Friday, May 7, 2021

Another Agglomeration

Things are really getting evil out there as Satan continues his invasion of the Church. Many of the evil is from the “usual suspects.”

Brian Houston and Hillsong. Sigh.

Another Hillsong sex scandal. Cults and illicit sex go hand-in-hand.

Just what you’d expect from the heretical and apostate ELCA church.

Catholics are really getting behind and promoting the whole sexual deviant ideology. Satan is doing another work in that institution.  AND, it is not just in Canada. So why is this guy still a member in good standing, let alone a Cardinal?!?

Just when you thought the Methodist Church couldn’t get any worse.

Exposing Jack Hayford as a false teacher.

A perfect example of how deeply the culture has invaded the Church. The faculty are wolves, not sheep.

Joshua Harris has joined with Satan. How very, very sad. This is the result of being member of a cult (Gothardites).

Why NO ONE should fly the LGBTQXYZ flag.

Beth Moore — again!

False teachers joining together to support false prophets. These are all wolves, ladies and gentleman.

Francis Chan has gone totally off the rails. He is a dangerous teacher. Here’s another example. And Part 3.

When your “pastor’s” children think a heretic wrote parts of the Bible, you know that “pastor” is also a heretic.


  1. Hi Glenn,

    The whole Josh Harris thing made me very sad for the church... we've known believers who practically took his book as doctrine, including a church that used it to "train up" their youth. Thankfully we knew discerning believers in that same assembly who thought his book was unsound. So even in the midst of compromise, God always has discerning believers who sound the alarm.


  2. Hi Carolyn,

    Josh had some good ideas about how to keep a relationship pure but he was also legalistic due to his connection with Gothardism. As he became more and more popular we found him getting worse and worse with his ideology and didn't bother keeping track of him any more. After we got the internet and I started my blog, then I started seeing more about him and found him to be getting more skewed. But leaving his wife and faith was more than I ever thought would happen. Very sad.


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