Wednesday, June 24, 2020

The Gospel Coalition Proves Its Apostasy

TGC now has an article by a homosexual Episcopalian “priest” which says that the rainbow flag of the narcissistic LGBT agenda has the same symbolism as the rainbow God showed Noah.  And of course he abuses Scripture to “prove” his point.  Read the article yourself and see just how wicked this is.


  1. Whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa?!?!?!?!

    I have no words.


  2. Nowhere in the article, of course, does he criticize the alphabet perverts' appropriation of the rainbow for their cause. The fact that Sam Allberry has been a speaker for Ravi Zacharias Ministries in recent years is more evidence of Mr. Zacharias' decline in his later years.

  3. Cowardly anonymous,

    Nice. try buddy, trying to protect the apostate. Seems you are the only one who can't see the apostasy of sanctioning homosexuality and promoting it with the LGBT "rainbow."


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