I’m going to be doing a series on the Roman Catholic Church, essentially pulling from 15-year-old posts because more people need to learn about the RCC.
The RCC claims to be the one true, original church with a leader—their Pope—who pretty much speaks for God. So to start with, I want to give examples of the teachings of RCC leadership, including the Pope, to show how they thumb their collective noses at God. Now this post just has a small sample of what I’ve collected over the years, and this collection only goes back to 2021. So let’s look at what I’ve discovered.
Dissident priest Fr. James Martin wants you to celebrate LGBT ‘pride month’. Isn’t pride a sin? And isn’t what they are proud of a abomination to God?
A Catholic teacher was nominated for atheist ‘person of the year’ award for classroom LGBT activism. Again acting FOR what God calls an abomination.
The new president of John Paul II Institute wants ‘pastoral care’ of homosexuals, including ‘integration’ and reception of the sacraments. More promotion/celebration of what God calls an abomination.
Remember, the Pope speaks for God! Really?!?!? Pope Calls for ‘Ecological Spirituality’ to care for ‘Mother Earth’. The earth is not our mother!! Just what is "ecological spirituality"?
Florida diocese forces schoolkids to wear masks while hosting ball for wealthy maskless donors. Abuse students and kneel to wealth.
Austrian bishop hangs banner of nude trans activist over main altar for Lent. Sounds more like something Satan would do.
Catholic school district in Ontario to fly rainbow flag during LGBT ‘pride month’. Again celebrating what God call an abomination.
Pope Francis denies Christ. Despicable.
Pope Francis is preaching un-Christian clap-trap: he is essentially saying that we are all racists.
Catholic Health Ministry Sponsors Texas Drag Queen Event Which Children Attended. This is abusing children by teaching them sinful and disgusting behavior.
Catholic High School Bursts Into Applause as Drag Queen Takes Stage During Chapel Worship Service. Chapel worship service with a drag queen?!?!
How about a Catholic school that suspended a student for saying men and women are different?!!? Punishing a student for telling the truth?!?
We have a Catholic university denying a formation of a group on campus because the group believes in only two genders — male and female. Denying a group because the believe the truth?
There is a priest in Ireland who allows a Muslim call to prayer during Mass. Islam is the enemy of the Christian faith! Islam massacres Jews and Christians around the world and yet a priest celebrates this blasphemy?!?!?
An archdiocese has a “Pride Mass.” Thumbing their nose at God.
Catholic All-Girls College Will Admit Men Who Identify as Trans Women. So Catholics are denying biology? Isn’t this an affront to God?
Catholic Church Updates Dogma to Include Co-habiting Homosexual Couples as “Conforming to the Faith” So what God calls an abomination conforms to the faith?!?!
There is absolutely no evidence of any “climate” emergency and yet Pope Francis said those who refute the idea are stupid! Remember, he claims to speak for God. (The climate change agenda is for more government control.) And he gets worse than that.
Pope Francis says “All religions are paths to reach God…some are Sikh, Muslim, HIndu, Christians; they are different ways to God.” This is abject heresy. NOWHERE in Scripture will find any but one path to God and that is through Jesus Christ. Acts 4:12 says only ONE WAY to God.
Pope Francis proclaims Special Jubilee for LGBTQ+ Community. Special Jubilee for what God calls an abomination?!?
Cardinal Dolan Hails ‘Our Islamic Brothers and Sisters,’ Calls Ash Wednesday ‘Our Ramadan’ This is just plain heresy. Islam is the enemy of Christianity!!
Notice how these Catholic leaders, including the Pope, are especially celebrating homosexuality, drag queens and “transgenderism”—a complete affront to God!!! The Pope has also bought into the whole lying Communist agenda regarding ecology and climate.
The Pope is supporting evil and yet claims to speak for God.
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