Thursday, July 2, 2015

Random Aberrations, Apostasies, and Heresies

Breaking news yesterday is that the Episcopal Church has finally quit pretending they are Christian and have totally thumbed their collective noses at God by developing a genderless “marriage” ceremony.  If real Christians attend this denomination, explain why you haven’t left the Episcopal denomination years ago.

The “Christian” Left is getting creepier and creepier as Satan feeds them their daily food.  Can you imagine Jesus telling children that they should be glad their siblings were aborted?!?

Sam Storms is one of those false teachers I’ve heard about in the past, but haven’t heard anything about him for years.  I guess I just don’t fly in the right circles.  Well, last week I came across this article examining a book by Storms; I agree with the reviewer that this book can’t be recommended.

Joel Osteen just loves Muslims — as Muslims.  Shouldn’t Christians love Muslims to where they want to teach them the Gospel??  What can you expect from a man who says he worships the same god as do Mormons?

Well, aren’t we lucky; “Of Kings and Prophets” has been pulled from the fall TV schedule.  At least it will be a while before this misrepresentation of the Bible is aired.

I am currently reading and reviewing a book which I was asked to comment on (I’ll reserve the title and review for another time), and the author really goads me by his continual reference to M. Scott Peck as an authority on biblical matters.  I’ve read about Peck in the past and know he is not to be trusted with the Bible, so this immediately lowers my opinion of the author’s credibility.  For those unfamiliar with his name, I decided to link to an article about him, which is a good primer for more research when necessary.  His teachings certainly are not Christian.

Answers in Genesis has posted a commentary on the final episode of “A.D.: The Bible Continues.”

Too many people who call themselves Christians have been praising the latest travesty of justice by the Supreme Court.  Of course these same people have supported same-sex fake marriages or “civil unions” since they began.  Here are 40 questions these people need to answer.

With this finding a right to redefine marriage, the Supreme Court has made it clear that Christians can be persecuted by the homosexualists more than they have been previously.  We can certainly expect the false believers to show themselves more plainly.  So what do we true believers do now?

Bill Gothard still refuses to repent of his sins.  He seems to believe he is above criticism.

From Mike Gendron’s “Proclaiming the Gospel” ministry, we have this interesting item about Roman Catholic leadership in Milwaukee:  “In the spirit of unity and charity, the Catholic Archdiocese of Milwaukee is encouraging Catholics to pray for their Muslim brothers and sisters during the holy month of Ramadan. They are instructed to pray that the Muslims' fasting and almsgiving will be pleasing to God, and that they may be enriched by their reading of the Qur’an.”  How can Muslims praying to a false god ever please the true God?  And since when are Christians to be in unity with Muslims in regards to religion?!?

Time as we know it is coming to an end.


  1. Speaking of that article from Answers in Genesis, I tried watching that "A.D. The Bible Continues" series back in September of 2018, and I was mightily disappointed by the poor quality. It had too many misrepresentations, errors, etc...I could not even finish watching the series. One thing is for certain, there sure are a lot of erroneous films about the Bible out there. Anyway, I watched a movie series called "The Bible" about six years ago and found it to be quite interesting...lets say dramatic.

  2. How can Roman Catholics so boldly claim that they are the one true church when they embrace unconverted Jews and Muslims as fellow brethren in Christ? Consider John 14:6. That reality of them preaching a false gospel appears to be far above their heads. I've made mention of this ecumenical nonsense before with Catholics and they do not express concern....sigh.


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