Here we go with another installment passing along links to articles to educate Christians as to what is going on in the Church, be it good or bad. Helping with discernment is the reason for this post, as well as this whole blog!
The Good - For Education and/or Edification
Men prefer debt-free virgins without tattoos? I saw the original article and this is a great defense for that article against its attackers.
Why “gay Christianity” is a false gospel. You really shouldn’t need to be told this.
No, religion is not the cause of wars (except for Islam, which has as its primary mission to subjugated the entire world).
An interesting article regarding God’s design for sexual pleasure in regards to procreation, and why it is intended for marriage only.
A great site for exposing Jehovah’s Witnesses.
An interesting article supporting December 25th as Christmas
For decades I have been saying that “Christian” bookstores are spiritual minefields.
This isn’t about false teachers, but it IS about false representation, especially to Christians. Chick-fil-A has decided to cave in to the LGBTQXYZ mob, and while researching the cave they have been found to already stabbing Christians in the back. Yet here is their claim: “[We are] based on biblical principles, asking God and pleading with God to give us wisdom on decisions we make about people and the programs and partnerships we have. And He has blessed us.” Check out this excellent commentary.
This is how I fight my battles?
Enough said.
And the UGLY!
Jory Micah—She doesn’t care what God thinks:
More evidence proving that the ELCA is not a church, but it is a goat pen led by those who would rather follow satan
A good example of why women shouldn’t be preaching?
More Paula White heresy. She gets the false teacher of the year award.
Another example of the apostate nature of the United Methodist Church. Perhaps they should read 1 Cor. 11:27-30.
The Pope and is RCC organization blaspheme God on a daily basis. Marsha West demonstrates that the Pope is considered of all Christians, but to do so the RCC must twist Scripture beyond recognition.
Small typo - it's Jory Micah, not Michael. The wonders of technology didn't help!
ReplyDeleteI have on rare occasions commented on her blog. I'm afraid she has caved in to the LGBT agenda, something I had a feeling she was going to do. This is the fruit of appointing yourself to a ministry that God hasn't given you, exposing yourself to spiritual attack and deception, and I had her in mind when I commented here a couple of weeks ago as a typical example of claiming a divine calling, but without any recognition of this by a body of believers.
Micah has allowed comments that are pure idolatry - "I have a calling from God, Mother Holy Spirit to lead ... the 2nd Person of the Godhead". The divine feminine. This comment appears on her blog under the heading "Healing from the Christian Patriarchy" which shows someone completely turned in on herself, and using all the correct buzz words from the so-called survivor scene. It is pathetic in the deepest sense of the word.
Beth Moore makes a similar claim of divine justification for her ministry, and seems to me to be heading in the same direction.
Ken B
Hi Glenn,
ReplyDeleteJory Micah "dared to be born female". As if she had any say in that. As for the rest of her statement, talk about rebellion!
And that woman at the CC who bragged about her posterior. I have no words for that.
IMO, those women are not "examples of why women shouldn't preach". Those women are examples of women who most likely aren't saved.
Women can't preach strictly because of our gender, not our character or our doctrine... for better or for worse. Even a godly, Biblically sound woman can't preach. Of course a godly woman wouldn't dare preach because she would understand and obey the text.
Hope you're recovering well from your surgery!
PS: maybe someone should let Beth Moore know she has to up her game to win the Golden Goat for 2020, since Paula White beat her out this year. *smirk*
Hi Ken,
ReplyDeleteMicah, yes, and I spelled it that way but apparently my computer didn't like it and I missed it. When I just now changed it, the computer again changed it back!!! So I told it to learn the spelling. :oD
Yes, I've seen some of Jory's narcissism and she is not far from being Beth Moore II.
Hi Carolyn,
ReplyDeleteBeth Moore has actually praise Jory's teachings!
Recovery going well; this past week I "graduated" from 2 days per week with physical therapists to one day!
Carolyn And that woman at the CC who bragged about her posterior. I have no words for that.
ReplyDeleteHow about 'seat of learning'? :-)
You're welome!
Ken B