Saturday, July 27, 2019

More Wolves and False Teachings

Hot off the press this morning — Josh Harris, the homeschool and courtship cults’ darling, has decided that he isn’t a believer after all.  First he announces his divorce from his wife, and then he announces (the most likely reason for the divorce) his total apostasy from the faith to the point of sanctioning the GLBTQYZ agenda, including “marriage equality.” It’s sad how he once had some good ideas jumbled with legalistic ideas, putting many Christian youth into spiritual bondage, and now has thrown even the good teachings away. There is some smoldering history behind the defection.

More proof that the United Church of Christ is not a church of Christ, but rather a church of Satan.

The Catholic Church—total apostasy in the making.

Using discernment with “Christian” magazines.

Beth Moore seems to be going soft on homosexuality. Sigh. The full time-line of Moore’s hole being dug deeper.  Elizabeth Prata has a good commentary about the situation. Of course homosexuals are rallying around Moore!  More thoughts about the Moore imbroglio by Justin Peters.

Michael Brown — WOW!  And “DOUBLE WOW!” He is getting deeper and deeper into aberrant and blatantly false teaching.

Kenneth Copeland is a dangerous wolf who, if he doesn’t repent, will spend eternity in hell. There is absolutely NO reason any real pastor needs a private jet. He fleeces his congregation of goats (certainly not sheep) and even talks to Satan in prayer!

Living Out ministry has some BIG trouble!

It’s really sad when solid Bible teachers continue to appear at conferences, etc, with well-known false teachers. The information about John MacArthur was new to me, as well as very surprising. The only way I see as being legitimate to attend along with false teachers is to use the opportunity to EXPOSE THEM!

I don’t know if Steven Furtick can get much worse, but the man does not appear to be a true Christian.

The Episcopal Church is sinking lower and lower, blaspheming the Holy Spirit.

Can Believers Manipulate the Power and Presence of Christ?  The short answer is, “NO.”  Several names of false teachers are included.

This video is a perfect example of why Mark Batterson is a false teacher.  Remember him — Circle Maker tripe?

Stop reading Ann Voskamp!  She is a dangerous heretic.

Now HERE’S a list worth perusing! Teachers and teachings to avoid, OH MY!

I never cared much for the music of Casting Crowns, but now there is an excellent reason to avoid them — why support false teachings?


  1. Glenn,

    Not going to say much (I could say a lot more) - the Harris news, very sad and sobering. The "kissed dating goodbye" book was indeed legalism mixed with correct teaching, which is a toxic mixture. That book was pushed, spread and promoted by leaders (including Harris being promoted by his mentor Mahaney) with little discernment, and it did cause harm to the church. Harris was right to apologize for the legalisms and unbiblical teaching in his book, but it's heartbreaking that he isn't seeming to maintain faith in that which was/is sound and good.

    For many years, I've kept abreast of the errors and scandals of many famous name evangelicals (Warren, Hybels, Driscoll, Moore, Shirer, Mahaney, Chandler, Chan, etc). While I always fight error, none of those others ever troubled my heart like this news about Harris. For some reason, this one has burdened me greatly.

    Moving on, I agree wholeheartedly with your comment about conferences, how solid Bible teachers should not appear with those who are unsound. Another example: Alistair Begg speaking with Beth Moore.

    Sadly, no, the statement by MacArthur mentioned by P&P (that he will fight error, but not his friends) didn't surprise me one bit. It's the celebrity evangelical culture, and MacA is part of it. It's that simple. Why does the celeb evangelical culture hold so much sway? It's as much the fault of the average congregant who (yes) idolizes these men/women, as it is the famous teacher's fault for loving the praises of men too much.

    The apostasy alert list, yes, I'd agree every name listed there (of what I recognized), mark and avoid.

    Anyhow, I'll also post this here - praying for the Lord's help for you with all your medical troubles as of late. Sorry you're going through such struggles, but glad the doctors are pinpointing what is going on. Praying for a good course of helpful treatments to follow.


  2. Hi Glenn,

    I want to add some thoughts.

    Regarding MacA, I want to make it clear that I'm not disparaging him. I guess I'm just very, very distressed by a lot of what I've been seeing going on in the church lately. The news about Harris really hit me hard, really hard. I personally had no connection to him whatsoever, but for some reason, I've been troubled deep down since hearing that news. I repent of the snark in my last post, as I spoke out of frustration and grief.

    However, I do stand by my comment that there truly is a celebrity culture in the evangelical world, and a lot of things have happened in it that should not have. That said, I do realize we can't expect even the best well-known leader to be perfect. We can hope to see - and certainly would want to see - any errors corrected. But even that doesn't always happen as we'd want it to.

    That said, conferences seem to be the places where these troubles quite often occur. Also worship concerts. Case in point - Casting Crowns (generally sound) now performing with Hillsong (grossly unsound). It almost feels like a black hole of inevitability at this point, that if you speak at a conference, or perform at a concert, the compromise is all around, seemingly unavoidable. I hear preachers saying they want revival in America. I feel we need revival in the church.

    Regarding the Answers Conference, I don't know who Jackie Hill Perry is, but if she's a compromised teacher, then I'd be very saddened at her speaking there. Especially because Ken Ham and the entire ministry of AiG has been one of the most strong Biblical voices on God's Word regarding marriage, gender, and all those related issues. And if ever we need this clarity, we need it now.

    But unfortunately, there is just so much confusion in the church. Example: believers like you - and sisters like Elizabeth Prata and the sisters who wrote the open letter - and brothers like Justin Peters, Phil Johnson, P&P - are trying to root the problem with Beth Moore OUT of the church, when John Piper (yes, who has done/said other concerning things) and Alistair Begg have shared or will share a platform with her, and the SBC and LifeWay actively promote her. For the unsaved, for young believers, for those who haven't trained their spiritual sensitivity to discern truth from error, this is a mixed message.

    Sadly, it seems sometimes we are a house divided... I wish it weren't so.


  3. Glenn,

    And this article on Harris, by Carl Trueman, gives us much to think about:



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