Tuesday, October 15, 2024

Important Thoughts About Voting!

Let’s start of with a thought about politics; “A vote is not a valentine, you aren’t confessing your love for the candidate. It’s a chess move for the world you want to live in.” 

Polls show millions of Christians will not be voting, which means if the worst side wins it will be their fault. I don’t like the candidate the Republicans are putting forward but I like even less the demonic and communist tyranny which will increase under Demokrat rule. If they win this time, there will never again be a Republican government. 

At least read this Appeal to Non-voting Christians, and think about YOUR responsibility.


  1. Glenn, I wanted you to know that I took your post to heart. I looked at those two articles, and although they were not the most articulate ones I have seen on this particular topic, I did decide to register to vote online just now, in order to use my voice next month.

  2. Hi Lorna,
    I am happy to hear that! I thought the arguments were well stated. I've voted every election since 1975 when I voted against Carter, who, incidentally, was the worst president until Biden-Harris.

  3. You are so full of it. You are indeed a Trump supporter because you are a red-neck and believe all the claims like the 2020 election being stolen.

  4. Edward,

    WOw, how Christian of you!
    No, I don't like Trump, so that's first lie.
    I am not a red-neck (usually applied to rural whites of the Southern United States) because I'm from Ohio and now live in Iowa. Second lie in your comment.
    No I do not believe all the claims about the 2020 election; third lie.

    So you just call names and lie about me and that is your argument opposing my blog post?


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