Saturday, January 26, 2019

Interesting Articles for Your Edification

Origin of the Christmas tree?

John 6:51-55 and transubstantiation. Twisting of Scripture by Rome.

Did Ignatius teach transubstantiation, as Rome claims he did? No, he did not. What about Justin Martyr? Again, nope. Clement of Alexandria? Huh, uh.  Perhaps Tertullian? Sorry, Rome, but he didn’t teach it either!  Rome has been lying for way too long so as to keep their congregants bound to rituals.

Interesting study of the Nativity stories.

Five Biblical Reasons Homosexuality is Worse than Most Other Sins.

A good history lesson about Pentecostalism.

The Trinity in the Old Testament, Part 1. Part 2. Part 3.

How Sunday schools are raising the next generation of secular humanists.


  1. This article on the Trinity would be useful to readers:

  2. Hi Glenn,

    Hinton's "Stop trying to convert wolves" - very good. I also read the article before it and after it, about why churches heap pain on victims of abuse while coddling the wolf abusers, and what Hinton predicted for 2018.

    Think about The Village Church, and how they treated the former wife (marriage annulled) of a child abuser (her - put in church discipline; apology to her only after the story hit the headlines) vs. how they treated him (shown plentiful 'grace'). I also read recently that TVC had to remove a man from ministry because of another situation of child abuse. Notice in the article how well they want to speak of that minister... and compare it to Hinton's article "Why child rapists are treated far better than their victims in the church".

    And - on this topic, a great article about churches needing to see the unrepentant abuser for what he/she is - a harmful and unrepentant, game playing abuser:

    I long for the day when church leaders will recognize a wolf for what he/she is: A WOLF. And do what Jesus told them to do: protect the sheep. What we've seen FAR too often: coddle wolf or tolerate the abusive person while battering sheep or shaming/silencing the victim.

    Moving on...

    Love the article about the distortions of holding to an amill theology. Amill's start with wrong hermeneutics, and make a number of errors in many doctrines, not just eschatology. They can be right on some topics, but their wrong theology eventually affects much of their doctrine and practice. Hence things like socialism. Hence why many of today's Christian SJWs are, in fact, amill.


  3. PS, also loved Jackie Alnor's article on sheepdog/watchmen. Believers with discernment have a tedious job, and are usually *very* unappreciated by the church...

    If anyone doubts this, go into your local assembly and start naming false teachers, like Beth Moore. Have fun! ;-)


  4. Not everything from God will make us feel joyful and at peace. That is what caused the three apostles to fear. Neither Elijah, Moses nor any others are equal to Jesus and should never, therefore, be treated in the same way. Jesus is vastly more important than all the rest. We are to focus on what the Lord Jesus says, according to the heavenly Father (which is the opposite message of some so-called Christian teachers today, especially who those who believe in dispensationalism).

  5. Anonymous,

    Your first sentence is a straw man -- no one has made this claim. In fact, your statement about Elijah and Moses, etc, is also a straw man. And you seem to have a problem with people who teach dispensationalism, which is not an unbiblical position, rather it is a way of looking at how God has worked with his people over the centuries. I disagree with some of dispensationalist teachings but it is NOT totally opposite of what Jesus taught.

    If you don't want to behave as a troll, don't use anonymity and straw man arguments.


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