Refer to my 9/25/18 post about the margin notes in my Bible, and why I decided to share them on this blog.
1:3 “according to the flesh”: This statement is unnecessary if Jesus was merely a man.
1:7 “Grace…peace”: “Grace” is Greek, “peace” is Jewish.
1:8 “telling”: This word actually limits the intent; Paul lives the gospel, which includes “telling.”
1:14: “barbarians”: These didn’t know Greek or Latin.
2:25ff: “circumcision” represents faith.
3:27-31: This section is the outline for chapter 4.
4:2: Abraham was before the Law.
4:16-18: The faith was not in his inability to have a child (he doubted that) but God’s ability to make him a father of nations.
6:3-5: Baptism is by immersion.
8:2 “law”: the word here means “principle.”
8:8: refers to unbelievers.
8:9-11: The Spirit lives in you if you are a believer. The Spirit of Christ is the Spirit of God.
8:14: Only Christians are God’s children.
8:19-22: The Earth is under corruption.
8:29: “foreknew”—NOT “fore-ordained”
8:30: “predestined,” i.e. planned for.
Chapters 9 through 11: about nations, not individuals, chosen for service, not for salvation.
Chapter 9: Israel’s past.
9:13: Israel vs Edomites; Israel chosen, Edomites enemy.
9:15: reference is to the aftermath of calf worship. Despite Israel’s sin, Moses asked to see God’s glory. God’s mercy to Moses over idolaters.
9:21ff: “Clay” is Abraham: One part, Isaac, for honor-chosen; One part, Ishmael—not chosen. Could also be Israel at the calf incident; objects of wrath being the idolaters.
Chapter 10: Israel’s present.
Chapter 11: Israel’s future.
11:13-24: The trunk is not Israel, the tree is the place of spiritual blessings. The branches are not saved but Israel and gentiles. The root is Abraham’s faith.
12:1 “urge”: literally, “exhort”
12:19: see 13:4b
15:18-19: Paul was personally inspired, and confirmed by signs and wonders.
Hey Glenn,
ReplyDeleteWhat do you make of this article?:
ReplyDeleteExcept for the error of claiming Romans 9 is about individual election, the teaching about Romans 11 is good.