Friday, December 7, 2012

Random Apostasies and Heresies

Time for another round of things that should scare - and sadden - a discerning Christian; things which people need to be alerted to stay away from.

Let’s start with The Alpha Course.  As noted in previous blogs, this is a spiritually-dangerous course.  Not only did it originate from someone with aberrational ideas, but it is also extremely ecumenical and brings in lots of Roman Catholic teachings.  There is just so much wrong with this course that it has taken books to examine it all.  One of the best sites for good summation articles is Erin Benziger’s “Do Not Be Surprised...

Apprising Ministries has also previously posted articles exposing the nature of The Alpha Course, and last week posted an excellent one examining six important points where this course is problematic.

What is shocking about The Alpha Course is that, while making a strong comeback, it is being promoted by too many well-known church leaders.  In my last “Random” post I noted that John Piper, and Moody Radio’s Janet Parshall were both speaking approvingly of the course.  Rick Warren has now joined the band-wagon, claiming that God began a movement with The Alpha Course, and that it was inspired by the Holy Spirit”!  I hate to burst Warren’s apostate bubble, but God would never start a movement which teaches apostasy and other false teachings, nor would the Holy Spirit inspire it.  Just another reason Warren should not be trusted as a Christian teacher.

Apprising Ministries was good enough this past week to post an older article from another site examining some issues surrounding The Alpha Course, and whether or not we should be judging its content.  This link will go to the original article.

Moving right along, Rick Warren is not only promoting Alpha but he is now regretting making the video supporting real marriage during the 2008 Proposition 8 in California.  Putting this together with a comment he recently made during an interview when he stated that homosexual behavior “might be” a sin, one has to wonder what his particular teachings about homosexuality will now be.

I’m not done with Rick Warren yet (one could write a very large book about the false teachings of Warren).  I previously briefly mentioned his new PDL anniversary version as being as bad - if not worse - than the original; this week Lighthouse Trails Research ministry posted a special report which should be reviewed by everyone interested in the whole PDL issue.  The book is still unbiblical.

Although the fundamentalist LDS groups who practice polygamy are ostracized by the Utah church, in regards to polygamy the FLDS actually follows the teachings of Joseph Smith better than does the LDS.  Greg Kouki makes an excellent point comparing the Mormons desire for clear distinction between them and the FLDS, and Christians’ desire for clear distinction between us and the LDS.

Remember Christine Caine, mentioned in previous posts as being a false teacher?  Well she is again reminding us that her “spiritual mother” is none other than Word of Faith heretic Joyce Meyer.  Anyone with a heretic as a “spiritual parent” should not be teaching the Word of God.

Christine Caine’s association with heretics and other false teachers is becoming a very common occurrence.  It seems another of her favorites is Sheryl Brady, another WOF “pastor” who was installed in her office by WOF heretic and modalist T.D. Jakes.  In this article by Apprising Ministries, you can see the connections between all these false teachers with so many other WOF fakes.  None of these people have a clue about what the Bible really teaches.

And of course there is Rod Parsley, with his “prayer cloths.”  But guess who is chummy with this WOF heretic?  Steven Furtick!  There is no shame with these new “superstar” emergent and seeker-sensitive leaders; take a look at the latest from Ed Young, Jr.


  1. Great Information. I appreciate your research and forthright comments.

    Today, in church, I learned that Santa Claus stems from christianity, that the crusaders were instrumental in spreading the gospel and that most of the signers of the Declaration of Independence were evangelical christains. These pearls of wisdom and truth among others [too numerous to mention] were taken from D.James Kennedy' book What if Jesus Had Never Been Born.

    If these things are true, it was news to me. Seems error is rampant in the large as well as the small congregations.

    Also a member of our congregation has ask that each of us, if we would like to, contribute to pay for our pastor to attend the John Piper leadership conference in February - since the pastor loves Piper' teachings it would be such a blessing to him.

    We are sheep among wolves - but it is now seemingly easier to see the difference between the two.

  2. Hi Ali,

    Well, Santa Claus does stem from Christianity if you take the tradition to its origin in St. Nicholas. But as usual, instead of sticking simply with teaching who HE was, the whole thing slowly developed so as to be unrecognizable as being anything like the origin, and became instead something to promote materialism and greed.

    The Crusaders were instrumental in stopping the spread of Islam, and that was all they were good for, especially since it is highly doubtful that many were sincere Christians (sincere Roman Catholics perhaps).

    D. James Kennedy has a lot of good teachings, but it is things like this than makes one wonder what he was thinking. I agree these things would not have taken place had Christ not been born, but we should at least be truthful about how they USED the Christian faith rather than being ABOUT the Christian faith.

    I would ask that member if he really knows what Piper teaches!


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