Monday, January 14, 2019

Bad and Ugly Stuff in the Church

Hillsong’s Brain Houston wins the False Teacher of the Year Award.

More proof that the Pope is a pawn of Satan.

First it was the priests who sexually molested children, now it’s the nuns.  This is what happens when you force your people to abstain from sex — they do it secretly!

Pedophilia and homosexuality are rampant in the Catholic Church, not just in the USA but all over the world. This paragraph is very telling: But the Church invited this scandal when it began allowing homosexuals to enter its seminaries in the 1960s. They did so because of the difficulty of recruiting young men into the priesthood who quite naturally wanted to marry and have families. As more and more homosexuals flooded seminaries and then went into the priesthood, a culture of homosexuality was fostered in the church with all its attendant pathologies.

Beth Moore.  I really wish this narcissist would go away so we’d never again hear from her with her horrid teachings.  Just what do we do with her?!?!

Rank heretic and vicious wolf Kenneth Copeland is again claiming God tells him things; God has told him he will live to be 120 years old so he can continue to preach the “gospel.”  All Copeland ever taught were the lies of Satan.

More proof that Jimmy Carter worships a different God and different Christ than who we find in Scripture. This is nothing less than pure blasphemy. His ideology is the reason he was the worst President in history—that is, until Obama.

Todd White is a dangerous, demon-lead wolf.  I just don’t understand why anyone would listen to him.

Francis Chan is another dangerous wolf.

A closure to the Harvest Bible Chapel/James MacDonald lawsuit situation. He needs “to confess, repent, and resign.”

Christine Caine: her teachings are straight from hell.

For once, I agree with Andy Stanley, although not for the same reason.  The 10Cs were never meant for anyone but Israel, as I demonstrated in this article about the Sabbath. However, as I note in my article, nine of the ten are what Paul says are planted in the heart of everyone, and are all noted as binding in the New Testament. As for erecting 10C monuments, Stanley doesn’t seem to understand that they memorialize the moral laws which are the foundation of the Church as well as society as a whole.

Thabiti Anyabwile continues to demonstrate that he is not qualified to be a pastor. He promotes illegal activities.


  1. Hi Glenn,

    Been following the MacDonald/Harvest situation, and I agree with Julie Roys.

    I also agree with the remark A Stanley made, that the believer is not under the Law, but for a VERY different reason. (I do NOT consider A Stanley to be a sound teacher, and would never endorse or recommend him.) I also agree with you - the 10 Commandments were given to Israel, and Israel alone.

    As far as the Law of Moses and the believer is concerned, the Bible is clear: the Law of Moses is the tutor that leads the unsaved to Christ, because it shows us our sin and condemns us. Once we have trusted Christ, the tutor is no longer needed. We are transferred out from under the Law of Moses to a new Law - the Law of Christ, which is the Law of Love. Once saved, we die to the law and live for Christ. Our lives are hidden in Christ. We are sanctified not by law, but by grace, through the power of the indwelling Holy Spirit. The law has no power to sanctify anyone, anyhow. Galatians 3 and many other NT passages explain all of this pretty clearly. And now that we are not under the law, but under grace, should we go on sinning? Of course not! Romans 6 takes care of that incorrect thinking. This has been my understanding since I was first saved, and I haven't wavered on it once.

    Many years ago, I found this article which explains these wonderful truth in much more detail, including full scriptural support.

    The legalist, the reformed theologian, and the antinomian are all incorrect in their understanding of the Law of Moses in regards to the believer.


  2. Carolyn,

    Well said.

    I really, really like Gary Gilley's articles. I've subscribed to TOTT since 2002 when we attended our first apologetics conference where he was one of the plenary speakers. And he was there with all the other conferences in 2004, 2006, 2008, 2010 and 2012.

  3. Glenn,

    Thank you! I also really like Gary Gilley's articles. In particular, the two I linked above are real standouts in my opinion.


  4. He's had so many good ones it's hard for me to say which ones I've liked best!!

  5. Oh, what I forgot to say was that I liked hit story to make the point: always reminded me of Pilgrim's Progress-- a story to make a point.

  6. I agree, I also loved how he used a story that taught the point before he taught the point!

    Kinda like His Father, eh?!


  7. I’m new to your blog. I have WAY to much to say but I am compelled to tell you why I cannot stop reading!
    1. My husband is an Air Traffic Controller at ZHU, our oldest son is also an ATC guy.
    2. My husband is eligible to retire, however we still have 1 son to get through college and we are concerned with our current situation (as I am sure you are well aware of).
    3. We moved to the country and we are in a VERY small Baptist Church and he started the Bible Study “Expericing God.” I have been disturbed by some of the teachings and the pastor has only been in full time ministry for about 7 years. His life was radically changed when he went through it before he left his secular vocation to “surrender to preach”. (Very “Baptist” use of words).
    4. We liked this church bc he taught Expository. However I find there to be a lot of his “opinions” and legalism. The church is comprised of VERY young believers who are ripe for being misled. But there are not many choices here in this small town. This is how I found your Web site bc as I read Blackabys study guide, I am afraid it sets Christians up to “follow a particular leader.” And not just be In Christ.
    5. Alex and I were both raised Southern Baptist, started out marriage in a Baptist Church, left to find a more Biblical view to a “Bible Church.”
    6. Left there bc they became “Seeker Friendly” after 7years.
    7. Found ourselves in a John Mac Author church that was soooooo condemning, I never felt really saved and there were some weird “accountability groups.”
    8. By Gods grace my husbands Great Uncle David Kuykendahl had passed away and we started devouring his books on “Christ in you.” He has a website that has helped us more than all the years we ever spent in church!! He explained our position inChrist and that we are no longer under the law but under grace! We became FREE In Christ and have been living daily being crucified with Him and now we are raised to walk in newless of life......daily.
    9. My problem is we desire to serve the Body Of Christ and be in fellowship, but it seems every time we find a church there creeps in legalism........or condemnation.......or works........ or “follow me the Pastor.” .........or too much “feeling without the Word.”
    We desire not to cause division but we DO desire to teach others how to live In Christ, so do you have any thoughts or ways you have delt with being involved in the local church?
    I’m just so frustrated.

  8. Hello Alicia, and welcome to my blog!

    I didn't retire from ATC until they forced me out! Then 6 weeks later I went back for 18 months as a contract instructor. I started in 1978 at ZAU, then in Aug 1981 transferred to DuPage Airport Control Tower, West Chicago. Originally sent there to help during the illegal strike, but then asked if I could stay there because it was a lot more fun. By 1995 we were tired of the Chicago area and Cedar Rapids had an opening. I was a supervisor for the last 10 years at DPA.
    The one good thing about the current situation, the controllers will get back pay. Been there, done that.

    So I assume then that you found my article on Blackaby? That should give anyone all the information they need to avoid his teachings. If your pastor had a life change by reading Blackaby stuff, then that tells me he lacks discernment and I wouldn't trust his teachings.

    Finding a good church nowadays is getting to be more and more difficult for many reasons, including what you note. When leaders bring in teachings from false teachers like Blackaby, it ends up leading to more and more junk being brought in and it leads to more and more collapse of that assembly. That's what happened at our last church, as well as previous ones (you can read "My Church Experience" article. ( We used to be very involved in church; teaching in Sunday school for all ages, on the mission board, newcomers, etc. But as each church we did these things began going downhill we slowly pulled out of all ministry and began looking again. We've gotten to the point that we don't want to be involved because when they go whacky, it makes it more difficult to leave. We will no longer join as members anywhere, but we have an assembly now where we can go to classes and also take part in the worship service. We do continue to make friends in the congregation and minister to people as much as we can (my wife is especially good at reaching out to the older women). That's the best I can suggest for you if you can find a church which doesn't promote false teachers.

    I looked the link you provided for your uncle's site, but it's gone.

  9. Thank you for your response and I apologize for the wrong web address, here is the correct link, I wrote to you in the wee hours of the morning. . I will check out your experience article. Looking forward to reading all your articles.

    This is frustrating as we still have 2 of our 4 children living at home and they LOVE going to this church. The youth leaders are not teaching Expericing God. The pastor really respects our family and seeks out my husband to discuss the Bible, life, etc. We like their sweet family and have no problem attending but holding fast to living IN CHRIST. We desire not to cause division.

    Thank you again. We will be praying about our current situation and I look forward to reading your blog! 😁

  10. Alicia,

    Thanks for that link -- I've saved it to my "to read" file for now.

    You might try meeting with your pastor and share with him all the concerns about Blackaby, such as I note in my article. Perhaps you can get him to see the error of promoting Blackaby. That shouldn't cause division.

    I've in the past communicated with our pastors (lead pastor and associate pastor) about promoting Beth Moore; they were actually quite shocked to see all the stuff she taught and that ended the association with Moore's teachings!


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