Thursday, August 31, 2023

More Thought-Provoking Odds and Ends

Be prepared to defend Genesis, even from those who promote the “gap” theory.

LEFTISTS have a lot of WRONG teachings about Jesus, teachings that are just to support their worldview. You should know how to dispute this nonsense.  First, did Jesus advocate wealth redistribution?  Second, was Jesus a political rebel?  Was Jesus a universalist?

Rick Warren: dangerous false teacher.

America’s Largest Catholic Healthcare Network Partners With Medical Abortion Provider. Absolutely disgusting. How can they call themselves “Catholic”??

What happens when a national church rules that God is no longer male?


The Gospel Coalition gets more unbiblically ridiculous by the day.

Todd White has always been a rank heretic, but he’s worse than I thought!  Notice heretic Michael Brown supporting him!

How many times do I have to warn about the TV series, The Chosen? The series is rank blasphemy from beginning to end.

And I thought the Church was in trouble in the USA—look at Germany!

False teachings about demons and “strongholds” do nothing but give people heavy spiritual burdens. NO SUCH THING AS DEMONIC STRONGHOLDS!!!

THIS is an example of why the Church in the USA is becoming ignored.

Let’s end with a bit of humor, IF you are one Facebook. I found this to be quite hysterical!

Tuesday, August 8, 2023

More Odds and Ends

A good exegetical analysis of Hebrews vs Roman Catholic Eucharist Theology.  Part 1, part 2 and part 3.

Do not take Scripture out of context, nor allow anyone else to do so.

A Biblical Understanding of Race.

Should those teaching false doctrine be contacted before the saints can be warned? (Matthew 18:15). NO.

How Do We Explain the Depraved Thinking in Our Nation? Excellent commentary.

A good apologetic examination of someone’s attack on Scripture.

The Lutheran Church (LCMS) is courting apostasy.

Purgatory: The First of Many Reasons Why I Could Never Be Catholic

A Response to Shiny Happy People. This is in reference to Amazon Prime Video’s series on the Dugger Family. Some interesting thoughts about the situation, IBLP and Bill Gothard.

Regardless of what your church or books you read tell you, there are no more apostles! They existed only in the 1st century.

Why Hymns Matter.

A good apologetic for a culture wrapped up in sexual identity.

The Bible and Homosexuality. An excellent 6 1/2-minute video.

Creation care?

If your church is movie time, flee it. Here’s another example.

To Flee or Not to Flee: Is it Biblical to Flee Blue States?  Yes it is.

When you compromise Genesis, you can decide homosexuality is okay.

More problems with The Gospel Coalition.

The greed fostered by this “church” is unreal; it makes God into a puppet who can be controlled by how much money you donate!. To begin with, Christians do not tithe!!! That was an O.T. rule for Israel only, and it wasn’t just on income. Churches who use the word “tithe” instead of “gifts” or “offerings” (e.g.) are helping to foster this nonsense. 

And Satan laughs.