discern, there's no going back. You will begin to spot the lie everywhere it appears.

I thank Christ Jesus our Lord, who has strengthened me, because He considered me faithful, putting me into service. 1 Timothy 1:12

Thursday, February 20, 2025

Lots To Discuss!

Is Mary the Mother of the Church and Our Mediatrix?  Short answer: ABSOLUTELY NOT!

Why The Trinity WASN'T Invented By Early Christians

Reaching “younger” generations does NOT need new methods.

Our Daily Bread: We’ve donated to them before, but no more.

The Lutheran Church Missouri Synod, used to be a fundamental denomination but they have been going “woke” off and on over the years. NOW they are violating Romans 13 by helping those who are in the USA illegally!!!

It seems many other “Christians” disagree with Romans 13. Even the Southern Baptists disagree with Romans 13.

Rick Warren demonstrates again that he is a false teacher. Another commentary on the situation. He later issued an "apology."

Lifeway Christian Resources has really gone downhill, especially with the many false teachers they promote.

Many false teachers are connected to one captain of false teachers—Mike Bickle.

Another fake pastor woman falsely teacher, Deven Wallace, defending illegal immigration by twisting Scripture.

Despite Failure After Failure, Bethel’s Bill Johnson Continues to Sell Faux Healing.

T.D. Jakes is a horrid false teacher and this is just another example of his heresy.

Paula White exposed by Justin Peters

One of the readers of my blog called my attention to another woman teacher who needs to be avoided like the plague: Kristi McLelland.

Well, that’s enough for now. Let all your friends know about these false teachers as well as the good information at the beginning.

Saturday, February 15, 2025

For Feodor

To start off, you keep calling me a “fake Scotsman,” obviously because of my blog banner with me playing bagpipes and a post or two with other photos of me with the pipes. I never, ever professed to be a Scot. (I do have Scottish ancestry, though.) When performing with bagpipes it is traditional to dress the part. So your name-calling is just an example of your unchristian behavior.

You first started posting trash on this blog and sometimes on my “The Thought Provoker” blog. But then you crossed the line and began posting your inane comments on my wife’s blog.

I have asked you many, many times to not bother commenting on my blog because you won’t get posted and explained why:

First, your idea of what the Christian faith is doesn’t fit Scripture with your LEFTIST ideology. I do not allow comments with false teachings.

Second, you keep posting political comments—all from a LEFTIST ideology. My blogs are not for political discussions.

You say you want to debate me—I don’t debate LEFTISTs because you are unteachable and my blogs are not debating platforms.

I have asked you many, many, many times to not post on my wife’s blog. Just like mine, your comments go to her emails for moderation. She wants nothing to do with your foolishness and for you to continue to post anyways is very stressful for her. Apparently you like this because you bully her by continuing to comment and have told me that she essentially needs to “suck it up” and not be so touchy. (None of your comments have anything to do with any of her posts so it is nothing but bullying).

Your behavior is absolutely not Christ-like and yet you continue to ignore my demands that you stop. You claim you don’t harass my wife yet it is harassment when you’ve been asked to stop. And then you claim you’re the victim of me calling you a bully and that I am being mean to you.

On top of that you claim to be a “REAL” Christian all the while continuing to act in an un-Christlike manner as you keep commenting on Jill’s blog. So I said you were obviously being a pawn of satan. AH, that really brought out the unchristian behavior with this comment of yours for Jill’s blog:

Satan is the one who is glib and avoidant about brutality. You two are shaped just like that. And can’t to be confronted by your inhumanity. You're two horrible human beings corrupting the image of a loving god within you. You act like you still need a home by dispossessing others of their rights and their lives.

Whoa!!!!  You now say we are inhumane and horrible human beings, etc. That statement proves you are more satanic than Christian.

Then there was this in moderation in her email:

If “harassment” is posting snippets of news where Trump is ripping up our democracy… that just tells me that you two want live in the dark. Because you’re children of the dark. News is harassment only to the Willfully wicked.

It’s harassment when you’ve been asked many, many, many times to STOP IT.  Your LEFTIST politics prove again that you are not of Christ. We get the REAL news on a daily basis but it’s not for discussion on our blogs. You say we are “children of the dark” because we don’t want to have your ideology posted on our blogs. Your LEFTIST ideology says YOU are in the darkness.

You tried posting a comment on my blog and again it is harassment because you’ve been told many times over the years to just stop because you won’t be posted. Again your comment is nothing but LEFTIST political blather. You never address anything on my articles, rather you just use the occasion to post more foolish ideologies. YOUR COMMENTS WILL NEVER BE POSTED!! As soon as I see your name on the comment I will delete it—I will not read them so you are wasting your time harassing me.

Don’t bother commenting on this post—you will never get an audience.  And it’s a good thing we haven’t met personally: I don’t take kindly to people who harass and bully my wife—and you’d find out just how protective this paratrooper could get!!

For other readers of this blog, Feodor is the same person who said it was childish of me to have a picture of Snoopy on my profile, leading me to write an article about why Snoopy is important to my wife and I.  That attack by him was just another example of un-Christlike bullying.

2/16 Update: The spawn of satan continues to bully my wife and claims I'm too fragile to have a blog and I'm ignorant besides. (Short sentences are seen when deleting!) And yet he claims to be a Christian. I foresee no stopping of his harassment.

2/17 Update: This is Feo's response to one of my reader's comments below. This shows just how evil and demonic he is as he continues to harass me and my wife. I wrote this post and these updates to expose a blogger who is a false teacher and false Christian. Here's his response: Marshal, the Fake Scotsman’s wife NEVER makes a comment. I don’t think Glenn is married. He’s the kind of raging White Supremacist who, in private, dresses up in drag. Like J Edgar Hoover. I think his other social media sites are all him writing when he’s wearing a dress.

Saturday, February 8, 2025

President Trump's "Faith Office"

As we all know by now, President Trump has named rank heretic Paula White as the leader of his new “Faith Office.”  Where are the top theologians advising Trump to get rid of her?? She has been his faith advisor for toooooooo long.  Which is why he has no real understanding of the Christian Faith.

I've reported on White's false teachings many times. This link will take you to all the posts with her name mentioned.

Tuesday, February 4, 2025


The Fad Driven Christian Life

The ChosenMore problems! No one should be watching this trash, let alone Christians.

Three “Christian” books you need to throw out—if you haven’t already done so.

When you have a LEFTIST female “bishop” you get a satanic sermon.  A Roman Catholic Bishop issued an open letter rebuking her.  What she failed to mention was the tens of millions her denomination makes importing LGBTQ+ immigrants.

Christianity Today is more and more really Christianity Astray. The have become a left-wing propaganda site.

Do “blood moons” have anything to do with Biblical prophecy? Absolutely not. False teachers like Jonathan Cahn would have you believe otherwise.

Is Flag Worship Biblical? Of course not!

Kathryn Krick’s “Demon Slaying” Tricks. And she is “more dangerous than you think.”

Shawn Bolz, Kris Vallotton, and Bill Johnson: Wolves Protecting Each Other!

Kris Vallotton RESPONDS about Shawn Bolz Allegations

Good News! Todd Bentley Has the Authority to Cancel Death!!  And people actually believe this lying heretic’s teachings!

So much bad teaching in today’s churches!

Saturday, February 1, 2025

Examining a Gothard Book, Part 10

This post continues examining Chapter 5: To Be Cleansed Within, of Bill Gothard’s book, 7 Basic Needs of a Wife. This is part two of this examination and continues the topic of “Cleansing Wives of Lies.”

I can never measure up.

This lie comes from the false idea that we are to compare ourselves with other people and measure up to their expectation of us. If we measure ourselves by other people, we will always find those who we believe are smarter, prettier, or more talented that we are. This will produce self-rejection and discouragement in us.

Greatness is not determined by how many people serve us but by how many people allow us to serve them. (pg.52)

Mr. Gothard started out good with we will always find those who we believe are smarter, prettier, or more talented that we are. But then he says this knowledge “will produce self-rejection and discouragement in us.” This may happen with self-centered people but everyone else should just accept the facts—that there are people who ARE smarter, better looking and more talented than we are aand move on. Also, we shouldn’t be thinking about how we can be great.

I am not worth anything.

When we believe this lie, we separate ourselves from the great works that God has planned for us to achieve. God said to Jeremiah, “Before I formed thee in the belly I knew thee; and before thou tamest forth out of the womb I sanctified thee, and I ordained thee a prophet unto the nations “ (Jeremiah 1:5). God has placed such a great worth on you that if you were the only one in the world, He would have sent His son to die for your sins so that you could have eternal life with Him. (pg.52)

So if a woman says to herself that she isn’t worth anything, can she really separate herself from whatever God has planned for her—does she really have that power?!? The chosen text says God ordained Jeremiah as a prophet—is this what the woman is to expect of herself? Of course not!! What if God doesn’t have anything special at all for the woman except for her to live her life in obedience to Him? The last statement about “great worth” is ridiculous because she would NEVER be the only person in the world!! Too much hyperbole.

The Bible passages Gothard uses are, as usual for him, out of context. John 14:12 and John 15:16 are directed ONLY to his apostles!!!!

I must hide my faults

The lie that if we reveal our faults, people will despise us. The opposite is true. People admire those who confess their faults, because they also have faults; therefore they realize the courage and humility that it takes to acknowledge them.

A second lie is thinking that we can hide our faults. They usually come out in ways that we are not aware of but that others notice. These are called “blind spots” in our lives. God has so designed life that everything we do in secret will become known, either during our lifetime or at the final judgement. (Pg.53)

If we tell everyone our faults it will sound like we are bragging about them. It also isn’t necessary to tell others all our faults; if they can’t help us fix our faults, why tell them? Some faults can indeed be hidden—such as sinful thoughts.

For “proving” his teaching here, Gothard cites three Bible passages; out of context, of course:

Proverbs 28:13, James 5:16 and Luke 12:2 (I’ll let you look them up). Proverbs is about dealing with God, not mankind. James could be supportive but, again, not all faults must be told to others. Finally, Luke is about between us and God for the most part. What if what I’m hiding is that I’m a spy for America in a foreign land—think of all the spies during WWII who helped win the war!

I think that, for the most part, the rest of Gothard’s “lies that wives believe” have essentially correct responses—although he does like to take Bible passages out of context.

Towards the end of this chapter Gothard approaches the idea of fear being a sin. He writes, “Wives are prone to fear.” I have to say this: HUSBANDS are also prone to fear. ALL people are prone to fear in various ways and/or situations. But I don’t think anyone is prone to fear 100% of the time.

Here’s an example of Gothard’s claims:

Fears are especially damaging to women, because they cause her hormonal balance to be upset and thus trigger a cascade of other physical and emotional problems. Fear does particular damage to a wife’s respiratory system. This results in a variety of disease symptoms. If these are treated with drugs, new symptoms will occur. Thus the root causes must be resolved. (Pg.59)

Okay, I googled these claims and found nothing about fear affecting hormonal balance.  One who is suffering from constant anxiety and fear can affect breathing and the resulting problems, HOWEVER, this would have to be continuous and not occasional fears of various things. So fear is healthy in many situations in that it leads to more caution. To label all fear as problematic is just plain wrong!

Next, Gothard writes this:

Every wrong decision can usually be traced to a fear that in turn was based on a lie. (pg.59)

WRONG!! Many wrong decisions may be traced to a fear of something but most are made by being uninformed/ignorant on the topic bringing about the wrong decision!

Next: All fears can be traced back to a lack of genuine love, because “there is no fear in love; but perfect love casteth out fear: because fear hath torment. He that feareth is not made perfect in love” (1 John 4:18). Love is concerned only about giving. Fear comes when we focus on getting. (pg.59)

Another absurd abuse of Scripture. If I fear driving in a blizzard, is that because of a lack of love? I was afraid with every-single one of the 43 parachute jumps I made while a paratrooper in the Army. Is that due to a lack of love? What about fear of going into combat—Is that a lack of love? 

The rest of the chapter deals with various fears and how they are wrong, proving Gothard has no clue.

Sunday, January 5, 2025

Good, Bad and Ugly Stuff

Are the Genesis Genealogies Mostly Gaps?  In a word, NO! The genealogies are 100% accurate so don’t listen to Hugh Ross.

Archaeology is sometimes an excellent apologetics source.

The Truth About Tithing. Then Tithing myths. I have long said that the tithe is not for the Christian. 

Go figure: a politician claiming to Catholic but goes against every moral stance of the Catholic Church and then continues to take communion after being excommunicated. Next question is why the priests knowingly still allows that?

Ohhh, the feminist view of the David/Bathsheba relationship and its promotion by Sean McDowell.

You Will Not Believe The Latest Charismatic Scam From Ron Carpenter. I’ve never heard of this guy, but everyone should take notice to stay away from him!!!

Is Todd White a False Teacher? Definitely, as I have noted in many posts. This article has a good review of his teachings.

The Church of England long ago went apostate, so is this really surprising?

Marcus Rogers—Why do people listen to and follow such false teachers!?!

12 Disqualifying Errors In Richard Hays’ ‘Biblical’ Case For Gay Relationships. Don’t be deceived.

Beloved deception: “God Calling” spiritually influenced “Jesus Calling” and Alcoholics  Anonymous.

A Presbyterian woman "Pastor" supports abortion up to birth.

Here we have three “religious” leaders: Presbyterian pastor (PCUSA probably), a woman “Baptist Minister” and Jewish cantor bless an abortion clinic. These people are definitely hell-bound. Check out the evil organization.

A scary cult in New Zealand and South Pacific.

Be discerning!!!!