Monday, October 7, 2024

Another Agglomeration

The Real History of Israel and Palestine – Pt. 1 Then read Part 2.

A very good, thought-provoking article about “Enjoying the Anger of Jesus.”

Does the Bible Encourage Masters to Beat Their Slaves? NOPE!

No, Jesus would NOT have us vote for Kamala Harris or the Demonkratic party.  “Evangelicals for Harris” is also very, very pro-abortion, which is something NO Christian should be.

Who Were the Emergent Church Leaders? Where Are They Now? Excellent review of the movers and shakers of the Emergent movement and how they still cause damage in the Church.

Beth Moore’s latest study: critique and review. As bad of a teacher as always.

I don’t remember ever hearing of Joni Lamb before, but she definitely needs to be warned against.

Heresy by the Pope! He essentially says all religions lead to the same God.  A wee bit of humor has the Pope debating with Jesus.

Blasphemy in the Church by those who condone and support the LGBTQ+ agenda. Satan is very active turning this nation even more and more into Sodom and Gomorrah.

Robert Morris is indeed a false teacher.

Heidi Baker, Billy Burke, etc, false teachers.

The Gospel Coalition loves to twist Scripture for their ideology.

I just had to share this false teacher, spawn of satan, so you can see what is out there and what  we real Christians have to work against. The article doesn’t give her name or “church,” for which I am glad.

Closing with this nonsense by Greg Locke:


  1. Feodor,

    Would you please behave as a Christian (as you claim to be) and quit harassing me so unlovingly? You are banned from this blog because of your lies, you twisting of Scripture, and your support for all that is unholy.

    Your are just looking for attention like a small child.

  2. Glenn, I’ve posted comments before, thanking you for your posts on Beth Moore. Through those articles, I began my journey out of a church with poor doctrine and was freed from many false views of God’s relationship with us, particularly with regard to how he “speaks” to us. I used to live with anxiety about whether the thoughts that popped into my head came from my own brain, the devil or the Spirit. Everything from “where should I travel,” to “is this feeling of foreboding a sign from God that if I go to Walmart right now, something bad is going to happen?” Over a decade after coming across your site, I look at the Bible and Christianity with a different lens. I wanted to tell you that the downside of recognizing the prevalence of false doctrine in churches has the effect of making me feel a bit alienated when I’m amongst Charismatic believers. I love them and I appreciate the level of excitement they maintain for praising God. But let me give you two examples of what troubles me. Recently, on two separate occasions, I’ve met 2 young ladies who told me God doesn’t allow them to sleep because he’s telling them something they have to write down. One said she hasn’t slept for weeks and she’s been furiously writing every thought that God is “downloading” into her mind. The other girl’s account is less extreme, just waking around 2 am and having to write what God brings to her mind. They attend different churches, both with pastors who encourage getting into a quiet place for long periods of time to hear from God. It’s not as though we can start a debate with young people who make these claims, right? Their pastors are encouraging it and confirming those words are directly from God, so they must obey them. These ladies do read and memorize their Bible, more than I do, but what’s missing is orthodox, sound doctrine to guide their interpretations and view of the Bible. Their pastors must have been poorly taught in their seminaries.

  3. Hi Robyn,
    I'm thankful that my site has helped you in your Christian walk.
    Charismatics are difficult to teach because they've been indoctrinated to think God talks to/prophesys through just about everyone.
    When they memorize Scripture it is usually taken out of context so as to support their beliefs, which makes it difficult to teach them the truth. The ladies you have dealt with would be difficult to teach but it could be worth the try, especially if you can get them to leave the churches with false teachings so they can listen to reason without reinforcement of the bad stuff.
    The so-call "pastors" that teach this stuff haven't gone to real seminaries, just places which teach "enthusiasm" as a doctrine. Very sad.


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