Monday, July 22, 2024

Rise, My Soul, to Watch and Pray

Rise, my soul, to watch and pray; 

from thy sleep awaken!

Be not by the evil day 

unawares o'ertaken;

For the foe, well we know,

oft his harvest reapeth

while the Christian sleepeth.

Watch against the devil's snares, 

lest asleep he find thee;

for indeed no pains he spares 

to deceive and blind thee.

Satan's prey oft are they

who secure are sleeping 

and no watch are keeping.

Watch! Let not the wicked world 

with its pow’r defeat thee.

Watch lest with her pomp unfurled

she betray and cheat thee.

Watch and see, lest there be

faithless friends to charm thee, 

who but seek to harm thee.

Watch against thyself, my soul, 

lest with grace thou trifle;

let not self thy thoughts control

nor God's mercy stifle.

Pride and sin lurk within,

all thy hopes to scatter; 

heed not when they flatter.

But while watching, also pray

to the Lord unceasing.

He will free thee, by they stay,

strength and faith increasing.

Oh Lord, bless in distress

And let nothing swerve me 

from the will to serve thee.

Johann Burchard Freystein

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