Indulgences, those things made up by the Roman Catholic Church to fill their coffers and/or for continuing to scare their followers with the invented place called “Purgatory,” are being offered by the Pope to those who celebrate the anniversary of the demonic apparition pretending to be Mary at Fatima, Portugal.
Here are the three ways you can get rewarded by the Pope:
You an make a pilgrimage to the shrine at Fatima and participate in the occultic celebration and rituals.
You can pray before any statue of “Our Lady of Fatima” — bow before and pray to an idol, as well as doing the same rituals.
If you are elderly and infirm, you can pray in front of a statue of Our Lady of Fatima and must spiritually unite themselves to the jubilee celebrations on the days of the apparitions, the 13th of each month, between May and October 2017. They also must “offer to merciful God with confidence, through Mary, their prayers and sufferings or the sacrifices they make in their own lives. In other words, practice idolatry.
It is really sad how Roman Catholics are in bondage to such a made up religion which requires works for salvation, including the practice of idolatry paying homage to statues.
Suppose you want to leave Romanism: Mike Gendron received a letter from a woman who asked to be dropped from RCC membership. Here is the response from her bishop (as posted on Proclaiming the Gospel email on 1 January 2017):
"In truth and charity, my response is to advise you against breaking full communion with the Catholic Church which was founded byJesus Christ the Son of God. If a person, with full knowledge and deliberate consent, breaks full communion with the Church that Jesus Christ established as His one, holy, catholic, and apostolic church, that act would be a mortal sin which cuts him or her off from the life of grace, thus endangering the person's immortal soul. The Catholic Church also teaches that baptism cannot be reversed or 'undone,' thus once a person is baptized he or she remains a Christian for eternity. It is my duty to inform you that you will always have the opportunity of reconciliation through repentance and absolution in the Sacrament of Penance, even until your last breath on earth. This is the charity that the ministers of the Catholic Church will always extend to you. There is no longer any "formal defection from the Catholic Church" according to its law, therefore, the Church's law does not afford me or any other bishop the option of granting your request. Sacramental registers are records of actual events that have occurred. They are the property of the parish church. No information contained in them can be removed, erased, or willingly destroyed, because they are records of ministerial actions that have occurred. "
Sincerely yours in Christ our Lord,
Most Reverend John O. Barres, Bishop of Allentown, PA
Do you see the unbiblical threats of loss of salvation?!?! What a horrible organization!!!
The RCC is NOT the Church Christ founded, rather it is an apostate and heretical organization founded by men so as to keep people under their control by using fear and threats. If you are a Roman Catholic, you need to leave the RCC.
My wife escaped Catholicism. Here's how she did it:
ReplyDeleteShe just walked away. And into the arms of Jesus.
That was 30 years ago.
AMEN. 1 John 5:11-13
DeletePraise God her eyes were opened. This is not so for many. This is a religion of bondage from cradle to grave - people have been brainwashed. It truly is a cult. Many Catholics have the spirit of rebellion as they refuse to see truth; they have been deceived. For them the lie is more beautiful than the truth. Again, all glory goes to our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, for opening your wife's eyes.
ReplyDeleteI am a recovering catholic, and you can't believe the blessing it is to have been held hostage by the RCC pharisees then suddenly released from bondage by Christ. And this really is a blessing at bible study too. At bible study when we discuss the legalism of the pharisees my brothers and sisters in Christ can't understand what it is like to be trapped by all the laws and rules and rituals that Jewish law demanded. Having lived through it in the RCC I can sympathize with the plight of the Jews that Jesus was sent to rescue.
ReplyDeleteI really understand now, and tend to tear up when I read Luke 2:18 "He has sent Me to proclaim release to the captives" that was me! He came to save me from captivity of legalistic prison in the RCC, and I can communicate this with my bible study class.
I have been a Catholic all my life and there is not a thing in this article that is true. I teach scripture, spiritual growth, doctrine and apologetics, and if what you say in this article were true I would leave the Catholic Church, too. God gave us His commandments. Jesus fulfilled revelation. The "laws and rules" you complain of were given to us by God. He also told us how he wanted to be worshiped. When you make up your own worship you make it for yourself, not for God, and often you cannot tell where entertainment ends and worship begins. Every dogma of the Catholic Church, including the doctrines of Purgatory and the Eucharist, was taught and practiced in the first century and was handed down by the apostles. Paul himself speaks of Purgatory in his letters, he just does not use the word Purgatory. Paul exhorts us to pray for a dear friend who had died. Why? if the friend was in heaven, there is no need for prayer. If he is in Hell, prayer would do him no good. The only reason to pray for anyone who dies is if they are in Purgatory and you pray for their speedy entry into Heaven. EVERYONE in Purgatory goes to Heaven once they are cleansed (purged) of the full debt owed for their sin, just as Jesus taught us in the gospel. Read the writings of the Early Church Fathers (just Google it) and you will see it for yourself. These were the Christians of the first 400 years of Christianity when there were no bibles, no printing press, just the word of God preached, as Jesus told the Apostles to do, and everything had to be written by hand. It was the Catholic Church, in the year 398, that defined the canon of scripture for Christendom, all 73 books. Until then, there was no bible. When Guttenberg invented the printing press, the first book published was the Catholic bible, all 73 books. It was not until the Protestant Reformation a few decades later that the some books were removed by them. On what authority? Christendom had always said the bible was the inspired word of God. If so, on what authority were these books removed? I don't expect that this comment will be accepted since the truth is hard to face when one has been taught otherwise for so many years. But I offer it in any case.
ReplyDeleteReally? Nothing is true in this article regardless of citing the the article about indulgences being granted?
Besides the Bible, nothing the RCC teaches came from God.
The Eucharist as RCC practices was invented long after the the original church was founded, and is nothing but idolatry, as I demonstrated here:
Purgatory was another made up place so Rome could control their people with fear, and indulgences were made up to give a way out of purgatory:
Where did Paul tell us to pray for a dead person? Never happened.
The whole issue of worshipping statues and worshipping Mary is a teaching straight from the pits of hell. The Mary of Rome is not the Mary of the Bible.
I've read the writings of early "fathers." Guess what, none of the Catholic doctrines are found in the first 200-300 years of the Church in the way Rome teaches them now.
For the first 400 years of the church the O.T. was well available. The N.T. books were being circulated since the 1st Century. Rome didn't define the Canon -- it was already defined by the end of the 2nd century. You really need to study the history of the Bible rather than parroting false Catholic teachings.
Now, since I cited the Pope's actual proclamation, that part of my article cannot be false. Since I cited an actual letter from a Catholic bishop, that cannot be false. You said their wasn't anything in my article that was true. PROVE IT.