Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Random Aberrations, Apostasies, and Heresies


Narcissism in the world—AND the Church.

More verses examined in the series of abused Bible verses:

Examining “binding and loosing” — not what charismatics claim.

Justin Bieber claims to be a Christian, so the news reports, but what about his fruit?  And is he a legitimate spokesman for Jesus?  Considering he spends time at Hillsong, New York, and calls goatherd Carl Lenz a mentor, that should say something about Bieber’s theology.

A bonafide heretic claims people like me—gun owners—are heretics.  Simply bizarre.

Oh my!  A conference for Dominionists to save the world and bring back Christ!  A virtual who’s who of false teachers.

How the “church” of Sweden can still call themselves “Christian” is beyond my comprehension.

False teacher Paula White declares speaking against Donald Trump will bring condemnation from God!

Elizabeth Prata examines some Beth Moore claims from her new book, “Audacious.”

As my regular readers know, I’ve written much about “worship music” in church and how problematic it can be.  This article pretty much sums up some of the problems I’ve raised.

I like his “six bugbears” of “contemporary worship music.”


  1. Hi Glenn,

    Oh my, what a list today!

    Narcissism, I personally don't get the "selfie" phenomenon. The obsession with cell phones and taking self portraits is insane. They even have "selfie sticks" now, so you can get the ultimate selfie, apparently, without having to awkwardly hold your phone out with your arm. Additionally, I'm not surprised that this "selfie" attitude is also in our churches. Ever take a gander at how many people in church, youth especially, are glued to their cell phones? You also see it in how people behave. Children in the Wed night children's ministry are too busy showing off to each other, rather than listening to the adults who are trying to teach them. Teenagers and college coeds on the worship team are too busy texting each other and goofing around on their phones, rather than paying attention to the leader as he is trying to coordinate everyone during practice. Yup, a self absorbed generation is upon us, and they are the "future" of the church. Don't worry, Satan's got the current generation of adults, too, which I think is why we are where we are. After all, the women can't get enough of Beth Moore, and the men have been following the likes of Mark Driscoll.

    Sad to see GQ promoting the MESSage. I don't like seeing once faithful ministers/ministries fall into compromise. Also very concerning to see DJ's new group of friends. Notice "Jumpstart" is a PURPOSE DRIVEN event. That would be the lingo of another one of those birds of a feather who are fleecing the flock. And fellow church growth movement magnate Bill Hybels is tied in with the Billion Souls Network of Dominionists. I'm never surprised that we just keep seeing the same names, over and over and over again...

    Justin Bieber - considering I just saw a headline today that said he was photographed in the "buff" while on vacation with his newest lady companion, I'd say he's living his theology.

    Contemporary worship, yes, it is a problem, for sure, for all those reasons and more.

    Bethel's youth leader's comment was so outrageous, I had to re-read it several times. I thought it said that Dahl asked Jesus for forgiveness. No, it said "Jesus" asked Dahl for forgiveness. THAT is apostasy to the core.


  2. PS - about worship music, listen to Janet Mefferd's 10/7/15 podcast interview with T. David Gordon. He gives other reasons why contemporary worship music is problematic, and also is hopeful that it is on the decline.



    The article that Gordon wrote, that he discussed with Janet Mefferd.


  4. Carolyn,

    When this nation's President is often caught taking "selfies," it just shows how low this country has fallen. He is the Narcissist in Chief, and our youth just do what they are taught. And I think most of our young people would die if they didn't have their electronic gadget in their hands.

    I'll have to wait for a couple days when I'm back on my desktop to check out your link.

  5. Hi Glenn,

    Can't say I've paid enough attention to the news to know how much the selfie phenomenon has captured even our leaders. That is very sad.

    I agree with you, regarding our youth.

    I think you'll appreciate the link. Let me know what you think of Gordon's assessment.


  6. Carolyn,

    We were at a conference almost three hours away - Left home Thursday morning, arrived home Saturday evening. So this afternoon I'm catching up.

    Excellent article. Thanks for that link; it will be included in my next RAAH report.

  7. Hi Glenn,

    Glad you liked the article, and you're welcome. Hope you had a good conference, as well.



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