Monday, January 15, 2024


I have a troll who happens to visit other Christian blogs, including my wife’s. I have asked him time and again to quit trying to post comments because they are always false teachings.  He gets angry and bullies my wife and me because I have occasionally responded without posting his comments; I know I shouldn’t “answer a fool according to his folly” (Proverbs 26:4), but I always hope he will finally see the error of his ways. However, I will now never again respond to him no matter how un-Christian he behaves.

What I have figured out about this person is that he is a Papist and considers Protestant teachings to be false. Politically he is very obvious a LEFTIST. These beliefs are incompatible with real Christianity.

Here’s the thing about trolls such as this one; their behavior is un-Christian. Christians should NEVER try to force their teachings on anyone. Christians should respect those who request they cease and desist posting comments which have no bearing on the articles posted. REAL Christians do not continue to harass and bully while continuing to denounce the beliefs of the person whose blog they attack.

I would like to see just ONE scripture which tells Christians to FORCE their beliefs on people who do not want to hear them, just one scripture which says Christians don’t have to respect the desires of those who ask them to stop.

When I see this person’s name (“Feodor”) in my email I delete it from my blogs and my wife deletes it from hers. Doing so makes me unable to delete without seeing at least some of what this person says so I know it is just more harassment (he says it’s the WORD harassing us). Other bloggers I know on whose blogs he tries to post also delete him. (I have no way of blocking him from my blog other than deleting comments when they arrive in my email.)


This behavior proves to me that the man is not truly a believer but a pawn of Satan attacking Christians to annoy and belittle them. As with satan, he has NO respect for others; all he wants is to attack those he disagrees with.

If you have a blog with a troll, ignore him the best you can. Deleting gets to be annoying but it prevents his message from getting out.


  1. Good job!!! Someday...maybe sooner than they think...they will be "deleted" by God. But, when they are gone, Satan will have another or two to take their places.

  2. I bet he looks like that creature in real life.


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