Tuesday, October 9, 2018

When Worship Becomes Entertainment

The ubiquitous culture of consumerism and materialism has seduced many evangelicals into a ministry mode driven by marketing rather than mission. To an ever greater extent, evangelicals are accommodating themselves to moral compromise in the name of lifestyle and choice. Authentic biblical worship is often supplanted by the entertainment culture as issues of performance and taste displace the simplicity and God-centeredness of true worship. Our churches are worldly in lifestyle, worship, and piety. We have seen the worship of God too often made into a human-centered entertainment event.

Al Mohler, Jr. (1996). Cited by Dan Lucarini, Why I Left the Contemporary Christian Music Movement, pg.63


  1. I read this book because I am a contemporary worship leader and because it was endorsed by Ligon Duncan, a scholar who I admire for being true to scripture.

    This book was a wonderful practice in eisegesis and false interpretation. If you read the Bible in context, there's just no way to arrive at the conclusions that the author does. He basically intends to convince church leaders to do away with any instrument except for organ and piano during their congregational meetings. This poses a big question. Why does he seek to outlaw those instruments that are clearly mentioned in scripture (horns, drums, lyres...), while simultaneously justifying the use of instruments that aren't (piano, organ)? Because he is simply trying to push the agenda of his denomination.

    This is an older book and I think that Ligon Duncan's beliefs have changed a bit since the time it was written

  2. George,
    Talk about eisegesis!! That is what you are practicing to come up with the idea that the author was saying to do away with instruments except for organ or piano. His point is HOW the instruments are used, not that they are used. These other instruments tend to always be overly amplified to stir emotions. I have had too often need ear plugs for such services.

    Try again.


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