Saturday, May 6, 2017

Good, Bad, and Ugly

The Good:
Very good teaching about Islam — good for future reference — comes from Gary Gilley.  Part 1 is Islam and the Islamic People, while part 2 is The Modern Mindset of the Islamic People.

The importance of the Resurrection.

What did our founding fathers really think about God?

Problems with the Gap Theory

Avoid assemblies which don’t practice church discipline.

How much should “associations” factor in whether or not someone is a false teacher?  Elizabeth Prata gives an excellent analysis.

The Bad:
AWANA is drifting more and more away from the Word of God.

“Christian” fads — leave them alone!

Jonathan Merritt, with the Religion News Service, has decided that Christians exposing Jen Hatmaker as a false teacher are wrong!  Denny Burke explodes this myth.

The Ugly:
The Pope continues to prove that he does not represent the Bible, Christ, or God.

Reasons why NO ONE should remain with the Seventh-day Adventist cult.

The Anointing of Ease — about as unbiblical as it gets.

Todd Bentley — I keep hoping he will disappear.  The man is obviously demon-possessed.


  1. Hi Glenn,

    AWANA - unfortunate, but honestly not shocking. There are other unbiblical aspects of AWANA as well.

    Any false creation theory can be unraveled by one truth: there was no death before sin. Romans 5:12

    Regarding churches that do not address sin in the body:

    Should believers address sin with one another? Yes. That is Biblical. Scripture tells us exactly how to do so. Matthew 18 clearly says, if your brother sins against you, go to him ALONE... (verse 15). Alone. Just you and your brother or sister in Christ. Without a single other soul involved. How many believers actually do that first step? Usually, that one is skipped, and others are immediately involved, which is completely wrong. (Note, it is also Biblical to overlook an offense, in situations where the offense isn't serious.)

    Next, when it comes to the second step, that too is often mishandled... first, it says you only proceed to this if your brother does not listen to you... others should only be involved AFTER you have attempted to plead with the offender alone, and the person did not listen. Then, it says take ONE OR TWO MORE BELIEVERS (verse 16). Not more than that, and certainly not a crowd. Furthermore, since all believers are priests, it is not necessary - or even correct - to involve church leadership at this point. We as believers forget that we should be able to handle most of our Christian lives without "clergy" oversight!!!!! Sadly, we often are so spiritually lazy and infantile, that we run to the "leaders" to do the work of ministry instead of learning to be mature ourselves! Leaders are supposed to equip us as the body so we function in maturity. They shouldn't be running around cleaning up everyone's messes because we all refuse to grow up! Nonetheless, as we proceed to address the offender, is our heart really toward restoration, or pridefully trying to lay someone low?

    So when should leadership be involved? Only by necessity in step three, after the offender hasn't responded in repentance.

    Unfortunately, my husband and I have seen this process completely mishandled, not only as outsiders observing situations around us, but also from personally being on the "receiving end" of mishandled discipline. We've also seen sin in leadership not correctly addressed. Finally, we've seen leaders actually know about serious sin in a congregation and yet not address it. It's wrong on all counts.


  2. One more thought related to Matthew 18.

    Many believers we have encountered seemingly never apologize for anything. Ever. When confronted about sin, is seems that the only outcomes is that the excuses fly. It's never a heart felt, sincere, "I have done wrong, please forgive me". It's tragic. Again, just a demonstration of the lack of maturity in the body.

    We have noticed, however, the ones who are our closest Christian friends do value real repentance because they value real relationships. In these relationships, we seldom have conflict, because we are always honest with one another, always seeking one another's good, and always wanting to ensure we haven't offended each other!


  3. Carolyn,

    I agree with you 100% about the steps to confronting sin, and those assemblies where I've seen church discipline handled, they do it correctly.

    There is one important thing to remember and that is if there is serious sin in the assembly but no one personally involved addresses it, then the leadership should indeed do so, as Paul told the Corinthian assembly to do with the incestuous relationship.

  4. Hi Glenn,

    I'm glad you've seen discipline handled correctly. We have not. I could give many examples of mishandled situations. Many. It is extremely discouraging to say the least.

    On your final point, yes, absolutely, I agree... 1 Cor 5 where the assembly in Corinth didn't address sexual sin. That kind of serious sin MUST be dealt with in an assembly.

    Funny you mention that passage. That was the very passage my husband brought to a pastor (pleading with him, I might add) when the leadership of an assembly (our church home at the time) was refusing to address sexual sin in the body. That church was an example of a church that would not discipline sin, and no, we did not stay there. That was one of the hardest situations (if not the hardest, may very well be) we've ever faced as believers. We were totally committed to that body, and actively involved in many, many ways. Leaving was absolutely necessary, yet utterly soul crushing. We grieved for a lengthy amount of time.


  5. Hi Carolyn,

    Thank you for sharing some of your hard experiences in regard to church discipline.

    I'm not sure that many churches are capable of following the Biblical model you and Glenn have laid out. There's so much non-Biblical doctrine around that few churches I've seen have a unanimity of understanding amongst the members on important issues. In addition, many pastors and elders are just not interested in calling out obvious sin for fear they would split their churches or lose congregants. Perhaps worse, the ones that will practice discipline often seem to see themselves as the owners of the congregation. "Get in line or get out", seems to be their unspoken order.


  6. Alec,

    I so appreciate your comment. Thank you.



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