Thursday, October 3, 2019


The Good - For Education and/or Edification

The Source of Adventism’s  Physical God.  Reminds one of Mormonism.

Why the Gospel of Thomas is not in the Bible.

Although somewhat lengthy for those who don’t like to read much, Gary Gilley has written an excellent article about the state of the Church and how we got here.

Some interesting history, if you take the time to read it all.

Are there really “ten lost tribes” of Israel?

What are demons? A thought-provoking follow-up on the article “Angels Unawares” which I linked to on August 29th.


Good summation of the teachings of Ravi Zacharias. He’s not really a wolf, but there are some questionable things about his teachings.

Bible Study Fellowship now using “vision casting

Wolves and False Teachings
The Gospel Coalition is about a false gospel.

Another reason why Campus Crusade for Christ, a.k.a. CRU, needs to be avoided: they are promoting the occultic false teaching of Enneagram.  The Enneagram has absolutely NO Christian origins. And if that isn’t enough reason to disassociate with CRU, perhaps this isOr thisOr even this!

Rick Joyner: Not only is he  false teacher deluxe, but he is also grossly ignorant of history when it comes to his “vision.”

Just when you thought Bill Johnson couldn’t get any more ridiculous.

This man’s total lack of discernment proves he should not be a pastor. It looks like he’s been “off base” for a very long time, and yet he’s accepted as a Southern Baptist Pastor?!?

Net Church, led by a wolf who does interviews at his “church.” It appears that this takes place before whatever “worship” services they have. This article is focused on his interview of lesbians—who certainly are NOT Christians (at about 28 minute mark), but I thought his blather about a horrid child’s book demonstrated what sort of “pastor” he is. The couple he first interviewed talked about how THEY pastored a church — yes, a woman “pastor.”  They seemed to think heretic Rob Bell is great, but they also have no clue about what a church is for and totally misrepresent Scripture. The whole video (if you have time to spend listening while doing something else) goes to show what sort of wolves pass for “pastors” and what passes for “churches” today. Beware!

The United Methodist Church continues to demonstrate their apostasy and rebellion against God.

A Bible version I just learned about, and it is one to be avoided: One New Man Bible.  Part of the charismatic, Hebrew Roots Movement nonsense.


  1. I did a post on that Cru conference a couple of months ago, but I didn't know about the "social justice" content. Thanks for providing material for an update.


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