Monday, November 30, 2020

Ugly Things Within the Church

The infection of
false doctrine in the Church.

WARNING: Carl Lentz is trying for a comebackHe’s getting counseling; psychobabble counseling which he will most likely claim has cured him and therefore he can be back in the pulpit.

Here comes the next Hillsong/Bethel-type church of apostasy and heresy.

Beth Moore - the woman really, really needs to be put out to pasture.

I saw this old video and decided to share it. It’s tells what Jehovah’s Witnesses teach about Jesus.

The Pope continues to prove that he has nothing to do with Christianity, is not a spokesman for God, but is a spokesman for Satan.

Francis Chan has really gone off the deep end. The man is a blasphemer as well as being a rank false teacher.

I previously linked to an article about “The Bible Project” and I keep learning more problems with it. Well, I learned it also has some theological problems regarding hell. Stay away from this “project.”

Where are all the discerning women?

Clint Adams has an excellent examination of rank heretic Richard Rohr, who also happens to be a major promoter of that horrid, unbiblical nonsense of the Enneagram.

Raphael Warnock is a false Christian leading a false church and now is trying to be a Senator. Just what we need in the Senate — another Demokrat, racist anti-Semite.  (I have yet to find in the Bible where we need to repent for our “worship of whiteness", whatever that is.)


  1. Hi Glenn,

    Where are all the discerning women? Same place we've been for years. In the pews, with our discerning brothers, eschewing all the false teachers and warning the body. Sometimes our warnings are heeded, sometimes they are ignored.

    As the author of that article said, Biblical illiteracy seems to correlate hand-in-hand with who falls for false teachers. Bingo!

    Carl Lentz - no shock. The number of "pastors" who have affairs (or commit other major sins) and then end up preaching again disgusts me. According to God's word, they are DISQUALIFIED.

    The current pope - the stuff that comes from that guy's mouth!!! Most of it is downright laughable.

    Francis Chan - living proof that a degree from a sound seminary doesn't mean the person is a genuine believer. Didn't he write Crazy Love? Just drop the second word from that title for an accurate description of his theology.


    1. Carolyn,

      I wrote an article on Chan’s book. It’s all law and no Gospel.

  2. Hi Clint,

    Thank you, I read your review. I am only vaguely familiar with Chan's book, having never had any interest in reading it. From what I did know about Chan, he struck me as a "two tier Christianity" type preacher; ie, there is one tier of "average" believers with "ho-hum" lives, and another, higher, tier of those who "do big things for God".

    I also remember Chan engaging in many bizarre behaviors (like leaving the pulpit of the church where he preached to move abroad; endorsing the NAR, ecumenical unity with RC's, etc).

    So his "Crazy Love" book never interested me. Neither did Platt's "Radical". My husband and I have had a policy for our home: read the Bible and keep our teachers few and tested.

    As I said above, the discerning women have been eschewing false teaching all along. :)



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