The fact that Trump hasn't won by a landslide and that Biden is in a good position to win really tells a lot about just how far this country has descended into total depravity with the desire for free things over freedom. I'm disgusted with what our culture has become. God has given this country the government it deserves.
But Trump would have won by a landslide had it not been for all the voter fraud by the democratic party. That should not be overlooked.
ReplyDeleteThere were more support for Trump than almost any other republican since Lincoln.
ReplyDeleteThat is idiotic. Trump is a shithole. Biden is a decent man. God does not need insane lairs and bully creeps to defend the gospel. You hae been bran washed by politics.
ReplyDeleteA lot Godlier way to go about your point but man do I agree
ReplyDeleteI read your post last night and have been praying. Yes, there is certainly a demographic in America that wants "free goodies", and that is worthy of disgust. However, as evidenced by President Trump's rallies, there are many, many American citizens who work hard, value freedom and love our constitutional Republic.
I do believe what we are seeing is a massive attempt at voter fraud, perpetrated by the same socialist liberals and media who have been attacking the POTUS for the past four years. Evidence of this has been circulating all over social media. We also have a personal connection to someone who witnessed election fraud first hand.
President Trump absolutely should legally challenge the election results, especially because the people who truly are being cheated are the American citizens. He works for us, and I do believe he might be the first President in a long time who actually understands, believes, and values that. The results - especially in these battleground states - should be examined to ensure that only legitimate, legal, living voters have contributed to this election, with only ONE vote each.
The future of this country is too important to concede without first ensuring that the results are not due to fraud.
Keep praying!
I did not vote for Biden but I am totally for health care reform and lower prescription costs because costs in this country for those things are way too much and I don’t think it’s about people wanting stuff free (although there are those) but many people just want health care that’s affordable and that is available in many other countries but not here. Some people work very very hard but don’t have the luxury of making 40plus grand a year or don’t have good benefits at their jobs...and some people are in situations where finding a better job is very difficult.
DeleteAmen!! I'm disgusted right along with you. Did we ever in our lifetime...(a long one!) think that it would get this bad? Nope! Yes, God is in control, no doubt about that. But sometimes when I hear people saying's like a trite statement being said to justify the evil....because Christians have been too apathetic to do anything about it.
ReplyDeleteYou are correct, but the fact that Biden was even put as a candidate and the fact that virtually half the country are LEFTISTs, should also not be overlooked.
ReplyDeleteWhat you comment is major crock. So you like bearing false witness against Trump? Biden a "decent" man who promotes abortion and every sexual perversion possible, and inappropriately touches every female he gets close to, and who wants to turn this nation into a socialist nightmare, etc.
You have just demonstrated that you have a severe case of Trump Derangement Syndrome.
ReplyDeleteI agree with you, but without the culture we current have, this never would have happened.
We agree with you 100% Glenn!
ReplyDeleteBiden isn't in any good position at all to win this election. He cheated, period. Not only that, but many people no longer have faith in our electoral vote system. Both Trump and Biden adamantly insist that they themselves are the victors and this will have to be resolved by other means. It will be weeks before we can really tell who won what. I think Trump will make it through all of this in the end as more and more evidence has been compiled of voter fraud. Both men are lawyered up and lawsuits are filed left and right. I have never seen an electoral vote so corrupt in my life!
ReplyDeleteJust to be clear Glenn it's only Biden that you claim inappropriately touches women. You honestly don't think Trump has done this?
ReplyDeleteYes, Americans by and large have gone numb to sin...
Hi Glenn,
ReplyDeleteWould you please comment on Daniel 2:21? I’m wondering if we can apply it to this day and age.
Thank you very much,
Anonymous 11/5/8:39
ReplyDeleteBiden is in a good position based on the electoral votes at this time. He has too few to gain to be there. I agree there seems to be massive cheating but I think it won't be resolved to Trump's benefit.
ReplyDeleteWe have no evidence of Trump acting inappropriately since becoming President. In fact we have no evidence of sexual impropriety for over a decade, and he repented of his affair.
Biden's 47 years IN OFFICE is rife with with inappropriate touching and sniffing, etc.
ReplyDeleteSince Daniel 2:21 is a general statement about God, it can be applied to any time or age.
WE don't have to limit character descriptions to mere touching and sniffing. Biden has long proven a problem with truth telling, and in far worse ways than is attributed to Trump...who in my opinion doesn't "lie" in a way that has any significance. Biden, on the other hand, says some really false things, even when he knows they're false. He was telling the lie about the trucker being drunk when Biden's wife ran the stop sign before being hit by the truck. He has repeated the proven lie regarding Trump's opinion of white nationalists. He has lied about his schooling, his knowledge of his son's dealings in Ukraine and elsewhere, about marching with MLK JR, about a host of things.
ReplyDeleteAnd that's just about his lying. When Trump insults somebody, he's usually doing it in response to something said of him, and the "victim" is almost always somebody of stature...either a news person, Hollywood person (Rosie O'Donald) or a political opponent. Biden has insulted numerous voters and always after they tried to get him to defend a position of his. He's called people fat, stupid, full of shit, a lying dog-faced pony soldier (I believe this was meant to be funny, but he still called the college kid a liar) and other such bullying things. He's a real jerk and always has been. Trump's just a goof with questionable social skills. is slightly more than just an affair, of course they could all be lying. I'm not American but I genuinely don't know how on earth a country like yours ended up with those two candidates for president. Are they really the best you've got? In my view they are both dreadful and I'd say you, as a country, deserve better. (Of course as a conservative I like tradition - I'm British so put yourself back under the monarchy...)
ReplyDeleteGod has already said that men will move further from the truth...iam not surprised and was expecting this outcome. Our challenge as believers is to shine brightly in a dark world and remember that many a follower of God served the Lord in dark times in their own nation and culture.trump is far from perfect—-he needs to stop saying he is joking after say things. What are people to trust when he makes outlandish claims with no proof? His egotistical personality is deeply concerning. That being said I didn’t want either option. Although trump is sympathetic to the Christian cause I question if he truly understands it but that’s between him and God. God is still on the throne and all things work towards His purposes....even in a society that is very post Christian in general. Gods purposes will prevail....always!!
ReplyDeleteI've just read your quote from George Orwell, given your discernment do you think, given his political and religious views, you should be quoting him? Genuine question, I know people who hold wrong views can be right, but I wouldn't have given him publicity.
ReplyDeleteWikipedia is not known for its accuracy in reporting politics, especially in regards to Republicans/conservatives.
The point is, that Trump has no sexual complaints against him as a president while Biden has proven to be a perverted sexual predator for 47 years in office, using his office to get his sexual kicks. The point is to compare apples to apples vs your comparing apples to oranges.
Trump has done more FOR America than any previous president in the past 50 years, and that's why we want him again. Biden is a Manchurian candidate and the Demokrat ideology is to destroy this country.
Your country has its own problems with socialism, tyrannical laws, takeover by Muslims, etc. So take care of your own mess before criticizing a country that is one hell of a lot better, and which bailed you out of two World Wars.
Anonymous 11/7 3:21 AM
ReplyDeleteNo one has every suggested that Trump was even close to being perfect, but he has this country's back, he has this country's welfare at the top of his agenda.
While neither person is 100% optimal, Biden's agenda is the destruction of the American way of life. For the Christians who sat out the election because they didn't like Trump, I say they get what they deserved.
ReplyDeleteIn regards to Orwell, his views are irrelevant to his statement of truth. I'm not citing him as a theologian.
ReplyDeleteAnd just how was the point I made "ungodly"? If it could be "godlier" it must be ungodly.
Anonymous 11/8, 11:33 PM.
ReplyDeleteThe problem is that "health care" is a product, a service. The government has no business getting involved with it. Government involvement is why the prices keep going up (just like with college tuitions). When government forces the insurance industry to cover unnecessary surgeries (abortion, "transgender," etc) then premiums go up. Obamacare mandates force my premiums to sky rocket (why should insurance companies bear the burden?).
"Affordable" health care in other countries is paid for by the government - - i.e., by us taxpayers having higher and higher taxes. And in those countries THEY decide whether and when you will get said care, and the older you are the less likely you are to be denied.
Insurance is meant to protect you from large losses. We pay car insurance before we buy a car. We buy homeowner's insurance before we buy a house (similar insurance for renters). We buy life insurance when we are young to provide for loss of the breadwinner. The whole problem of covering pre-existing conditions is unfair to the insurance companies. Get the insurance early, or while still part of family coverage. Forcing insurance companies to pay for pre-existing conditions is like forcing car insurance to pay for your crashed car when you buy the insurance AFTER you crashed it. It's like buying insurance after your house burns and then wanting the insurance to pay for it.
Just because there are people unable to buy insurance, that is no right for the government to step in and force insurance providers to pay. The Constitution does not allow such a thing but our government has ignored that document for decades.
And, yes, the vote for Demokrat is all about taxpayer funded college, medical care, and everything else they thing they deserve while sitting on their butts. It's also about forcing socialism and perversion on us, robbing us of our right to free speech and the right to practice our religious beliefs. And in order to do all that they have to get rid of the 2nd Amendment.
ReplyDeleteYou hit the nail on the head! Bingo! Especially where you said in countries with socialized medicine, the gov't can deny you care. Where do you think Canadians go for things like cancer treatment, because of the long waits and denials they continually face in their home country? They come here, to the USA, and get prompt, world-class care.
Plus, if we expect government to cover pre-existing conditions, then we have to address how some of those conditions came to be. Some are self-inflicted from a life of poor lifestyle choices. Is that fair to force society to pay for one's own poor personal choices? Or do we also want government nanny-state telling us what we are allowed to eat, how much we must exercise - and in what manner? Etc. There is no bottom to that rabbit hole.
Furthermore, the more the government is involved in health care, the less our society will value human life. Case in point: the new dem choice for covid advisor... he thinks life after 75 years old isn't worth living. Take that to its potentially disastrous conclusion... the dems already don't care about the unborn. Do we really need the government telling us who is worthy of living? Where in history has that happened before? Hmmmm?
This is what happens when one thinks government should be "god".
So what is the solution to the working poor in retail, food service etc that truly can’t afford health care or medicine because it is ridiculously expensive in our country? Getting sick and not being able to afford care isn’t going to keep them productive in our society. I am against abortion but also we can’t be against abortion and say all life is valuable and sacred and use abortion as a cop out and ignore the great need of the living right in front of us. Something needs to change.
ReplyDeleteAnonymous 11/16, 10:01 PM
ReplyDeleteWhat about those who can’t afford car insurance — do you expect the government to pay for that also?
The point is that the Constitution doe not allow for the U.S. Government to be in the health care business or health insurance business. If state governments want to do so that is up to them, but even then it steals tax dollars to assist in the rise of medical costs.
If someone really needs medical care and can’t afford it there are all sorts of organizations which help the poor. As well, churches will raise benevolent funds.
Health care and medicine is only “ridiculously” expensive because of government involvement.
Abortion is never right, never moral, and always murder.
What needs to change is to get the government out of the health care business.
ReplyDelete" Health care and medicine is only “ridiculously” expensive because of government involvement."
Yes, and malpractice insurance costs for doctors are another reason health care costs so much. Ambulance chasing lawyers have created a monster.
By the way - not too long ago, I spoke with a small business owner - of a family-run business - who told me about what happened to them when Obamacare was forced on society. They went from having a thriving small business with a number of full time employees who received full benefits, to having to make a choice:
a) close up shop for good, because they could not longer afford to stay in business with their full time staff and provide the benefits for them
b) keep their staff, but take away their benefits and reduce them to part time
They chose B, and when their staff asked why they lost their benefits and full time work status, the owners said "You can thank Obamacare".
That's what government involvement did to their company.