Thursday, August 29, 2019

The Good - For Education and/or Edification

I’m looking for my life to settle down eventually so I can start writing articles again vs just sharing links to other articles.  Now, I do think it is important that these links are shared so more people can be educated not only on the bad stuff happening in the church, but also on the good teachings available for edification.

I’m still doing lots of medical tests and within the next two weeks I will be finished with tests and then wait for surgery to fix a torn tendon in my rotator cuff. So it seems as if we are not home much, which can be easily seen in the weeds over-taking the gardens!

Well, with all that intro, here is another collection of links to interesting articles. I hope you will find the articles to be worth the read.

Is the Gospel No Longer Enough for Black Christians?  “Social Justice” has no place in the Christian Church.

Thought-provoking political article — How socialism violates all Ten Commandments. Although I disagree about violating the law of the Sabbath, because Christians don’t have a Sabbath, and Sunday isn’t the Sabbath anyway.

Proper, correct church discipline!

What is a cult?  Signs to look for.

Is the Apocrypha Scripture? NO!  There are errors. There are other good reasons to reject it. Three early church “fathers” had things to say about it.

Psychiatry — told ya so!

“Sexual Orientation” is a psychological concept and not reality. Analogous to “alcoholism” instead of drunkenness.

Was Jesus tempted by homosexuality?  Of course not — but the LEFTISTS defending homosexuality wants you to think so.

Have a wonderful weekend!

1 comment:

  1. Glenn,

    Liked the article on Socialism v the 10 Commandments... but more than that, really appreciated your article on the Sabbath. All stuff my husband and I already knew from our own scripture studies, but it's nice to see someone pen it all down into a logical and well written article! :)

    This section in particular:

    "...remembering Jesus’ resurrection on the first day of the week (which began sundown Saturday, which is most likely when Jesus rose - Saturday evening, not Sunday morning ... Tradition led to meetings on Sunday morning (most likely during the early 4th century under Constantine), but Scripture does not designate any specific day to meet. Heb. 10:24-25 just says not to forsake the meeting, it never says how often to meet or what days to meet. Although tradition has set Sunday for the most part, any day of the week is fine by Scripture. It is a Romans 14 issue."

    Thank you for even addressing this, again something my husband and I already knew, but refreshing to see in this post.



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