Friday, April 15, 2016

Tradition and Custom Don’t Mean Truth

Custom and acquired tradition can also be misleading.  Traditions are customs which have been preserved for generations with deep cultural roots.  They may or may not agree with truth, but they are not valid criterion for truth.  We do not allow for the antiquity of ancient forms of cannibalism to argue for the validity of their tradition.  It has been traditional in some ancient societies to place a living wife into the funeral fire of her deceased husband, but tradition is not an argument for the validity of the custom.

We often hear that a position is true because it has stood the test of time.  Theology is often debated merely from this criterion.  If this were a valid test for truth, then many false superstitions of the past would be ultimately vindicated.  The geocentric theory of the universe is much older than the heliocentric theory, as well as the theory that the earth is flat.

Dr. J.O. Hosler, “The Baptismal Regeneration/Believer’s Baptism Debate,” pg.361

1 comment:

  1. Tradition is fine when it's used to bring a group of people together. like wearing a kilt or even the singing of the Star Spangled Banner at a ball game. But in the end, tradition is merely saying "We do it like this because we've always done it like this". Tradition has no place in doctrine, at best it can illustrate scripture, most often it distracts from scripture, and in the RCC it replaces scripture.


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