Friday, December 9, 2022

No New Apostles

The following was shared on Facebook by “Famine In the Land” and I said I’d share it on my blog.


Famine in the land

December 5 at 11:12 AM


All the Apostles in the Bible were called directly by Christ (the one exception was Matthias who replaced Judas), even Paul who was called post-resurrection, was called directly by Christ (Galatians 1:1) and met the qualification of being a witness to his resurrection (Acts 1:22; Acts 9:15; 1 Cor 15:8). It should be glaringly obvious that no plans were put in place to appoint or recognize any other Apostles. The foundation had been laid, and the office was closed! In a sense, anyone who is "sent out" to proclaim the gospel is an "apostle," but they are not Apostles in the same category as the original, chosen by God. Apart from the required qualifications which can no longer be met, the original Apostles had a unique role, performed unique signs (2 Cor 12:12), and were recipients of unique revelation (Eph 3:3-6).

When you hear that God is restoring "Apostles" to the church, know this - there's a reason so many people in the visible church lay claim to the title:

1. It gives them the authority and recognition they crave - which enables them to gather and manipulate followers.

2. It automatically elevates their teachings ( I mean who wants to listen to a pastor when you can sit under the teaching of a real "Apostle.")

3. It insinuates that God is working through them in a unique fashion - find me a modern-day "Apostle" who doesn't claim to have had special encounters with God, new revelations, or emphasizes the "miracles" performed through their ministry and the importance of their office.

They may claim that they're not on the same level as the original Apostles when pressed, but they're happy to reap the benefits of their elevated status knowing full well the average ignorant and biblically illiterate follower rarely makes the distinction.

Finally, consider this - If Apostles have been absent for close to 2000 years, God is guilty of neglecting and depriving his people of a vital chain in the governance of his household.

The foundational role of apostles and prophets is complete: "So then you are no longer strangers and aliens, but you are fellow citizens with the saints and members of the household of God, built on the foundation of the apostles and prophets, Christ Jesus himself being the cornerstone," Ephesians 2:19-20.

Nothing needs to be added to the cornerstone, Christ's work is complete. Nothing needs to be added to the foundation, the Apostles' function has been fulfilled and their message is complete, and sufficient (2 Tim 3:16-17).

The lesson - if you're sitting under the ministry of someone who claims to be an apostle in the fivefold ministry - run! 

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