Saturday, February 23, 2013

Random Apostasies and Heresies

I’m still collecting way too many things to alert believers to!  It’s a very spiritually dangerous world out there with all the false teachings.  

Too many compromising teachers will tell us that we just need unity - disregard all that “unloving doctrinal stuff”; just seek unity with other believers!  What if the other believers aren’t really believers?  What if the other believers are following spiritually dangerous leaders?  Ken Sliva reminds us that unity for the sake of unity is very dangerous indeed.

I learned something new about Roman Catholicism this past week.  Did you know they treat the pope as a virtual god when they bury him?  Just another example of the false teachings found in the Roman Catholic organization.

Radio Bible Class is going contemplative.  This has been happening gradually, but it just shows that more and more teachers and organizations are jumping on the contemplative bandwagon.  Even Kay Arthur is now hobnobbing with the contemplative/emergent crowd.  The Bible just isn’t enough any more.

Goatherd Jay Bakker has been a false teacher from the “git-go” with his pro-homosexual and emergent teachings, but now he’s even denying the Atonement.  Just another example of the truth stated in 2 Timothy 4:3.

Joel Osteen is still avoiding any mention of sin in his teaching.  What can you expect from a motivational speaker pretending to be a pastor?  After all, if he started teaching about sin, he might end up wit a church the size of a house, and where would he get all his money?!?!

More on Rachel Held Evans, the false teacher who is becoming popular among the “Christian” left.
“The Bible doesn’t give us a blueprint,” said Rachel Held Evans to a group of about sixty students and adults gathered in a classroom at the College of William and Mary Sunday, February 10th. “Instead, the Bible gives us history and traditions, and stories and proverbs and poetry, well mostly stories. And stories don’t fit very well into a blueprint,” she explained. “The fact that it’s not a blueprint; that’s what brings us into community with one another.”
Of course the way she understands the Bible was played out in her book, demonstrating she has absolutely NO clue as to what the Bible actually has in it, or even what any of it means.

I have previously posted about problems with Bill Johnson’s church and the false teachings found there, including Johnson’s own bizarre and unbiblical ideas.  Well, now we have James MacDonald’s Walk in the Word quoting Bill favorably!  Does this mean MacDonald approves of him?  MacDonald has previously given approval to T.D. Jakes, so I have to wonder.

A major problem with the Church today is that so many assemblies seek to be “relevant” to the culture, as if the Bible and the Christian faith aren’t relevant already.  And this is why we have all the seeker-sensitive and market-driven mega-churches which focus on entertainment and programs to attract “customers.”  But should we really be trying to suit the culture?  Mormonism Research Ministry posted an excellent article on the subject, opening with a story about a horrendous activity of Episcopal priests (no surprise there).

1 comment:

  1. "The Bible does not give us a blueprint..." Wow, that statement should be sufficient to tell anyone Rachel Held Evans (or any other professing Christian leader who utters such a statement) is a false teacher.

    Paul would have certainly disagreed (2 Timothy 3:15-17). It is odd how these people just so happen to serve a god who agrees with them about everything.


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