Friday, September 6, 2024

"Think on These Things"

You Do Err…  Think about Pharisees, legalists and cults.

The Broken Logic of Infant Baptism.  Excellent study!

Didaché - Are We Worse Than The Pharisees?!?

The Beth Moores vs. the Mary ‘Polly’ Careys.  Good, thought-provoking article.

Are there modern-day Apostles? Short answer, NO!

The Gospel Coalition just keeps getting worse and more satanic.

JD Greear, Ex-president of the Southern Baptist Convention as well as a pastor, has a bizarre take on homosexuality and other cultural issues. Certainly not proper for even a pastor!

Bethel ’s children’s ministry is disgusting and heretical.

More reasons to avoid Jen Wilkin.

Why do people still follow Kenneth Copeland? He is not a Christian—he is a rank heretic and fraud.

Another warning against Priscilla Shirer!

Rick Joyner continues to prove what a false teacher—let alone a false apostle—he is.

Kathryn Krick is as bad as it gets.

RECLAIMING the true meaning of 2 CHRONICLES 7:14  I addressed this back in 2020.

If you’ve liked Veggie Tales, as we did with our kids, you may have noticed them being not so good as the years went by. Well, the creator of Veggie Tale, Phil Vischer, has become a rank heretic; don’t give him any more of your money!!!

Interesting review of Kendrick Brothers’ films. I like the first three (and saw the same issues Elizabeth notes) but Courageous seemed too contrived (more so than the others) and War Room went so far out of whack that we didn’t bother with any further movies.

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