Tuesday, August 8, 2023

More Odds and Ends

A good exegetical analysis of Hebrews vs Roman Catholic Eucharist Theology.  Part 1, part 2 and part 3.

Do not take Scripture out of context, nor allow anyone else to do so.

A Biblical Understanding of Race.

Should those teaching false doctrine be contacted before the saints can be warned? (Matthew 18:15). NO.

How Do We Explain the Depraved Thinking in Our Nation? Excellent commentary.

A good apologetic examination of someone’s attack on Scripture.

The Lutheran Church (LCMS) is courting apostasy.

Purgatory: The First of Many Reasons Why I Could Never Be Catholic

A Response to Shiny Happy People. This is in reference to Amazon Prime Video’s series on the Dugger Family. Some interesting thoughts about the situation, IBLP and Bill Gothard.

Regardless of what your church or books you read tell you, there are no more apostles! They existed only in the 1st century.

Why Hymns Matter.

A good apologetic for a culture wrapped up in sexual identity.

The Bible and Homosexuality. An excellent 6 1/2-minute video.

Creation care?

If your church is movie time, flee it. Here’s another example.

To Flee or Not to Flee: Is it Biblical to Flee Blue States?  Yes it is.

When you compromise Genesis, you can decide homosexuality is okay.

More problems with The Gospel Coalition.

The greed fostered by this “church” is unreal; it makes God into a puppet who can be controlled by how much money you donate!. To begin with, Christians do not tithe!!! That was an O.T. rule for Israel only, and it wasn’t just on income. Churches who use the word “tithe” instead of “gifts” or “offerings” (e.g.) are helping to foster this nonsense. 

And Satan laughs.


  1. I remember attending a church which advocated using ways of reaching out to the lost through motercycle/biker rallies. Totally unnecessary, in my opinion. I also remember attending a separate church which obnoxiously sang a hymn, "Oh no, you never let go..." I didn't like it at all. The church is so messed up.

    P.S. Feodore is a moron.

  2. Because you have proven yourself to be what he says, except I would say you are an ass. You pretend to be Christian and yet refuse to quit harassing me and my wife. My wife has NEVER interacted with you yet you won't leave her alone. You have interacted with me over the years always being a LEFTIST in your ideology all the while pretending I am in the wrong with my theology.

    I keep asking you to stop and yet you ignore what Jesus says about behavior and you continue to harass us. It is me and my wife to whom you have "done wrong" by continual harassment on our blogs. I don't want to hear your crap about blogs being open for public discussion; yes they are if the blog owner cares to enter a discussion. I quit discussing with people like you who are unteachable.

    Now, Please leave me an my wife alone!

    Everyone reading my blog sees my continued pleas with you so everyone who reads KNOWS about your unchristian behavior.

  3. It's best to refrain from responding to trolls...unless one enjoys it. So should I choose to, it's because I see an opportunity for entertainment. feo whines here, but his history has left me no choice but to deny him submissions of his comments at my blog. His childishness was so severe that I would be a fool to trust him again, and his comments suggest no change in his behavior whatsoever since that time.

    I had encouraged him to resurrect his own blog, but when he did so, he Trabue'd be every time. He wasn't truly interested in true discourse. Then he discontinued it again. Now, he comes up with some lame opinion or argument and passes it around to all of our blogs thinking he'll get some attention. But he always has Dan's blog, where he's free to behave in ways Dan would not allow from any of us. He and Dan were made for each other and I can ignore him there as easily as anywhere.

    He offers nothing but self-aggrandizement, yet he consistently fails to impress in any way...except as an ass. When I do read his attempts to comment, I hope for better than he offers and am disappointed every time. I doubt he has the chops to ever alter my opinions. But were he to try in a manner which suggests a true Christian, I could be persuaded to publish and respond to future comments. Alas, he seems to concerned with trying to promote himself as intellectually superior. It ain't working because it ain't so.

  4. His comments which don't get posted continually claim that he needs to get his preaching out because what I, you, Craig and Stan teach are false teachings and, essentially, we are going to hell.

    I just ignored him all these years but now, for no reason other that she's my wife, he is continually making his false claims on her blog. I though I could reason with his "Christian" faith as for not behaving in such a manner, but all I did was prove he's not a Christian because he refuses to behave in a Christian manner. He continues to post on my blog and hers but there's no point in addressing him any more because he isn't a Christian and feels he has the right to harrass us.

    I actually read a few so as to know how to respond to him but now when I see a comment from him it is immediately deleted unread. Never again will he see a comment on our blogs


PLEASE DO NOT ENTER YOUR COMMENT MORE THAN ONCE - it will not show until moderated. Comments with links - either with the commenter's name or in the text of the comment - which link to sites with heretical, aberrational, obscene or otherwise improper teaching, will not be published with said links. Comments which are mostly, or only, ad hominem attacks will not be published.