Monday, August 29, 2016

Lies You Might Believe

The pastor at our assembly just finished a series of messages he titled, “Lies You Might Believe.”  These are lies you typically hear from non-believers who try to denigrate the Christian faith, OR from false teachers who have an agenda, OR from those who really don’t understand what Scripture says.

These messages have some good apologetics information for defending against these lies.  Here are the lies examined by the individual messages:

God Does Not Mean What He Said
We All Worship the Same God
Everyone Is a Child of God
People Are Basically Good
A Loving God Could Not Send Anyone to Hell
You Are Saved By Praying a Prayer
When You Die, God Gains Another Angel
Believe in Yourself and Anything Is Possible
I Deserve to Be Happy
We Should Never Judge

To listen to these messages, go to the sermon topic and use the drop-down window to select the individual message.  You’ll be glad you did.


  1. Although I don't have links to sermons, I could name a few to add:

    God wants me happy, and he told me it's ok if I get a divorce.
    I'll go to heaven because I've never committed the 'biggies', like murder or stealing.
    Everyone will eventually get saved because God is love.
    Some people live in hell on earth.
    It's a sin to ever be angry.
    I don't force my religion on my kids because they can decide for themselves when they are grown.
    God doesn't care what we look like on the outside. It's what's on the inside that counts.
    Abortion is not murder. It's just a glob of unwanted tissue.
    God will be obligated to you if you do this....( fill in the blank)
    The style of worship doesn't matter - just the message. Music is neutral, you know.

    All lies heard in the world.


  2. Hi Kathryn,

    That's great! I told my wife that I could continue with that series for a very long time because the lies we may believe are almost endless.

  3. The problem with too many Christians today is that they believe so much that just isn't true.

  4. Ralph,

    You hit the nail smack on the head. And the reason is because they aren't taught well from the pulpit!


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