Thursday, October 24, 2019


I haven’t had much of a chance to actually write a post; I’ve been recuperating from surgery to repair a rotator cuff injury so sitting down at the computer for more than 20 minutes at a time was too difficult. I’m on the road to recovery; although I am still limited in moving my arm, and there is still a steady ache, I am getting to do more. During the short times spent on the computer have been responding to e-mails and I have also been collecting links for this post. So, hold on to your hats because this is going to be a long one!

The Good - For Education and/or Edification

The importance of complementarianism.  And the danger of the ideology of Beth Moore.

Albert Mohler’s 10 points on Complementarianism.

Are you really a Christian? Do you walk the talk?

Good responses for those who say believing in God is the same as believing in the “Flying spaghetti monster.”

Here’s an excellent article about many false teachings invading the Church.

Does God really have BIG plans for you?

If you missed the “dust up” regarding comment John MacArthur said about false teacher Beth Moore, this article is an excellent examination.  And, here’s a good summation of the sins of Beth Moore.

A very interesting part 3 of Midwest Christian Outreach’s series on angels and demons.

Hey, how do you feel? Alistair Begg: Top ten things I wish worship leaders would stop saying.

Hey KJV Onlyers — how do explain this false teaching?

The “social justice” Christians and their abuse of the word, “prophetic.

Charles Stanley is going off the deep end.

More Wolves and False Teachings
Last week I was asked what I knew about Jen Wilkin. So I Googled her, and the most I could find was that overall her teachings were good but that she was hanging around false teachers.  Well, now I find something which shows she’s much like Beth Moore — an egalitarian who says the Bible has just been misunderstood. AVOID HER!

Is there anything in Scripture that Hillsong won’t pervert?

Cru seriously needs to stop calling themselves a Christian organization and be honest about their anti-Christian, socialist agenda.  What a surprise that former Cru employees describe working for Cru like working for a cult.

Another review of Sarah Young’s horrible Jesus Calling book.

Beth Moore gets worse almost daily. If THIS doesn’t convince you that she’s a false teacher, then nothing will.

Four reasons to NOT be a Catholic.

Too many Christian leaders lack discernment, like those noted in this article, supporting, encouraging, and promoting a rank heretic.

Midwest Christian Outreach’s e-mail for 10/24/19 has this: Currently less than 2% of Western civilization is acting as the thought police for the other 98%. Approximately 1.5-2% of the population is Gay or Gay inclined but substantially less are activists but very engaged activists in changing and enforcing the thoughts of others. A guidance booklet was recently issued to schools in the UK by Stonewall, a LGBT advocacy and rights group. To what purpose? To guide school curriculum in promoting acceptance of LGBT values and behaviors. Not just some but all. English, math, geography, even religious instruction. LGBT activists have even created a 2.5 minutes video for 5 years olds on religion titled, GOD LOVES LGBT+ (A Response to 'One Man, One Woman')
This is insidious, demonic propaganda by those who hate God.

Monday, October 21, 2019

Calvinist Gyrations

Westminster Confession of Faith, Chapter 2, paragraph 1:
He is most loving, gracious, merciful, long-suffering, abundant in goodness and truth, forgiving iniquity, transgression, and sin, and he is the rewarder of those who diligently seek hm.

Now, that last phrase, which I italicized, is 100% correct by the Bible, but to make it correct for the Calvinists who subscribe to this confession, they need to add: “after God regenerates them because they can’t seek him on their own, regardless of what you THINK the Bible says.”

After all, they add a lot of words to Scripture that they claim is implicit, e.g. John 3:16 really means “that whoever of the elect believes…” or 2 Pet 3:9, “… not wishing for any of the elect to perish…” or Rom.1:16 “everyone of the elect who believes…  And so forth.

They wouldn’t need all these gyrations if they just took the Bible for what it says.

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Exposing Error

Exposing error is most unpopular work. But from every true standpoint it is worthwhile work. To our Savior, it means that He receives from us, His blood-bought ones, the loyalty that is His due. To ourselves, if we consider "the reproach of Christ greater riches than the treasures of Egypt," it ensures future reward, a thousand-fold. And to souls "caught in the snare of the fowler" – how many of them God only knows – it may mean light and life, abundant and everlasting.

Harry Ironside.

Monday, October 14, 2019

Don't Walk, RUN!!

If your church uses material like this for sermon ideas, run out the door as quickly as you can.

H/T to Amy Spreeman

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Error of Calvinism?

Galatians 3:2,3 substantiate the fact that no person is regenerated or indwelt by the Spirit of God without having believed; that is, faith in the message of Christ is accompanied by the initial entrance of the Holy Spirit into that person’s life. Without faith, there is no Spirit of God. Verse 3 emphasizes that the Galatian believers had “begun” that way. This is devastating to the Calvinist doctrine (presupposition) that one is regenerated by God’s Spirit BEFORE he/she believes.

Ronald C. Merryman, Galations: God’s Antidote to Legalism, pg.38

Monday, October 7, 2019

What Is Justification?

Justification is the act of God whereby He declare believing sinners to be righteous in His sight due to the merits and work of Christ. This act of God brings with it regeneration or the new birth for the believing sinner, so that he consciously becomes aware that he is “alive unto God.”

Ronald C. Merryman, Galations: God’s Antidote to Legalism, pg.28

Thursday, October 3, 2019


The Good - For Education and/or Edification

The Source of Adventism’s  Physical God.  Reminds one of Mormonism.

Why the Gospel of Thomas is not in the Bible.

Although somewhat lengthy for those who don’t like to read much, Gary Gilley has written an excellent article about the state of the Church and how we got here.

Some interesting history, if you take the time to read it all.

Are there really “ten lost tribes” of Israel?

What are demons? A thought-provoking follow-up on the article “Angels Unawares” which I linked to on August 29th.


Good summation of the teachings of Ravi Zacharias. He’s not really a wolf, but there are some questionable things about his teachings.

Bible Study Fellowship now using “vision casting

Wolves and False Teachings
The Gospel Coalition is about a false gospel.

Another reason why Campus Crusade for Christ, a.k.a. CRU, needs to be avoided: they are promoting the occultic false teaching of Enneagram.  The Enneagram has absolutely NO Christian origins. And if that isn’t enough reason to disassociate with CRU, perhaps this isOr thisOr even this!

Rick Joyner: Not only is he  false teacher deluxe, but he is also grossly ignorant of history when it comes to his “vision.”

Just when you thought Bill Johnson couldn’t get any more ridiculous.

This man’s total lack of discernment proves he should not be a pastor. It looks like he’s been “off base” for a very long time, and yet he’s accepted as a Southern Baptist Pastor?!?

Net Church, led by a wolf who does interviews at his “church.” It appears that this takes place before whatever “worship” services they have. This article is focused on his interview of lesbians—who certainly are NOT Christians (at about 28 minute mark), but I thought his blather about a horrid child’s book demonstrated what sort of “pastor” he is. The couple he first interviewed talked about how THEY pastored a church — yes, a woman “pastor.”  They seemed to think heretic Rob Bell is great, but they also have no clue about what a church is for and totally misrepresent Scripture. The whole video (if you have time to spend listening while doing something else) goes to show what sort of wolves pass for “pastors” and what passes for “churches” today. Beware!

The United Methodist Church continues to demonstrate their apostasy and rebellion against God.

A Bible version I just learned about, and it is one to be avoided: One New Man Bible.  Part of the charismatic, Hebrew Roots Movement nonsense.

Tuesday, October 1, 2019

“The Message” is a Mess

To purposely ignore the proper translation of a passage and insert one that has no basis in the original languages in order to undergird a particular point of view is about the most dangerous thing that I can imagine. The only thing more concerning would be to discover large segments of  the evangelical community being incapable of discerning this kind of problem -- and not caring.

Gary E. Gilley, This Little Church Stayed Home: A faithful church in deceptive times, Pg.99-100 discussing “The Message” “translation.”