Friday, September 3, 2021

Blog Ministry Winding Down

My life has become so complicated in recent months that I have found it difficult to get time to write articles which need much research, let alone posting the “Agglomeration” type articles. We seem to be away from home 3-4 days a week whether for only a couple hours or the whole day (which leads to a lot of eating out!!!).

What I want to do is have more time to focus on my “Anti-Mormon Blog,” since reaching Mormons with the truth was my introduction to apologetics back in 1974. I also want to keep my email ministry active where I receive many communications seeking information reference false teachers and cults as well as carrying on lengthy conversations with various cult members. I will also continue teaching classes about discernment in general and cults, etc, specifically (I have an upcoming class to teach about Mormons in adult Sunday school). So I am NOT stopping my ministry, just winding down the blog.

Since all my “Agglomeration” type posts are continual exposure of those false teachers and cults which are always in some sort of news for their latest antics, I am going to discontinue these — after all, you can end up beating a dead horse into the ground!

One person I would like to have time to really do a big report on is Timothy Keller; I’ve collected dozens of links to articles about his apostasy and false teachings but I’ve decided I just don’t have the time/desire any more. If anyone is interested in writing an article about him, I’ll be happy to send what I have and will even be happy to post the finished product on this blog!

Of course whenever I come across come good quotations I feel need to be shared, you will be seeing them. And as I have often done, if I come across a hymn which strikes me as something to share, that will also be posted.

I will still write smaller articles, or even bigger ones about topics I feel are important to share, but it won’t be often.

Lastly, for now anyway, I still have ten copies of the Personal Freedom Outreach Quarterly Journal which has the article I wrote about Hillsong. I can tell you that was a whole lot of work!  I’ll send them out to anyone requesting them until I run out.


  1. Thanks for all you do for the kingdom!

  2. Neil,

    Thanks for your support, and for all YOU do for the kingdom also. :)

  3. I so appreciate all the time you spend in your research and writing. Each post have been informative and encouraging to me. Thank you so much.

  4. Jesse,
    Like I said, I'm not stopping, just winding down.

  5. I've appreciated all that you share...and will look forward to what you can do in the future!! God bless you as you redirect your time!

  6. Thank you Esther and Bill for your encouragements.

  7. Glenn,

    You've done a good work here. Between you and Jill, I've gleaned much in discernment and encouragement. Thank you both!

    Of course, I'll keep stopping by to see whatever new things you post.

    Blessings, Carolyn

  8. Carolyn,

    Thank you for your gracious and kind words.

    I just posted an article a few minutes ago.

  9. Going to miss you Glenn, don’t Agee with all you say, but there are few better at capturing most of what I see and expressing it so clearly.
    It’s a big job discerning, and unfortunately fewer and fewer can actual grasp it. Good luck on finding someone to take on Keller project.

  10. Flyfisherman,

    Thanks! If you agreed with everything I write, I'd be worried!

    I really hope someone will indeed tackle Keller. He is a very dangerous wolf.

  11. Hi Glenn,

    Your articles and posts have been a great help to me in my desire to be more discerning. I've learned so much over the years by reading different blogs, i.e., Apprising Ministries, Reformation Charlotte, Protestia, etc., and yours! I left Charismaticism, direct revelation supposedly from God, and emotionalism a long time ago and I'm not a Calvinist for sure. My faith is grounded in the Word of God and my love for the Lord has grown immensely. Thank you for your time and effort into bringing sound wisdom to those who have ears to hear. And, by the way, Tim Keller is probably at the top of my all-time false teacher list along with the Emergent teacher, Brian Zahnd (author of Sinners in the Hands of a Loving God) who has done much, much damage to Evangelicalism. If you ever want to do a write-up of him in the future you'll have plenty of material. I'll be writing up something eventually on Vineyard Church, specifically, in Arvada, Co. So much heresy!
    PS-I wrote you awhile back about concerns with family members and thanks for the help regarding that. God bless!

  12. Thank you, Mountain Girl,

    There is so much bad theology out there that it's impossible to keep up with it all! It is readers like you who make this ministry worth while.

    Either helping others with their apologetics or getting people to realize what they are following is not from Christ are the reason I've been in this ministry.

    As noted, I'm not stopping, just not being as active here.

  13. Glenn,
    I’m glad to see all the encouraging comments of your readers. I’m one of them! I usually do not post but I hope that is not a discouragement to you. It ‘s natural to want to know if what we are writing is having its desired effect on readership. By these comments, yours most assuredly does. Jill’s, too! Thank you for yours and Jill’s articles through the years, and I’ll be checking back for more of the same! Blessings to you and Jill as you do some catching up in other areas!


  14. Nelia,

    Thank you for such a kind comment.

    We have always enjoyed our blog ministries because we want to teach; that is, after all, how the whole apologetics ministry started. I first wanted to teach the Mormons about how false their beliefs were, and the Jehovah's Witness teaching was added, then it snowballed rapidly to where I was teaching high school and adult Sunday school classes and Jill got involved in ladies' Bible studies where she began teaching discernment. It was a pastor who told me I needed a blog to reach a wider audience and then Jill decided she needed to encourage women. It's been both a challenge and a blessing!

  15. Glenn, Thanks for all you have done over the years in educating others, such as myself, about the many pitfalls within Christianity! I remember when I first discovered this blog several years ago while casually googling something related to ELCA+apostacy and voila! This site appeared and I spent the rest of the evening reading articles with equal parts of fascination and disgust at the heretics, lunatics, and whackadoodles present within the Mainline churches, Evangelical world, etc. I was truly enlightened and often returned each week or so to read up on the latest. You have both answered my email questions with great insight and responded to me when I left comments on your blog. I'll continue to come back periodically to see your latest projects and I wish you all the best in your new path.

  16. Wayne,

    Thank you for such a gracious -- and humbling -- comment. I've been truly blessed with this blog, which forced me to learn a lot myself in order to expose what I learn to others.

    I'll still be around.


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