We who preach the gospel must not think of ourselves as public relations agents sent to establish good will between Christ and the world. We must not imagine ourselves commissioned to make Christ acceptable to big business, the press, the world of sports or modern education. We are not diplomats but prophets, and our message is not a compromise but an ultimatum. A.W. Tozer
Therefore let God-inspired Scripture decide between us; and on whichever side be found doctrines in harmony with the word of God, in favor of that side will be cast the vote of truth. --Basil of Caesarea
Once you learn to discern, there's no going back. You will begin to spot the lie everywhere it appears.

I thank Christ Jesus our Lord, who has strengthened me, because He considered me faithful, putting me into service. 1 Timothy 1:12

Saturday, February 15, 2025

For Feodor

To start off, you keep calling me a “fake Scotsman,” obviously because of my blog banner with me playing bagpipes and a post or two with other photos of me with the pipes. I never, ever professed to be a Scot. (I do have Scottish ancestry, though.) When performing with bagpipes it is traditional to dress the part. So your name-calling is just an example of your unchristian behavior.

You first started posting trash on this blog and sometimes on my “The Thought Provoker” blog. But then you crossed the line and began posting your inane comments on my wife’s blog.

I have asked you many, many times to not bother commenting on my blog because you won’t get posted and explained why:

First, your idea of what the Christian faith is doesn’t fit Scripture with your LEFTIST ideology. I do not allow comments with false teachings.

Second, you keep posting political comments—all from a LEFTIST ideology. My blogs are not for political discussions.

You say you want to debate me—I don’t debate LEFTISTs because you are unteachable and my blogs are not debating platforms.

I have asked you many, many, many times to not post on my wife’s blog. Just like mine, your comments go to her emails for moderation. She wants nothing to do with your foolishness and for you to continue to post anyways is very stressful for her. Apparently you like this because you bully her by continuing to comment and have told me that she essentially needs to “suck it up” and not be so touchy. (None of your comments have anything to do with any of her posts so it is nothing but bullying).

Your behavior is absolutely not Christ-like and yet you continue to ignore my demands that you stop. You claim you don’t harass my wife yet it is harassment when you’ve been asked to stop. And then you claim you’re the victim of me calling you a bully and that I am being mean to you.

On top of that you claim to be a “REAL” Christian all the while continuing to act in an un-Christlike manner as you keep commenting on Jill’s blog. So I said you were obviously being a pawn of satan. AH, that really brought out the unchristian behavior with this comment of yours for Jill’s blog:

Satan is the one who is glib and avoidant about brutality. You two are shaped just like that. And can’t to be confronted by your inhumanity. You're two horrible human beings corrupting the image of a loving god within you. You act like you still need a home by dispossessing others of their rights and their lives.

Whoa!!!!  You now say we are inhumane and horrible human beings, etc. That statement proves you are more satanic than Christian.

Then there was this in moderation in her email:

If “harassment” is posting snippets of news where Trump is ripping up our democracy… that just tells me that you two want live in the dark. Because you’re children of the dark. News is harassment only to the Willfully wicked.

It’s harassment when you’ve been asked many, many, many times to STOP IT.  Your LEFTIST politics prove again that you are not of Christ. We get the REAL news on a daily basis but it’s not for discussion on our blogs. You say we are “children of the dark” because we don’t want to have your ideology posted on our blogs. Your LEFTIST ideology says YOU are in the darkness.

You tried posting a comment on my blog and again it is harassment because you’ve been told many times over the years to just stop because you won’t be posted. Again your comment is nothing but LEFTIST political blather. You never address anything on my articles, rather you just use the occasion to post more foolish ideologies. YOUR COMMENTS WILL NEVER BE POSTED!! As soon as I see your name on the comment I will delete it—I will not read them so you are wasting your time harassing me.

Don’t bother commenting on this post—you will never get an audience.  And it’s a good thing we haven’t met personally: I don’t take kindly to people who harass and bully my wife—and you’d find out just how protective this paratrooper could get!!

For other readers of this blog, Feodor is the same person who said it was childish of me to have a picture of Snoopy on my profile, leading me to write an article about why Snoopy is important to my wife and I.  That attack by him was just another example of un-Christlike bullying.

2/16 Update: The spawn of satan continues to bully my wife and claims I'm too fragile to have a blog and I'm ignorant besides. (Short sentences are seen when deleting!) And yet he claims to be a Christian. I foresee no stopping of his harassment.

2/17 Update: This is Feo's response to one of my reader's comments below. This shows just how evil and demonic he is as he continues to harass me and my wife. I wrote this post and these updates to expose a blogger who is a false teacher and false Christian. Here's his response: Marshal, the Fake Scotsman’s wife NEVER makes a comment. I don’t think Glenn is married. He’s the kind of raging White Supremacist who, in private, dresses up in drag. Like J Edgar Hoover. I think his other social media sites are all him writing when he’s wearing a dress.

3/6 Update: Feo has not stopped but sometimes now tries to post two comments per day. He has been asked many times to stop yet the harassment of my wife continues, let alone his harassment of me. Yet he claims to be a Christian. Christ wouldn't behave that way but SATAN would. Feo has proven again the he has no idea what it means to be a Christian, rather he is a pawn of SATAN harassing real Christians.  Just thought I'd let my readers know that the harassment hasn't stopped and it probably never will.


Marshal Art said...

The amazing thing is how this fool doesn't understand basic notions of social interaction. Act like a fool, and you are a fool. Act like a decent, honorable person, and that's how you will be regarded. I've recommended to him that he try commenting like the Christian he insists he is, and perhaps he will eventually regain the trust of those to whom he proved himself so unworthy of it. Yet, his every attempt to submit a comment indicates he has no intention of acting like a Christian, of engaging in discourse with comments which are actually on topic and doing so without the many acts of arrogance and hatred.

Instead, he will continue to have his attempts to submit deleted without regard to whatever might be said in the comment itself (I also tend to just delete him upon seeing his name). His insistence on acting contemptibly has put him in a situation whereby we won't know if is trying to abide common standards of decent Christian behavior, because we completely ignore him.

Now, occasionally, I will respond to him at other places, such as the Blog of Lies, because while intending to scroll beyond his posted comments there, one can often see what he's hoping we see, and now and then it might be something for which I choose to offer a response, simply because of the nature of a specific comment demands a rebuke. But nothing would be lost by not doing so, so insignificant has he made himself.

He's really a sad case and together with his pal, we have a ready source for examples of leftist/marxist/fakeChristian opinions if we wish to provide truth with which to confront it.

Glenn E. Chatfield said...

He says I'm too fragile and that I delete him because my arguments cannot stand agains his, that I would lose every debate with him. Such a fool.

April said...

I am thankful for the things you publish. Keep it up!! It is horrible to have to deal with that fool. Ultimately, God WILL deal with the fools. Thank you for standing for the right to say the things you do and publish the truth. God bless you and your family.

Glenn E. Chatfield said...

Art, look at my update at the bottom of this post. Feo's evil response to you.

Glenn E. Chatfield said...

Thank you, April, for your gracious encouragement.

Jesse Albrecht said...

This is just so wrong. He has crossed the line in so many ways.

Glenn E. Chatfield said...

And he continues to prove he follows Satan by his daily comment attempts on both our blogs. Jesus wouldn't behave that way. He won't stop because he obeys Satan.

Craig said...

Yeah, Feo has a history of bullying, among other things. He's proven, by his own actions, that he's incapable of having a civil conversation with anyone who dares disagree with his liberal dogma. The fact that he's banned from multiple blogs is 100% the result of his actions, that he pretends otherwise so as to present himself as a victim is disgusting. he's simply not man enough to own up to his actions, and Dan isn't man enough to reign him in.

Marshal Art said...

He's a pistol, ain't he?

It's funny he accuses you of being too fragile to have a blog, when he doesn't have one of his own where he can bloviate to his black heart's content. He had one for about two weeks, and when I tried to engage there (his posts being no more than ripping on us), he didn't post my comments (or deleted them shortly after they appeared...I don't recall the details, because, why would I care?).

So it's like you say...it's not about being afraid to debate him. I just don't care what he has to say. He's proven himself to be contemptible and continues to do so. A real man (which he isn't)...a real Christian (which he isn't)...would at least leave his BS in the past and pretend he's a decent, civil person willing to engage according to the topic of the post. He refuses, believing himself wronged, as Craig notes below. Yeah...we'll have to continue ignoring him because he won't go away and he'll never adjust his behavior and attitude.

Glenn E. Chatfield said...

Feo just doesn't stop. He claims he attacked me as being without a wife because I failed to rebuke Art when he speculated about Feo being wifeless. I don't rebuke people who I have no idea as to the right or wrong of a statement. Nevertheless, that still doesn't absolve him of harassing my wife still on a daily basis!!! (as well as posting trash for my blog daily).

It's downright FACTUAL that his continued posting comments (that get moderated our) is totally unChristian behavior, and the fact that he has done this to many other bloggers who have asked him to stop, proves to be he has no idea what the Christian faith is about. Then again, his heretical and aberrational claims about Christian teachings proves he's not a real Christian.

Craig said...

He may or may not have a wife, who knows as he hides his identity. However, if he treats her like he behaves online, I can't imagine any woman who'd stay married to him. I'm a little surprised she hasn't smothered him in his sleep.

Marshal Art said...

Based on feo's many anti-white comments, if he actually has a black wife, it's of the BLM type, the worst kind of black leftist who likely wears the pants in the family. But again, I can't see any self-respecting woman...even a BLMer...taking up with this guy. I'll continue to believe she's a figment of his hateful imagination until he deigns to identify himself and gives access to his FB page...if he has one.

Craig said...

Giving credit where it's due, at least Dan has the courage to identify himself and is consistent across both his blog and his FB page. I could easily see Dan hiding his identity as well, but he doesn't. So that's one small positive thing about Dan.

Glenn E. Chatfield said...

Feo is such an idiot that he claims neither I nor Marshall have proven we have wives. Well, my blog has a photo of me and my wife on our wedding day!

Craig said...

Glenn, obviously it's a deepfake engineered by the deep state because they want to protect your........

Oh hell, I can't even come up with a stupid conspiracy theory to explain it. I'm sure the troll will have some bizarre, idiotic made up fantasy to explain his break with reality.

Marshal Art said...

It represents the one good thing we can actually verify. All else is suspect.

Marshal Art said...

I've no inclination to prove anything about myself to the likes of a feo. He can claim what he likes. I'm unlikely to read it and very likely to delete it without having done so. It's like sweeping off the porch.