Monday, July 30, 2018

Pedophile Priests

Over the last few decades I have learned about hundreds, if not thousands, of priests who molested children (age 12 and under specifically) and yet were kept in their positions; the ungodly Papist Church just moved them around and around whenever they were caught.  This, of course, has led to many ruined lives as well as victim suicides.

This is one of the issues which is blatant proof that the Papist Roman Catholic Church has never represented God.  (Really, just take a look at the history of the
sexual immorality among the popes!).

I have always said that this rampant pedophilia among priests is a result of the Papist dogma requiring priests to be celibate, which is an unnatural state for most men.  These priests then seek sexual gratification among the innocent, and then coerce them into silence.

I recently viewed the movie, “Spotlight,” which is about a 2001-2002 Boston Globe investigation exposing almost 100 pedophile priests in the Boston area, as well as the cover-up by the local Cardinal and the Papist Church while they shuffled known predators from parish to parish.

This past week we have another news item about an investigation into over 300 pedophile priests in Pennsylvania.

Then Lighthouse Trails has a report of a Cardinal stepping down due to sexual abuse.

This sex abuse takes place around the world, always protected by Rome.

Popes, Cardinals, Priests — centuries and centuries of rampant sexual immorality among Papism’s leaders is 100% proof that the Roman Catholic Church is a man-made organization, invented to control people.  They are a very cultic organization who exercises onerous control over their members as well as abusing them sexually.  (Interesting how virtually every cult has includes sexual immorality and abuse by their leaders!)

And yet Roman Catholics refuse to acknowledge the fact that their organization is not from God.


  1. The same has happened in the evangelical church, as many recently exposed scandals have shown. Abuse of children, covered up by ministry leaders, in Bible preaching churches.

    Personally, I believe it is MORE damaging when it occurs in the evangelical world, because our Gospel, on paper and in word, is correct.


  2. Carolyn,

    Yes it happens in evangelical churches, but it isn't epidemic as it is with the Papist church, and when it is found the people are punished and not just shuffled elsewhere.

  3. Hi Glenn,

    Regretfully, in the high profile cases that became public knowledge, what you described (ie: "when it is found the people are punished") was not what happened. It's what *should* happen. But sadly, that is not always the case.

    Maybe the issues is not as epidemic as in RC, but I bet it's more prevalent/mishandled than we'd like to admit. Regardless, whether in or out of churches, victims of these crimes are often bullied and shamed into silence. And "in house", suffice to say, church discipline is not the appropriate response to an offender. Romans 13:1-4 is.

    1 Cor 5:12-13


  4. Carolyn,

    I'm sure it is prevalent to a degree in the entire non-Catholic Christian world. However, the point I was making is that these are individual cases and not associated with any particular denomination/organization. But with Catholicism, it is a virtual epidemic, and always has been due to their ideology in regards to human sexuality, keeping priests unmarried. And it doesn't slow down because they refuse to punish the offenders and just move them somewhere else so they can repeat their crimes.

    The only time Rome has EVER taken any sort of action is when they can't keep it under wraps and it becomes public knowledge. So they address ONLY those cases and pretend like these are isolated incidents.

  5. Glenn,

    Ok, I understand your point now, thank you for clarifying.

    I will toss one thought in... marriage doesn't stop the sexual predation of children. The RCs unbiblical forced celibacy of priests certainly doesn't help the matter, but the horrible reality is that many child sexual predators are indeed married. Predation of children is not a "regular" sexual sin like pre-marital sex or adultery. It is vile beyond words. So those with that inclination in their hearts, it doesn't matter if they are married or not.


  6. Carolyn,

    Of course marriage doesn't stop the predation if the person is interested in children. However, when they are not allowed to marry, let alone to even have a sexual relationship, then they will look for ways to satisfy their sexual urges in secret. Therefore, children can be used because they can be coerced to keep silent, especially when the predator is a priest who has control over their salvation (in their minds). I've read much research in the past which has shown this to be a cause of the priest-predator epidemic. Some will indeed find a woman to have a relationship with who will keep it secret, but all to often it's targeting youngsters.

    It is something that the Papist church has dealt with for centuries.


    An example of evangelical mishandling that went on for years, SBC.


  8. Yep, there has been other cases similar.


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