Friday, June 19, 2020


This will be my last “Agglomeration” (or “Good, Bad and Ugly”) for at least quite a while, but maybe even forever.  I will instead maybe post whole articles from the places I now link to. I’m trying to cut down my time on the computer and have dropped many of the sites I have been following for a long time from which I’ve gotten a lot of my news.

That being said, I will still always be available for responding to questions or requests for help in regards to false teachers and teachings.

With that said, here we go with today’s installment!

The Good - For Education and/or Edification

Grounds for Divorce: Why I Now Believe There Are More Than Two. I’ve always said that adultery (any form including porn habits), abandonment, and abuse are valid reasons for divorce. The abuse can take many forms, as the article notes.

The Enneagram Part 2. Part 1 was linked to on May 12th.

This one is for education: the pagans are really bizarre.


Interesting quotation from the book True Stories of the Amish, as told to O.A. Garrett:
The Amish culture does not encourage physical affection amongst its members. This added to the distant feelings Dan had towards his father. Never did he see his parents kiss each other or anyone else, nor did any family member express verbally any feelings of love. The only emotions the Amish show in public are sadness and misery because the Amish believe that the more sadness and misery one has on earth, the more happiness one will have in heaven.(pg.13)

Chick-fil-A’s  CEO Dan Cathy has twisted Christianity to submit to the racist Black Lives Matter agenda as he says Christians should repent of sins we never committed and even shine the shoes of blacks to show our “shame” for racism. Here’s a wee bit more on the topic.  Chick-fil-A has been making donations to LEFTIST organizations and now this. I will never again eat at Chick-fil-A.  When you profess that your organization is Christian and stands for Christian values and yet donate to LEFTIST causes and succumb BLM racism against “whites” then you are “false advertising.”

More Wolves and False Teachings

Jen Hatmaker — she should be a hat maker instead of playing at being a Christian.

What is with Roman Catholics — aren’t they supposed to represent Christ!?!?

And the Pope wants Catholics to be supportive of Black Live Matter, which is a socialist, racist, anarchist movement. The papacy has always been filled with men who want to take over the world for socialism.  And bishops are funding radical groups!!!

Louie Giglio shows again why he is not qualified to be a pastor.

Some good information exposing false teacher Michael Brown.

Another perfect example as to why Carl Lentz is unqualified to be a pastor.

Joel Osteen marches with Black Lives Matter and Antifa thugs. Totally unqualified for any Christian leadership. He panders to the false narrative.

Oh the irony of an arrogant, narcissistic Beth Moore, a Scripture twisting false teacher. Just what was she thinking here?

Bethel continues to prove that they are not Christian as they pander to race-bating Black Lives Matter. Prayers in “tongues” are narcissistic prayers to self. The whole fake spirituality of charismania was on show.


  1. Why will you quit posting agglomerations and why have you quit following certain news sources?

  2. Anonymous,

    I stated the reason for both questions -- to spend less time on the computer. It's called using my time for other things.

  3. Hi Glenn,

    Appreciated Grudem's article. The only thing I'd have added is, while preservation of the marriage should be the goal, that hinges on genuine repentance of the offender. Abusers are very manipulative and will do ANYTHING to force their target to stay in a relationship with them, in order to perpetuate the abuse. I had found another article years ago that explained how to sift out those who exhibit genuine repentance from those crying crocodile tears. Here it is:

    Anyhow, thanks for another great roundup! I understand that you are changing how you use your time, but I'll surely miss the "RAAH" agglomerations!


  4. Carolyn

    I was thinking Grudem made a point of real repentance vs feigned. Perhaps it was something else I read lately. Nevertheless, you are correct: one must discern whether the repentance is genuine of feigned.

  5. I will miss these!~ Thanks for all your work on them in the past,and God bless your future endeavors!

  6. Hi Esther,

    I'm still going to be publishing things, just not spending so much time gathering stuff, etc. Like today I posted a "grab" of a "tweet" by false teacher Andy Stanley so people can see what a poor "pastor" he is.

  7. Hi Glenn,

    Sorry if I wasn't clear, I just meant that when the talk turns to preserving the marriage, it is a good time to double down on the reminder that genuine repentance of the offender must be the prerequisite and foremost concern. Far too often, churches rush the forgiveness process, and put a lot of burden on the one who was sinned against. I just felt Grudem could have added and emphasized in item D the issue of genuine repentance of the offender.



  8. Carolyn,

    We have a woman friend who was abused and the church refused to allow the divorce, saying that his repentance (too often and always not genuine) meant she should forgive him. Poor leadership. She left that church and got a divorce.

  9. Glenn,

    What a sad story. Assuming that by your remarks, the husband's "repentance" wasn't genuine.

    That is exactly why I said Grudem's article could have used some extra oomph in item D.



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