Tuesday, February 16, 2021

Distressing Things Within the Church

Let’s start with a look at the investigation into Ravi Zacharias’ “Decades of Sexual Abuse.” On top of this report we have learned that he lied about his credentials. Although he was a brilliant teacher, I could never, ever again recommend anything he has written.  Here’s another article on the topic.  No one should try to defend him.  The last word about Ravi from Elizabeth Prata.

The only evidence you need to prove Tim Keller is a false teacher.

STOP using satanic practices; don’t even play with them!

Todd Bently is back. This heretic, blasphemer of God, and false prophet continues to prove how bad he really is. These claims of visions are either bald-faced lies or from the demonic world. At any rate he certainly isn’t a believer.

More on the cult of Hillsong. And still more.

NO CHURCH should allow Hillsong, Bethel, or Elevation music into their assembly.

Thabiti Anyabwile has become “woke.” And it you don’t agree with him you are “ravaging churches” and causing “re-segregation.” Stay away from him.

Yes, Joyce Meyer is a horrid false teacher.

The “gospel” of the New Apostolic Reformation. Keep away from this heresy.

Watch out for pro-sodomy theology.

Several times on the blog I have warned about the false teachings of Max Lucado. This article is another perfect example of how Lucado seeks to appease sinners.

Beware the false prophets and false apostles!

Let’s end with an excellent sermon about discernment, and the pastor doesn’t shy away from naming names!


  1. I have a few books by Ravi Zacharias. Would you recommend that I get rid of them?

  2. Glenn,

    MERCY, the information about RZ is nauseating!!!!!! I didn't know much about him, nor did I ever read/use his materials, but I had heard from believers that he was a good apologist. To hear all these revelations now, stomach turning. 2 Peter 2:14 speaks of false teachers having two things: greed and eyes full of adultery. RZ gets a check, check on each count. I'm banking on he wasn't a genuine believer. Regardless, I agree with you, he's not one to recommend anymore! RZIM should disband. Completely. If any believers of integrity were part of that ministry, they need to move onto a different endeavor that has nothing to do with his name. I do give RZIM credit though for not hiding this damning evidence. Unlike *cough* Sovereign Grace Ministries *cough*.

    Keller and Ron Burns (Thabiti) - obvious false teachers, and that's been evident for a long time now. Thanks for continuing to remind the saints to steer clear.

    LOL, Bentley is back? Good grief. Col 2:18 is appropriate here. Mark and avoid this fraud.

    Lucado, I never thought much of him. While saddened, I'm not shocked by his trajectory.


  3. Unknown,

    Not necessarily. Ravi had some good teachings. I just wouldn't pass them on to anyone who didn't know of the problems with Ravi.

  4. Glenn,

    A former pastor recommended Brennen Manning’s books and I bought two different books he had written. Later, through studying the Word and the Holy Spirit’s guidance, I learned the falsehood that was written in those books. One day I retrieved both books from my bookshelf and into the trash they went. Same with all the cassette tapes of teachings that I later realized were not in line with God’s Word. It is a good practice to get rid of material from anyone who has tarnished the name of Christ. I had several JUST THINKING magazines piled up in storage. Now they are gone, even if there were some good articles not written by Ravi. I keep too much reading material anyway, and it was a good time to throw them away!


  5. https://www.deeperwatersapologetics.com/?p=12533

  6. I think Ravi did a good job of teaching people how to make philosophical arguments, which sometimes is needed with the LEFTISTs out there. So if I had a book by Ravi which had some good ideas, I'd keep it just for the good ideas, but I would never pass it on or recommend it.

    One can get some really good ideas from LEFTISTs and atheists.

  7. To the legalistic and ignorant troll Martha, you will not get your comments posted, period.

  8. I don't see a problem with RZ's books if the info within is sound. Why would I? I would absolutely pass it on if I thought well of the info. That's entirely apart from discussing the character of the guy who wrote the books. His personal life doesn't have anything to do with the sound principles he expresses. If we have to deny such books because the author isn't perfect, can you not see the problem? As each of us are also imperfect in any number of ways, we could never expect anyone should listen to us, either.

  9. Art,

    The reason I wouldn't pass on a Ravi book is because it would be sanctioning his teachings, and when you find out he didn't have the degrees or training he claims, and his morality was bad, I just don't think it would help anything.

  10. Glenn,

    No one needs sheepskin to know the truth and pass it on to others. All that counts is whether or not what is passed on is true. I've never spent a great deal of time listening to RZ or reading his stuff, but if what he taught was Biblically sound, then I see absolutely no problem with it. If it is sound, then it would absolutely help a lot of people. His personal behavior is a separate issue and so long as it hasn't tainted the actual teachings he puts forth...say, mitigating the Christian perspective on the behaviors in which he chose to engage...then his personal behavior is irrelevant to the teachings he puts forth.

    I have two examples to illustrate my point:

    1. I did a post not long ago that began with noting the artistic ability of one Adolph Hitler. Did his evil make his artwork less pleasing to the eye? Not at all.

    2. I just watched a movie last night called "The Professor and The Madman" about how the Oxford English Dictionary was put together and the efforts of an institutionalized schizophrenic toward that goal. The madman's name was Dr. William Chester Minor. Portrayed in the movie as truly nuts, he nonetheless provided well for the assembly of the dictionary and was considered almost a lifesaver in the progress of that work.

    Both examples show a clear distinction between the person (and the person's behaviors) and the work, where the negatives related to the personalities were indicated in the work itself. If Hitler's artwork were promoting his politics and ideology, then naturally the work would be worthy of derision. In the same way, if RZ's personal behavior was not promoted in his work, it can't be of any consideration as regards the quality and value of the work.

    Naturally, if you can find a suitable replacement that is of equal or better quality than RZ's work, then by all means, you've found a more reasonable excuse to ignore his.

  11. Art,

    The problem isn't that Ravi didn't have "sheepskins," the problem is that he LIED! That takes away his credibility. How can his teachings be trusted; i.e. how do we know anything he says is true? HE really didn't address a whole lot of doctrine, rather his primary focus of philosophical arguments. I've found just as good arguments by other authors who are trustworthy.


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