I’ve been bombarded with items this past couple weeks and the items really need to be broadcast to as many Christians (and even non-believers) as possible; we need to teach discernment and educate people about the truth of the Christian faith and doctrines.
I’m going to start, though, with an excellent teaching about REAL spiritual warfare. You don’t need to “bind” Satan (and can’t anyway).
A good article exposing the false idea of “many paths to God” is by Don and Joy Veinot of Midwest Christian Outreach apologetics ministry.
Biologos purports to teach about God and science but they really deny the Word of God and don’t even use real science; they just make speculations, assumptions and assertions about the past and therefore ignore what God tells us. Answers In Genesis has a 3-part examination of Biologos’ heresy and false teachings, as well as responding to their claims of misrepresentation. Part 1, Part 2 and Part 3. I strongly suggest avoiding the use of Biologos for any research.
Sometime back I read an article about the relationship between David and Bathsheba, with a claim that David raped Bathsheba. I don’t remember the author but I just don’t see that in Scripture. When a well-known and (too-well) respected teacher such as John Piper teaches this, I have to alert my readers again to avoid Piper’s teachings like the plague.
“Slain in the Spirit” is a fraud. It has become a popular teaching by TV heretics as well as by those leading the many false revivals. Biblically, there is no such thing.
Lighthouse Trails has an excellent short article (available also as a booklet) expose major problems with “The Chosen” video series. Christians should not be watching or recommending this blasphemous trash.
Jennifer Eivaz is a New Apostolic Reformation “prophetess” (as will as an “associate minister”). Of course she is “par for the course” when it comes to the NAR, even though I’ve never before heard of her! Famine in the Land is an excellent site for keeping up with the false teachings of the NAR, Hillsong, Bethel, et al. I first read of Eivaz via a 2017 article from them which was recently posted on Facebook. The other post, from 2019, was also recently posted on FB and it reviews her book Glory Carriers, which was mentioned in the 2017 article. This woman’s teachings are dangerous—have nothing to do with her!
The meme at the beginning of this post comes from an article exposing Bethel Music as a “Trojan Horse” of false teachings. In this vein, Midwest Christian Outreach has an article discussing other ministries’ music and the “worship wars” among churches which have developed over the years.
The Presbyterian Church (USA) continues it’s spiral of heresy and other false teachings as they bear false witness against Israel with claims they are enslaving the so-called “Palestinians” and false claims in regards to the founding of Israel (among the many other false teachings promoting the LGBTQ agenda, women in the pulpit, etc).
Michael O. Emerson provides “learning resources” for “Christian leaders and their institutions,” yet he claims that 2/3 of “white practicing Christians are not followers of Christianity” but are “followers of the religion of whiteness.” He has brought Critical Race Theory to Christianity to make white Christians nothing but a bunch of racists. So why are “Christian leaders and their institutions” wasting money with this racist?
Beth Moore is now whining that John MacArthur has not apologized for hurting her feelings by speaking the truth.
Well, if you have the time I have three videos to recommend for your education (usually listen to these types of videos while doing other things):
J.D.Greear laments that real Christians are leaving his “woke” church. The video is just short of 24 minutes long
As I have noted in previous posts, the Passion Translation” of the Bible is a dangerous publication coming from the NAR. This video exposes some of the issues with it. 38 minutes long.
This last video is almost 45 minutes long, but exposes some dangerous wolves posing as Christian teachers. Some of the examples are claims of channelling God, claims to speak for God, claims that God has a covenant with the USA, and many false prophecies by so-called “prophets.”
PCUSA (which can be easily confused with CPUSA) has been apostate for decades. See the book The Death of a Church by Carl McIntire (1967).