Friday, June 2, 2023

Things to Think About!

False teacher Tim Keller has died. I’ve reported on his false teachings many times.

Evangelicals and Progressives: The Great Divide

You Shall Know Them by Their Fruits

Here is another excellent article addressing the issue of How Should Christians View Transgender Day of Visibility?

Why I no longer use Transgender Pronouns—and Why You shouldn’t, either.

God bless Ken Ham for rebuking Andy Stanley.  Ray Comfort has a good 9-minute+ video explaining the issue.  This shows just how corrupt are Stanley and those who support him.

The Troubling Trend of False Teaching in the Church. Excellent video of a class which took place in a recent conference.

How Bethel and Hillsong Took Over Our Worship Sets. Don’t use anything from these apostate and often heretical groups.  If you do, you are helping to finance them.

Fire baptism? NO SUCH THING.

Allen Parr is a new one to me, but he’s a dangerous WOLF.

Lauren Daigle, false believer.

The Passion “translation” of the Bible is pure garbage.

Another example of the unbiblical/unChristian ideology of The Chosen: Supporting the whole “gay” agenda. MoreAnd a wee bit moreFinally, there’s this one; if you haven’t stopped watching The Chosen due to unbiblical theology, then you need to stop watching it because it supports the LGBTQ agenda.

But…there are gay penguins, right?


  1. How come you quit doing those book giveaways? I thought those were interesting.

  2. Because I'm out of books to give away! Aside from those offered on my site, I offered them to people I know as well as to churh. I gave away almost 1000 volumes.

  3. Would you say that Keller is in hell/unsaved?

  4. I think he was a genuine Christian, just distracted with a lot of false teachings which he thought everyone should know. Hard to say.

  5. If you think he was a genuine Christian, it doesn't make much sense for you to say he is a false teacher.

  6. Anonymous, why don't you have the guts to ID yourself with all your posts lately?

    A real Christian can be a false teacher; there can be all sorts of teachings/beliefs which don't affect salvation. If wrong thinking prevented one from being a real Christian, every charismatic would be unsaved.

  7. That's the problem. They arn't saved!

  8. So you are now the judge of one's heart? Do you have YOUR theology perfect? Coward.

  9. KJVO cult member, you've proven your judgments are in error. You will no longer be posted.

  10. Did Andy's father ever call him out?

  11. Not that I know of. Charles also started leaning LEFT off and on.


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