Friday, February 3, 2017

Some Roman Catholic Dogmas

The following information was found in my files on a page I tore out of sometime in the past.  There is nothing on the page which identifies what the publication was.  However, I think it is good information to impart to my readers so you can see just how recent some of these teachings were declared dogma by the Roman Catholic Church.

Some of the dates on this list are approximate (note that a few of these false ideas originated before Roman Catholicism itself).  Many of these dogmas were debated for years before being established as official dogma (the first two, especially, entered the Church prior to Roman Catholicism, which only began to exist in the later 4th century).

300 A.D.  Prayers for the dead.

300 A.D.  Making the sign of the cross.

375 A.D.  Veneration of angels and dead saints.

375 A.D.  Use of images in worship.

394 A.D.  The Mass as a daily celebration.

431 A.D.  The title “Mother of God” assigned to Mary.

526 A.D.  Extreme Unction (Last rites).

593 A.D.  Doctrine of Purgatory — Gregory I.

600 A.D.  Prayers to Mary and dead saints.

786 A.D.  Worship of cross, images, and relics.

995 A.D.  Canonization of dead saints.

1079 A.D. Celibacy of priesthood.

1090 A.D.  The Rosary.

1190 A.D.  Indulgences.

1215 A.D.  Transubstantiation — Innocent III.

1215 A.D.  Auricular Confession of sins to a priest.

1220 A.D.  Adoration of the wafer (Host).

1414 A.D.  Cup forbidden to the people at communion.

1439 A.D.  Purgatory proclaimed as a dogma.

1439 A.D.  The doctrine of the Seven Sacraments confirmed.

1545 A.D.  Tradition declared of equal authority with Bible — Council of Trent.

1546 A.D.  Apocrypha added to the Bible.

1854 A.D.  Immaculate Conception of Mary.

1870 A.D.  Infallibility of the pope in matters of faith and morals — Vatican Council.

1950 A.D.  Assumption of the Virgin Mary (bodily ascension into heaven shortly after her death.

1965 A.D.  Mary proclaimed to be Mother of the Church.

There are other dogmas which are also late entering the RCC, such as the Papal Office; Mary’s perpetual virginity, her office as co-redeemer and co-mediator; baptismal regeneration; mortal vs venial sin; et al.  Not a single one of these can be supported biblically.


  1. Glenn,

    Would you amend this to put in Scripture to refute each point? That would be so helpful as a reference!


  2. Hi Carolyn,

    That's a great idea, but right now I don't have the time. I'll put it on my "to do" list!

  3. Apart from the Apocrypha being added in the 1500s (which - and this is a scholarly fact - is simply silly, as it's been accepted since at least the 300s BC), a great list.

  4. JM1999

    While the apocrypha was accepted by some in the church, it existed apart from the collection now called the Bible, and was, to my understanding, only added to the Bible in the 1500s.


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