The only thing I have trouble with in reporting these things is which things are more important in the huge line-up of wolves and false teaching popping up all over the place. Sadly, here are the choices for this week.
Beth Moore, again. So if an adulterer chooses to not practice the sin (beyond thinking about it), does that mean he is “sacrificing” himself for that cause?
Well, now CRU is teaching the false idea “Christian homosexual” — joining the PC bandwagon so many Christians have apostatized to. CRU is teaching this to YOUNG people!!
The Gospel Coalition continues its spiral in apostasy.
And concerning that author, Rachel Gilson. Wow! And posting at John Piper’s ministry!
An excellent commentary about Josh Harris and his denouncing his faith. Is this perhaps a reason he denounced? More photos of the “rainbow” issue.
Stupid Pastor Tricks. Don’t be fooled.
Matt Chandler has joined the “white privilege” preachers. No, there is no such thing as “white privilege.” This ideology was developed by anti-caucasian racists.
What’s Wrong With The Bible Project? I’d never heard of this project prior to this excellent article exposing it. I guess I just don’t get around on the ‘net.
Beware of church leadership having friendships with celebrities who teach falsely.
Dangerous homeschooling curriculum to be alert to.
Todd White proves again why he is a dangerous false teacher.
Beware of Lisa Bevere.
Catholics fail to remember how Jesus whipped the money-changers out of the temple.
Your comment "Wow! And posting at John Piper's ministry."
ReplyDeleteDo you believe that John Piper teaches sound, Biblical doctrines within contextual Scriptural instruction?
John Piper is a religious wacko who is a very unstable theologian, promoting himself over and above our Master, Jesus Christ. Sometimes I wonder exactly what "drug" he is taking due to the bizarre statements that come out of his mouth (the source being "his heart.)
My comment, "Wow, just WOW!"
Hi Glenn,
ReplyDeleteI read the MCO article on Josh Harris - and all the links within that article. BINGO! That's exactly what I was thinking when I initially read of Harris's "apostasy". My first comment when I heard he split from his wife and was "rejecting the faith" was: he likely left a legalistic false version of Christianity, which may have been all he knew. I wasn't sure what he had been exposed to, but I made an educated guess that whatever he had been taught was not true Biblical faith, or was true faith mixed with a lot of false teaching. The MCO article confirmed my suspicions. After reading about those preachers/teachers who influenced him, including his own father, and how massively off the mark each one of them was, Harris's current state of affairs is completely understandable. Perhaps that is why my heart was and is so burdened...
Anyhow, my anger in this whole matter is not directed at Harris. It actually directed at the churches and pastors that prematurely pushed Harris as a young man into the spotlight (it comes across like they used him) and promoted his unbiblical book (which they must have agreed with, yet, as I said before was a toxic combination of Bible truth and legalism.)
I like the description MCO gave that the "courtship movement" is a form of "prosperity" preaching - that's exactly what it is, Purity Prosperity Preaching, combined with authoritarianism. It's important to understand that while purity is Biblical, the "Christian Purity Culture" is NOT. The Christian faith cannot be reduced to formulaic practices. Period.
It's going to make me unpopular in some circles to say this, but the reformed world in particular is largely guilty in this Harris matter. It is obvious the reformed world spends a lot of time addressing the likes of Beth Moore, whom they have never promoted. However, they need to spend more time addressing their own problematic teachers, whom they HAVE promoted.
They in particular were one of the Christian groups that - in direct opposition to the plain teaching of Scripture - promoted a young man (Harris) far too early - and also pushed an unbiblical book (and unbiblical "movement") quite aggressively. Carl Trueman is right. There needs to be more heart-searching within the reformed camp, though I would extend that heart searching beyond the YRR movement, to the whole reformed world, their luminaries included. Speaking of the reformed world and their luminaries - they also need to clean up the theological train wreck that is TGC.
I also believe the MCO article "Fraternity over Orthodoxy" also explains some of the dynamics to blame in these problems. Men become lovers of the praises of men, rather than making and upholding Biblical truth the plumb line.
ReplyDeleteNo, I do not think Piper any longer teaches sound doctrine. He used to be pretty good (except for his Calvinism) but over the years he has gotten worse and worse. BUT, never before has he capitulated when it comes to sexual morality.
ReplyDeleteI discovered MCO in 1999 when I was investigating Bill Gothard and his teaching, because someone at the church we began attending was pushing for me and some others to attend an IBLP seminar. I'd heard the name around home-schoolers (we homeschooled) but never paid attention. The cultic promotion disturbed me so (prior to having computer and Internet) I wrote to Christian Research Institute to see what they had on him; they told me to contact MCO because that ministry had a lot of contact with Gothard and exposed his teachings in their journal. They sent me a great "dossier" and I began subscribing to their journal. They then pointed me to Personal Freedom Outreach in the St. Louis area, who also had written about him in their Journal and they also sent me material. Using all I found I was able to persuade the church to disallow any promotion for Gothard and IBLP. And I also subscribed to the PFO Journal, later getting all the back issues for both. PFO is more regular with more authors and is the best apologetics out there (IMO). MCO's is also excellent.
I highly recommend both!
ReplyDeleteYes, MCO is a wonderful resource, what a blessing that you found them. I am not familiar with PFO, will have to look them up.
I agree with Martha, Piper has been known for saying a lot of bizarre things over the years.
ReplyDeletePFO was behind the apologetics conferences in St. Louis for many years (biennial), which we attended many times. Top-notch speakers every time. MCO was a regular there.
I can really, really recommend PFO's journal. Check them out at
A lot of people have commented to the effect 'what has John Piper being taking' to explain his bizarre statements over recent years. The 'survivor' blog community in particular has been very nasty on this it its sadly all too often bitter way.
ReplyDeleteI do, however, think they may have inadvertantly hit on something. Piper had cancer treatment a few years ago, and although no medic - so this is at best an educated guess - I wonder if this has affected his judgement. I'm complementarian but I don't share Piper's strange hang up about women police officers or managers at work.
I know a Baptist pastor who went seriously bizarre in his behaviour, and this followed him falling over and being concussed. I would be surprised if there was no connection.
Ken B
ReplyDeleteI don't think he is on anything. I think he has just let his popularity go to his head and he's trying to please everyone.