Wednesday, February 26, 2025

What is Wrong With “The Chosen”? Part 2

What about the New Age connection? While concerns about The Chosen are being revealed on an almost daily basis, it is nevertheless shocking to learn that Rabbi Jason Sobel, one of three Biblical Consultants for The Chosen, claims to have met Christ in heaven through Eastern/New Age meditation.

Lighthouse Trails apologetics ministry has posted THE CHOSEN Series—10 Critical Concerns.

These are serious concerns, some of which I’ve already noted in my previous post.

The abject dishonesty to get more audience of the series should be a BIG red flag.

Another example of something that never happened: “The Chosen”, Nicodemus, and a Common Myth.

Get Used to a Different Jesus—a Jesus Mormons like!  More important information in that regard can be found here.  Don’t let people lie to you and say it “The Chosen” has nothing to do with Mormonism.  Dallas Jenkins supposedly thinks this would be funny. (Click on the photo to enlarge it for reading.)

Mormon doctrine in The Chosen Season 3?  Let’s look a little deeper.

Dallas Jenkins Lies About Mormons And The Chosen Not Being A Ministry

The Chosen: Shocking Confessions. Yes, deep LDS connections as well as Catholic connections, etc, etc.

According to "The Chosen" Peter says God makes mistakes!

I wonder if God wants to portray an “authentic Jesus” by a man who prayed with a dead homosexual?  The man thinks he’s on a mission from God!

How “The Chosen” uses LEFTIST preachers to promote the series. In communion with heretics and false teachers to get people to watch!!

Isn’t the Biblical Account “Good” Enough? Nope, The Chosen needs to add scenes and conversations that never took place. Adding to Scripture is heresy. But, hey, what’s a little additional story to keep the audience engaged?

There Are Some Major Problems with “The Chosen”…YIKES!!!  Did you know that “The Chosen” offers viewers an App so you can pray the Rosary  and to the Roman Catholic saints? Would the real Jesus approve of this heretical teaching?

Well, let’s end this examination with one last video; it’s almost an hour long but should be watched. Should Christians Choose The Chosen?


  1. The solution to all your problems is converting to the Catholic Church.

  2. The Roman Catholic Church (the Papist church) is rife with heresy and apostasy. It solves nothing.

  3. You are not infallible, so you have no authority to declare anything heresy. Your opinion is no better than anyone else. You need an infallible source to tell you what the truth is, so yes it solves everything.

  4. No one is infallible, including the POPE. I can declare heresy when what is taught does not align with Scripture. TRUTH is what GOD says in His Word, not what some self-important pope says. He is a very fallible human being. You've had your say--your comments will no longer be allowed.

  5. Look Mr Papist. God did NOT give the pope authority for anything. The Scripture is our authority. Papists have added to the Scripture and perverted it also.


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