Friday, April 19, 2019

Some Recommended Good Reading

Who was St. Patrick, and should Christians celebrate St. Patrick’s Day?  Patrick was a “proto-protestant,” and not a Catholic.  I used to wear an orange shirt to work on St. Patty’s Day, with a British Union Jack on the pocket!

The cost of leaving cults and false teachings.

Regular readers (and new ones) have perhaps noticed that I don’t normally address the creation/evolution debate except from a biblical point of view, using proper hermeneutical principals. I also will expose as false teachers those who espouse progressive creation, theistic evolutionism, or any other old earth creation nonsense. Once in a great while I will slip and make note of scientific fallacy, but that is rare. For those looking for good scientific arguments there is Answers In Genesis, the Institute for Creation Research, and many other ministries with solid scientists who are young earth creationists. I will also point you to a site by a fellow blogger who DOES like to spend time with examining the scientific evidence for young earth creationism and against evolutionism, and here’s an example of the latter. Jesse also has excellent articles exposing the errors of Roman Catholicism, as well as other general apologetics issues; you may enjoy visiting his blog. 

An examination of the Jehovah’s Witness idea of Jesus’ resurrection — bizarre.

Some good responses to atheists’ “proof” that God cannot exist.

It Was Not So From the Beginning. Same-sex attraction is sin.

How to demonstrate to Jehovah’s Witnesses that Jesus died on a cross, not a stake.

Using proper hermeneutics with Seventh-day Adventists.


  1. Mr. Cowardly Anonymous,

    First, your comment doesn't get posted because it is nothing but assertions and attacks. So you don't get an audience for your ignorance and hate.

    Second, I didn't write the paragraph properly in that the article I linked to was an example of evidence against evolution, while my statement was about Jesse's blog in general defending young earth creationism. I'll clarify that.

    Anyone who teaches Old Earth Creation is a false teaching in the topic of creation. That isn't cultish legalism, it is taking the Bible for what it say and not trying to squeeze faux-science into Scripture.

    Many, many top-notch Bible scholars and apologists are YEC, regardless of how many are OEC. Numbers of people who believe something doesn't make what the believe to be true.

    Try trolling elsewhere.

  2. Hello Glen,

    Our children in the public school system were required to write a paper on the evolutionary process. When they refused to write on evolution according to the teacher's curriculum, and instead, wrote and reasoned from a Biblical perspective, they said their teacher became red-faced and down right angry at them because the Biblical account couldn't possible be valid.

    When teachers get bitter and angry at your high school aged children for writing a creation paper using the Scriptures as a reference point, instead of the inconsistent method of carbon dating, then you know that immature men and women who call themselves teachers, are in need of much prayer.

    So much for the "free thought" belief system of our public schools.


  3. Hi Martha,

    When our daughter was in 8th grade the test required responses that agreed with the evolutionist teachings of the book. SO she wrote her answers with the prefix, "The book says....." and left it at that. Well, that infuriated the teacher, who gave her an F on the test (he knew she was a Christian because she questioned what the book said during class). We took the issue to the principal, who said that since all the answers she gave were correct that the teacher must accept them and give her the A she deserved.

    That was one of several issues which led us to pull our kids out of public school.

  4. Glen,

    I am so thankful that you parents defended your child against a Goliath educational system that is designed to brainwash, indoctrinate, and manipulate the children into a false belief/satanic belief system. We homeschooled our children in health education due to the disgusting sex ed curriculum, if one could call it that. The high school principal threatened us that if we did not allow our children to attend their health classes, they would lower the status of their class ranks. Not intimidated, we lovingly shared with her, that if she penalized our children, then we would pull all of them out of the public school system because they were all excellent students and self motivators, so we would have no problem educating them at home and they would still be eligible for college scholarships.

    She backed down in a hurry as I am almost certain she saw all of those government green backs flying out the door. Money is everything to the public educational system.

    Good work Glen, and your inspiring daughter as well. Contending for the faith that was once and for all delivered to us saints is not easy, but well worth our eternal rewards with our Savior!


  5. Martha,

    We put our kids in a Christian school for one year, but that was too expensive and we began learning about home schooling, so that is what we did. Our daughter was homeschooled for high school, and our son was home schooled 3 years behind her, so he was homeschooled longer.

    We must have done a good job; our daughter graduated a Christian college with honors, with degrees in elementary education and music; she is now an elementary school music teacher. Our son wasn't interested in college because he wanted to be a woodworker. He apprenticed with a woodworker and has exceptional skill.

  6. How do we know that Genesis is history and not a myth? Wouldn't a talking serpent characterize such a genre?

  7. Anonymous,

    Genesis is written as history and all of Israel in the O.T. and Christians in the N.T. accepted it as history, as did Christ himself.

    A talking serpent is no different than a talking donkey. God is the creator and can give voice to whatever he wishes to give voice to.


PLEASE DO NOT ENTER YOUR COMMENT MORE THAN ONCE - it will not show until moderated. Comments with links - either with the commenter's name or in the text of the comment - which link to sites with heretical, aberrational, obscene or otherwise improper teaching, will not be published with said links. Comments which are mostly, or only, ad hominem attacks will not be published.