Friday, October 30, 2020

A follow-up on John Piper’s tirade against President Trump

You really have to read this article about John Piper's tirade. In fact, this is a good article for demonstrating that those Christians who have some of the same claims against President Trump are being abjectly foolish.  Remember people, we are voting for a President and not a pastor. 

Just a sample from the article:

Consider the sins Piper highlights as being biblically deadly: “unrepentant sexual immorality (porneia), unrepentant boastfulness (alazoneia), unrepentant vulgarity (aischrologia), unrepentant factiousness (dichostasiai).” Now, Trump, a presumably unregenerate man, does display these qualities, among admirable traits. But is Biden above them?

We’re talking about a man who was also accused of sexual assault (porneia), who has spent an entire campaign boasting about his political accomplishments of the last 47 years (alazoneia), who told a voter he was “full of sh-t” and insulted others (aischrologia), and who repeatedly divides people into factions, specifically stoking racial strife (dichostasiai). This is just from the list Piper provided, and is to say nothing of Biden’s character as it relates to habitual lying, exploiting his positions of influence for personal gain, undermining God’s design for marriage and families, attacking people of faith, and instilling fear to obtain power, just to name a few of the many more obvious strikes against Biden’s character. For an example of “bad company [that] corrupts good character,” look no further than the woman he chose as his running mate.

It is conceivable that a Christian could say that she could not in good conscience vote for Trump because of his character. But what is truly baffling, to use Piper’s word, is that a Christian could, with intellectual honesty, say that Biden’s character is better.

Wayne Grudem also criticized Piper.

1 comment:

  1. AMEN!!!!!! I've never seen so many people who do not "THINK" for themselves...cannot REASON....cannot see what is right in front of their faces!


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