Tuesday, November 1, 2022

Agglomeration Time!!

I just can’t keep up with all the horrid false teachers/teachings which come across my email and discernment news items. Paul’s second letter to Timothy sounds just like today’s “church” culture: For the time will come when men will not put up with sound doctrine. Instead, to suit their own desires, they will gather around them a great number of teachers to say what their itching ears want to hear. (2 Tim.4:3, NIV)

Of course I also come across some good stuff to share, and that is how I’m starting this post.

A good, short, exegetical study of 1 Timothy 2:12.

Cult information — Jehovah’s Witnesses false teachings.

Is the baptism of the Holy Spirit in the Christian life?

Yes, Christians can celebrate Halloween “trick-or-treating” without getting involved in the occult.

More about The Chosen and Mormonism.  More about the series is something viewers need to be aware of. Then there is the Mormon influence and control of The Chosen. Which is probably why there is so much heresy and blasphemy in the series. Yet Christians continue to praise it and finance it by watching it. There is also another heretical influence—the actor playing “Jesus” consults with the dead!  Seems like there are plenty of warnings about this horrible series.  How about one more!

Is there really a New Apostolic Reformation? Yes.

Watch for NAR adherent Lance Wallnau.

Bible-Believing Liberals. Excellent article, which really points out problems primarily with Rick Warren and Willow Creek, but also noting others such as the UMC, George Barna, C. Peter Wagner, John Shelby Spong, Joel Osteen, Bill Hybels, et al.

The Democrat Jesus.

Then there is Kris Vallotton:

Did you know that God has a dream? And other false teachings by false pastors.

Almost daily I learn about another false teacher/“pastor” and wonder what sort of people hire them and follow them—they certainly cannot be true Christians. In reality, they are of the same ilk who allow this satanic blasphemy in their assemblies.

More proof that T.D. Jakes is a blasphemous wolf.

Max Lucado has gone from bad to worse; he is a false teacher to avoid.

Matt Chandler and Tony Evans—apostatizing deeper and deeper.

Six reasons why you should avoid Beth Moore.  As if you need more than I’ve already given to you!

The Episcopal Church is a church of Satan.

1 comment:

  1. Dear Kris V.: Do you know who else knows your “special number?” Satan. And that’s who you encounter with your “visions.”


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