Tuesday, February 16, 2021

Distressing Things Within the Church

Let’s start with a look at the investigation into Ravi Zacharias’ “Decades of Sexual Abuse.” On top of this report we have learned that he lied about his credentials. Although he was a brilliant teacher, I could never, ever again recommend anything he has written.  Here’s another article on the topic.  No one should try to defend him.  The last word about Ravi from Elizabeth Prata.

The only evidence you need to prove Tim Keller is a false teacher.

STOP using satanic practices; don’t even play with them!

Todd Bently is back. This heretic, blasphemer of God, and false prophet continues to prove how bad he really is. These claims of visions are either bald-faced lies or from the demonic world. At any rate he certainly isn’t a believer.

More on the cult of Hillsong. And still more.

NO CHURCH should allow Hillsong, Bethel, or Elevation music into their assembly.

Thabiti Anyabwile has become “woke.” And it you don’t agree with him you are “ravaging churches” and causing “re-segregation.” Stay away from him.

Yes, Joyce Meyer is a horrid false teacher.

The “gospel” of the New Apostolic Reformation. Keep away from this heresy.

Watch out for pro-sodomy theology.

Several times on the blog I have warned about the false teachings of Max Lucado. This article is another perfect example of how Lucado seeks to appease sinners.

Beware the false prophets and false apostles!

Let’s end with an excellent sermon about discernment, and the pastor doesn’t shy away from naming names!